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1、difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. Take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes Li Dazhaos classic iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the n

2、ew situation of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. A good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. In my view, village chiefs in the new situation,

3、 we must first have five basic quality. One ambition is to pioneer. Who is handsome. People only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. Township and village party leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, political stability an

4、d economic and social development issues, decisions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. Everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the Organizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral and other qualities. Therefore, we must a

5、lways maintain the historical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. To have a feeling of closeness to the second. The people and country. Our business f

6、oundation in the peoples blood in the people power people. Advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, called first, and enjoy comfort about others, Zheng Banqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect i

7、s suffering. Cao County officials, little my, a total turn off. Old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold with on people of deep feelings, heart Department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions

8、 thoughts complained, always insisted put masses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, and Lee for peopl

9、e by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. As Township and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoint on power, position an

10、d values and Outlook, as fame is light like water, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to com

11、e to the library, workshops, into the villages, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in三年级语文期末试卷(在90分钟内完成 满分100分)姓名: 学号: 成绩: 第一部分 专心聆听(5分)一、我会听。(听短文,完成练习,5分)1、短文讲了威仁爵士前半生从事 ,后半生从事 ,都取得了成就。2、别人称誉他 。3、你在故事中明白了 。第二部分 积累与运用(53分)二、读拼音,写词语。(10分) zhn ln chn shn fn zh qn

12、 b z jn xin m yu ln o m qn x k jin三、给带点的字选择正确的读音,并用“”标出。(6分)教书(jio jio) 弓弦 ( xin xun ) 窟窿(ln lon) 复习(f f) 否则 ( fu fo ) 虽然( su su)四、给多音字组词。(6分) zi( ) d( ) xin ( )载 大 降 zi ( ) di( ) jin ( )五、比一比,组成词语。(4分)蹈( ) 洲( ) 悔( ) 致( )踏( ) 州( ) 诲( ) 至( )六、在( )里填上“的” 、“地” 、“得” 。 (3分) 光彩夺目( )春天 时间过( )真快 快快乐乐( )学习七、

13、把成语补充完整。(4分) 大( )小用 ( )口同声 和颜( )色 ( )雀无声 苍翠( )滴 落( )缤纷 勤学( )问 津津有( )八、按要求写句子。(10分)(1)扩写句子。(3分) 一群( )蝴蝶( )翩翩起舞。 老师( )说:“你们的表现太出色了!” (2)照样子写句子。(4分) 例:蒲公英的花可以张开、合上。 蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌,可以张开、合上。 微风吹来,银杏树的叶子轻轻地摇着。 例:这恰好表明有数不尽的骆驼。 这不恰好表明有数不尽的骆驼吗? 这是我最喜欢的那本书。 (3)造句。(3分) 从“舒适” 、“纷纷” 、“喜出望外” 、“应有尽有”中选一个词造句。_ _九、把诗句补充完整,并按要求填空。(6分)(1)“嫦娥应悔偷灵药,_。”是唐代诗人李商隐 中的诗句。(2)“_ 万条垂下绿丝绦。”,诗句的意思是:_ _ _


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