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1、 PEP 小学英语五年级下册Unit2 My favourite season. PartB Lets learn。Lets talk.第四课时教学设计 内蒙古阿荣旗太平庄中心校 张春菊Unit2 My favourite season. PartB Lets learn. Lets talk.第四课时教学设计一 教材分析:教学内容:PEP义务教育课程标准试验教科书英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season. PartB Lets learn. Lets talk.第四课时内容分析:本课时是PEP义务教育课程标准试验教科书英语五年级下册Unit2 My favourit

2、e season. PartB Lets learn. Lets talk.第四课时. 通过本课学习,使学生掌握有关运动名称的六个词组。学情分析:五年级的学生已经学了二年英语了,有一定英语基础,他们大部分学生会做一些简单的指令,能做简单的角色扮演,但是他们单词量还是很少。鼓励学生多说多演,就本课而言,学生已学过表示季节的单词,但对本课的内容如游泳以前很少涉及过。这是本课重点要突破的地方。教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词和词组:swim , fly kites , skate , make a snowman , plant trees 。2、能够使用句型:What would y

3、ou like to do ? Id like to对他人喜欢的活动进行调查。3、.学生能听、说、认读句子:Whats your favourite season? I like. Why do you like? Because I canand I can wear .并能在情景中运用。4、能够听懂Lets try 部分的录音,完成听音选择真确图画的任务。教学重难点:重点:听、说、读、写动词短语 fly kites make a snowman plant trees 以及掌握句型 Why do you like .? Because I can 难点:句型What would you l

4、ike to do ? Id like to.的运用。询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及应答的句型Why do you like ? Because I can 教学准备;单词卡片和图卡,本课所用的录音磁带。教学方法:交流法,讲读法、观察法等。二、教学过程: 热身(Warm-up ) 教师放五年级下册第二单元的歌曲“My favourite season.”(让学生在愉快的氛围中,进入英语课堂。)II 预习 (Preview) T: There are four seasons in a year .Who can tell me ? Hands up . Ss: Spring summer fal

5、l winter. T: Supper ! Clap your hands. Lets read together. T: Which season do you best ? Ss: Winter. T: Why ? Ss: I can play with snow . T: Excellent.III 新课呈现 (Presentation )(1)T: Whats the weather like in summer ?Ss : Its hot .T: Its hot in summer . I can swim .(做出游泳的动作,出示词卡学习swim )T: I like summer

6、 . Because I can swim .(引导学生重复这句话)T: Do you like summer ?S1 :Yes , I do .T : Why do you like summer ? (重复此句话,并板书 )引导学生回答:Because I can swim .(让学生开火车的形式练习这一问答 )【设计意图】 通过已学过的对话和动作自然引出要学的动词swim,并通过进一步的问答自然的引出了本课的主句型Why do you like ? Because I can 词句融合,一举两得。(2) T: Today is March 12th.(教师向学生展示三月12日的日历,让学

7、生知道那天是植树节)Ss: 植树节 T: What can you do ?Ss: 植树T: Read after me .Plant trees. Who can read it ? Hands up .(板书: plant trees)Ss: Great! T: This group read one by one .Write this word twice.( 教师检查学生书写单词是否规范,并指导个别学生) T: Look at this picture. What is this ? Ss: Plant trees. T: Good! Lets read together. T: W

8、e love trees. Lets protect our enviorment.(教师建议学生应该爱护我们身边的树木,因为你们现在是小树,将来是国家的栋梁。) T: Its spring. We can plant trees.Why do you like spring ? Ss: Because I can plant trees.( 让学生用Because I can .in spring .回答,练习主句型 ) T: Look at this .What is this ? ( 教师向学生展示swim 和plant trees的图片,巩固和复习 ) Ss: Swim T: What

9、 is this ? Ss: Plant trees. T: Lets read together.(3)T : Guess ! What can I do ?(教师做出放风筝的动作 。)Ss : fly kites .(教师出示词卡并板书短语 )T : Can you fly kites ?S1: Yes, I can .T: Which season can you fly kites ?S1 : I can fly kites in spring summer fall.T : Spring is the best time to fly kites .I like spring .Be

10、cause I can fly kites .(学生重复学说)【设计意图】运用肢体动作教授动词短语,直观形象,时刻不忘词句融合。(4) T: Which season do you like best ? Ss: Winter. T: Why do you like winter ? Ss: I can play with snow . T: Good job ! Winter is beautiful ! We can play with snow too. What else ? Look at the picture.( 教师板书: make a snowman ) ( 教师告诉学生字母

11、在单词中的发音,让学生自己去拼读单词,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在教学中慢慢涉及音标教学,让学生觉得音标学习,非常容易。) T: Who can read it ? Hands up . Ss: make a snowman T: Very good ! This group read one by one . Write down this word twice. T: I like winter. Why do you like winter? Ss: Because I can make a snowman. T: Practice with you parter. (教师让学生小组练习W

12、hy do you like.? Because I can.)(5) T: Look at this picture. Who is she ? ( 教师向学生展示国家著名滑冰运动员王蒙) Ss: 王蒙 T: Great! WangMeng is an excellent skater. Look at the blackboard. (教师板书:skate ) T: Who can spell it ? Hands up . Ss: skate T: Supper! This group read one by one . Write down this word twice. Ss: .

13、 T: Good ! I like winter. Why do you like winter ? Ss : Because I can skate. T: Lets review these words. Look at these pictures . What are these ? Ss: Swim plant trees fly kites make a snowman skate T: Lets read together. T: Listen to the tape. Open your books. Page 19.(7) T: Lets play a game.T: I h

14、ave two students . One boy .One girl.Who can come here ?I say a word .You point. Liu Xin hui and Yu Qing bo . Are you ready? Who is the winner ? Liu Xin hui is winner. Clap your hands.(设计意图:在游戏中,可以活跃课堂气氛,达到训练目的,使全体学生置身其中感受语言的功能,在兴趣盎然的情感中习得语言。)【设计意图】创造情境学习词汇,学生更容易接受,把词汇融合在句型中,既巩固了单词,又操练了句型,避免了学习的单调性。

15、 (8) T: Which season do you like best ? Why ? S1 : I like Because I can . T : Whats your favourite season ? Why ? S2 : I like . Because I can .( 让学生在句子里练习单词)(9) Lets talk (a) T : Close your book s. Lets listen and answer . Which season does Chen Jie like best ? Why ?【设计意图】听音答题,让学生合上书来听录音,训练学生的听力。(b) Listen and repeat the di


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