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1、学海无涯七份银行保函样本欢迎来到第一范文网,下面是小编给大家整理的七份银行保函样本,仅供参考。开立(投标)保函申请书 (中英文)APPLICATION FOR GUARANTEE (BID BOND)Undertaking to fulfil the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT submitted to you, we hereby request you to issue a Letter of Guarantee as bid bond in accordance with the column marked (X) shown below.

2、我们在保证执行所递交协议的条款和条件时,特此要求你们按照下面所选项目出具一份保函作为投标保证。( ) Please issue and advise the beneficiary of your issuing the following Letter of Guarantee reading:( )请出具下述内容的保函并通知受益人:保 函 (投标保证书) (中英文)Letter of Guarantee (Bid Bond)At the request of and for account of. . We hereby issue this irrevocable Letter of G

3、uarantee amounting to USD.in favor of XYZ Company as Bid Bond for the tender opening on (date) called by the beneficiary under the tender No应(申请人名称)的要求并作为其代理,我们特此出具以( )为受益人、金额为( )不可撤销的本保函,作为受益人根据( )开标的第( )标书所要求的投标保证书。We, ABC Bank, hereby guarantee to pay the above-mentioned amount under this Letter

4、of Guarantee subject to the following conditions:我们( )银行特此保证支付本保函项下的上述金额,只要符合以下条件:The above-mentioned amount be paid to the beneficiary through your fine bank in case the accountee does not enter into contract with the beneficiary for the reasons to be solely attributed to the accountee despite his

5、/her success in the aforesaid bid and consequently corresponding bid bond should be confiscated by the beneficiary.申请人(即投标人)尽管中标,但完全出于其自身的多种原因不与受益人签定合同,结果相应的投标保证书只好被受益人收回,在这种情况下,上述金额应当通过你们的银行支付给受益人。This Guarantee remains in force until (date), after which this Guarantee becomes null and void automat

6、ically and should be returned to us.本保函的有效期继续到( )为止,过了这一天本保函便自动失去效力并应当退还给我们。This Guarantee shall be released in full immediately when the accountee fails the bid.申请人放弃投标时本保函应立即完全解除。( ) Please issue a Letter of Guarantee as per form attached hereto, terms and conditions of which remain unchanged as p

7、er our written agreement dated.( )请按照本申请书所附格式出具一份保函,因为根据我们于( )日所定的书面协议内的条款和条件没有改变。( ) Please have anyone of your correspondent banks issue its own guarantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached form.( )请委托你们的任何一家代理银行按照所附格式内的条款和条件出具其自己的保函。注释:1.BID BOND投标保证金,押标保证,押标保证金。本文指投标契约,即

8、投标保证书。2.In favor of,(f/o)以某某为受益人。金融业务中使用频繁,f/o可译作“受益人”。类似的缩写如c/o由某人转交,AD,a/d (after date)出票日后,发票后,期后,AS,a/s(after sight)见票后。3.Subject to,这里Subject是副词,须和to连用,意为“在条件下”,或者译为“条件是”等,本文译作“只要符合条件”,比较恰当。4.Accountee原意指开证(信用证)申请人,被记帐人(汇兑)。这里指前面的申请人(applicant)。5.Be attributed to把归因于,把归咎于。根据上下文,这里译作“出于原因”。比较:Be

9、 attributable to,可以归因于前者语气肯定,后者不肯定,使用时,应注意二者的区别。Fail不及物、及物动词。本文为及物动词,指舍弃,放弃。偿还贷款保函 (中英文)致:To:不可撤消保函 号码Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.鉴于你方向借款人提供了一笔贷款,我行特此为借款人出具本保函并保证如下:In consideration of your making a loan available to the Borrower _ we hereby issue this guarantee for the account of the Borrowe

10、r and agree as follows:1.我行在此无条件地不可撤消地保证,借款人在贷款到期或发生加速还款或其他情况下,按时偿还贷款协议(包括经我行书面同意的对该协议的修改和补充)项下现时或将来的到期款项。保证金额最高不超过_ 美元(即贷款本金加利息的110%)。如果借款人到期不能归还该等款项,我行将凭你方书面索赔立即偿还。除非有明显的错误,由你方授权官员签发的载明该等应还款细节及到期日的任何声明应是终局的并对我行具有约束力。1. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to make repayment on time (

11、the due and punctual payment1) up to the amount of USD_ (110% of the principal plus accrued interest) which is or may become repayable ( payable 2 ) by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement between the Lender and the Borrower which shall include all subsequent amendments and supplements made to the

12、Loan Agreement (the Loan Agreement as amended or supplemented from time to time 3) with our consent in writing, whether at maturity or upon acceleration or otherwise. If the Borrower fails to repay (pay 4) any such sum when due, we shall pay you the amount on the date of our receipt of your claim in

13、 writing. Any statement signed by your duly authorized officer that gives (setting out 5) details and the due date of any such claim shall be conclusive and binding on us except in the case of manifest error.2.本保函自开立之日起生效,直至_ (贷款协议到期后6个月)失效。随着贷款协议项下本金的每一期偿还,我行的担保责任亦应相应递减。我行在本保函项下的担保责任将不受下列事件的影响:对借款人

14、给予延期还款等优惠;或贷款人不行使对借款人享有的权利;或由于本款规定可能影响我行在本保函项下责任的其他原因或情况,但前提是对该贷款协议的任何修改或补充须经我行事前书面确认,我行亦保证不会不合理地耽搁或拖延此种确认。对本保函项下的索赔可随时进行,贷款人在向我行索赔前,无须采取任何措施以实现其对借款人或其继承人的权利。2. This Guarantee shall become ( be 6 ) effective on the date hereof and shall expire on_ (six months after the expiry due7) date of the Loan

15、Agreement. Following each repayment of principal under the Loan Agreement, our liability hereunder shall be reduced accordingly. Our liability hereunder shall not be affected by the granting of any indulgence to the Borrower, or by any defect in the rights of the Lender against the Borrower, or by a

16、ny other matter or circumstance which, due to this provision, may affect our liability hereunder, provided that any amendments or supplements to (of8 ) the Loan Agreement are subject to our prior written approval which we undertake we will not (undertake not to9 )unreasonably withhold (withhold 10) or del


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