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1、Unit2 Growing Pains-reading 教案Unit2 Growing Pains-reading教案Teaching objectives:1. To develop students abilading a play2. To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers andaTo form a positive attitude towards solving problems betwagers and parents Important and

2、 difficul:Learn to analach charaulay. Teaching procedures:Greetings Gudents as usual.Step 2 Lead-in:Have you evamous TV show Growing Pains ? What do youlay? Have you ever hadd of exwhen your parents had to go away and leave you alone or with a pet? Ian you imagine what might hau were left alone? Cou

3、ld you handle allbility and keep everything clean and safe? Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas1. From Unit 1, we have learnt twbasic reading skillg and scanning. When reading dles and formats ofarticles, readers usually use dwaading in ordw about the main ideaarticle wBaaid, some books are to be

4、 chewed; some are to be swallowed; some are to be digested. So can you tell me how to read an English play? You may discuquestion withyour paand then Id lu to tell the class you2. A play usuallveral acts.Each act can have severalan you tellaraa play? Iat of a play the same as that of a news article?

5、 Are the worda play val? Aauluded in a play? What dudo? Do youu have to read a play silently or out loud?Please discuss all these qugrouur and share youwith your group membGo through the /st1:ategunit, thaw to read a play. A play has a unique format and styllays aa dialogue. A large amount of casual

6、usedwlIn order to better understand a play, you should read it out loud instead of silently and that you have to pay auluded in a play.4. Read the plaandPart A individually.Then conducta feedback activity.Answers Who aain charalay? (Eric, Daniel, Mom and Dad.) Whywas Dad very angry with Daniel? (Twa

7、s a mess./ There was trash all ovlace.) What happeneddog, Spot? (Spot was ill.)Step 3: Detailed readingaation1.Read the play a second time. Lets d o with PartsC1 and C2 individually, and after that conduct a feedback activity.AnswDad 2. Daniel 3. Dad 4. DanielDad2 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T2. Let s div

8、idveral groups and each grouad the play out loud and then act it out. Pay aatingand intonaach character while reading. We can hold awhich groubLet Parts D1, D2 and E individuallandduct a feedback activity.AnswersD1 1. d 2. e 3. abD2 (1) adult (2) d(3) a teenager (4) supposed (5) unpunishedE (1) beha

9、vior (2) door (3) adult (4) Dad (5) supposed(6) d(7) Spot (8) vacation (9) money (10) waitedStep 4: ReadingPlease read Alay carefully and fillaractersThings they doFeelingsMom and Dadjug bavacationexcited; disappointed; anglayingaurprised and frightenedDanielstay in a; angry2. Please read Act Two ca

10、refully and fill:CharactersDoing sthFeelingsDanielexpressing his angerangg his balalking abougs that happened todayfeeling sorry and regretfulDadstrong-willed/ stubborn3. Go through the play again andultiplThe passage is mainly about A. how the family manage to be on good terms B. wawa misunderstand

11、ing betwarents andD. what haDaniel andEric aarents g2.Wllowingauquarrel A. Spot was seriously ill. B. The couple return earlier than expected .C. The boys play football all day long. D. The brothers laziness( 懒惰 )ays hellaa frightened voice becauseA. DaduBafraid that Dad willand puDad will beat him

12、and his bDalways timid( 胆小的 ).4. This passage is a A. newspaper Blay D. diary5. Fassage, we ca( 推断 ) that A. childaarents. B. paaaldren and paate eaD. parents and children should explain to eawunderstanding occurs.6. The phrase “deserve to ” meansA. have to B. wad to D. to be good enough to havg7. W

13、hat would probably hallowing act ?A. Dad and Daniel will quarrel again.B. Mom and Eric will help Dad and Daniel to get ridunderstandingwill not play football any longer.D. Daniel will desert(抛弃 ) the dog.Keys: DABCDDB4. Task-based readingWhen Dad andWhat Dad and Mom sawWhaarthThe dog wad and hungry.

14、 T2was to be used to buy dog foodg. There was trash all ovTwas 3 aBecaudogs 5 , Daniel andvet. In fact, Daniel andall of that day waitingdog to be treated by the vadleause.Dad Moms attitude to Daniel and EricDad and Mom were 7 wldren. The y didn t lDaniel s 8 .What happened after Dad andDaniel andDa

15、niel anddtheir bedabed in10 , looking at Daniel who had his ad and looked ang:1. reached/got 2. which/thaappened 5. diseaaking 7. angry 8. explanalded 10. sil: Post-reading1. Do youand Daniel will explaarents what has happened? Or will the parents go and awo children what has happened?Suu wwo childr

16、en. What would you do? Would you stay silent or would you offer an explanaur parents? Wa bluu?2. Talk about your own exds of family problems exist in almost every family.How do your parents usually deal with your wrong-doings? Aarsh?Havver punished or scolded you for your being late when it wasnt your fault?


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