2011高考英语总复习实用精品学案 SBIA Unit 3 Going places 新人教版

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1、SBIA Unit 3 Going places 漂流 素材新挖掘考点1. consider vt. 考虑;照顾;认为What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?Will you consider buying well-known brand if you can afford?如果在经济能够负担的情况下,你是否会选择购买名牌?consider sb./ sth.( as/to be) sb./sth 把看作 consider + n. / doing /

2、how to do/that考虑(不接to do) regardas/ think ofas /treatas 把看作(1)I once _(认为)him(as / to be)an honest man.(2)We _(认为)it necessary to tell him the news. (3)他甚至一度曾考虑放弃。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;even, give up) _(4)We are considering _ a car. Whats your opinion? A. buying B. to buy C. to be buying D. boughtA。consider doi

3、ng 考虑干某事。 consideredconsiderHe even considered giving up.考点2. experience vt. & n. 体验;经验;经历 People also travel to meet new friends, to try new kind food, to experience life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather. Welcome to this visit, to experience the real dream.欢迎您来此一游

4、,体验一下真实的梦境。experience n.(用作不可数名词)经验;体验experience n. (用作可数名词)经历;阅历experience vt. 经历; 体验experienced adj. 有经验的;老练的(1)He _(经历)great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.(2)Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his _(经历)as a young man.(3)Some of the students had _(体验)what ha

5、rdships meant before they entered the university.experiencedexperiencesexperienced(4)他经历过一切艰难困苦。(写作小练笔:主谓宾; difficulties and hardships) _考点3. separate adj. 单独的;分开的vt. 分开;隔离Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days time. There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers.高级军官和下

6、级军官的房间是分着的。separate vi.分开;解散separate from分隔开separate adj.分离的;单独的; 个别的separately adv.分离地;单独地(1)The patient should _(隔离开)from others.(2)They have gone to _(单独的)places. (3)Please wrap them _(单独地). (4)我们必须把好的苹果与坏的分开 (写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;apple) _He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.be separate

7、dseparateseparately We must separate bad apples from good ones.(5)A fence _ the garden from the sidewalk. A. divides B. separates C. breaks D. fixes B。separate“分开”。考点4. combine vt.& vi. (使)联合;(使)结合Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.Patience combined with dilige

8、nce is necessary to success.耐心结合勤奋是成功所必需的。combine vi.& vt. 联合combine with 与结合(化合)combine and与结合(1)We cant always _(结合)work with pleasure.(2)Bad planning, _(再加上)with bad luck, led to the companys failure. (3)我们应该使理论和实际相结合。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾+介词;theory, practice)combinecombined _(4)You are supposed to _ hydro

9、gen with oxygen to finish the test. A. mix B. put C. compare D. combineD。combine with 与结合(化合)。考点5. watch out注意;当心Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants. I said I should be sick, and that I must watch out for symptoms.我说过我一定是有病了,我得留意一下症状。watch out (for)注意;当心take care注意;当心b

10、e careful注意;当心keep a close watch on密切注意on the watch for警戒;注意look out 留神;注意We should combine theory with practice.(1)You should _(防备)thief.(2)_(小心)! Theres a car coming. (3)如果你不小心,可能会丢饭碗。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾; lose ones job) _考点6. see sb. off 到火车站、飞机场等处为某人送行How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing

11、 you off? I told him that I would see him off at the station.我跟他说,我会到车站去给他送行。see sb. off(到火车站、码头等处)送某人meet sb. 去接某人see through识破,看穿(藉口、谎言)see to 负责;注意(1)The students all went to the airport to _(送行) their foreign teacher. (2)I am to _(去接)my son at Beijing Airport on September 28, who is studying in

12、Japan and will return then. watch out forWatch outIf you dont watch out youll lose your job. see offmeet(3)我的朋友到机场为我送行。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾;at the airport) _考点7. You may want to try hiking. 你也许想试试徒步旅行。Lets try doing the work some other way.让我们试一试用另外一种办法来做这工作。trying doing sth尝试干某事try to do sth竭尽全力干某事attempt t

13、o do尝试去做、企图去做(1)If no one answers the door, _(试着敲)at the back door. (2)The teacher told his students to_ (试着做) the experiment some other way.(3)如果你厌倦了坐火车旅行,为何不试着坐飞机? (写作小练笔:主谓宾; if, why not, by air) _My friends saw me off at the airport. try knockingtry doingIf you are tired of traveling by train, why not try going by air?考点8. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wea


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