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1、窗体顶端主观题1、we can view an operating system as a resource ( )参考答案:allocator2、The devices that can storie date in computer components are called ( )参考答案:memory3、The full name of CPU is ( )参考答案:Central processing unit4、The full name of AI is ( )参考答案:Artificial intelligence5、In computing and telecommunica

2、tions, a ( ) is a list of options or commands presented to the user of a computer or communications system参考答案:menu6、Errors in computer programs are called ( )参考答案:Bugs7、O20 business model refers to ( )参考答案:online to offline8、The founder of Alibaba group is ( )参考答案:Jack ma9、The primary goal of an op

3、erating system is ( ) for the user参考答案:convenience10、An( ) language often abbreviated asm, is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the programs statements and the architectures machine code instructions.参考答案:assembly11、In computer security, integr

4、ity covers the two related concepts of ( ) integrity and system integrity参考答案:data12、The abbreviation of Hard disk drive is ( )参考答案:HDD13、The year 2000 was a turning point in electronic commerce. It marked then end of the dot-com( )参考答案:boom14、Most people use the terms electronic commerce and electr

5、onic ( )interchangeably参考答案:business15、( )is a database management system (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools参考答案:Microsoft Access16、The three most commonly used categories of electronic comme

6、rce are B2C,( ) and business processes.参考答案:B2B17、Computer language include high level language, assemble languagel and ( )参考答案:machine language18、The increase in ( ) connections in homes is a key element in the second wave of electronic commerce.参考答案:broadband19、Some people use the term ( ) when th

7、ey are talking about electronic commerce in this broader sense.参考答案:“electronic business”20、Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and ( )of goods or services using the internet参考答案:selling21、Machine leanring is seen as a ( ) of artificial intelligenc

8、e参考答案:subset22、A communication protocol is a set of ( ) for exchanging information over a network.参考答案:rules23、The name of first electronic computer is ( )参考答案:ENIAC24、A database management system(DBMS) defines, creates, and ( ) a database.参考答案:matains25、computer ( ) is a set of rules and methods th

9、at describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems参考答案:architecture26、( )is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet参考答案:TCP/IP27、Security concerns with respect to data encompass availability, secrecy, and ( )参考答案:integr

10、ity28、A computer ( ) is a computer resource for recording data discretely in a computer storage device参考答案:file29、A computer network is a group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are( ) together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource-sharin

11、g among a wide range of users参考答案:linked单项选择题30、the origion of Internet is from?. WAN. LAN. ARPNET. LRN31、The ( ) turns the object file into an executable program. compiler. linker. interpreter. computer32、Virus is a ( ). Beast. Program. Bad man. Computer33、The RGB value is composed of ( ) component

12、s. one. two. three. four34、A periodic refresh is needed to restore the information for the ( ). SRAM. DRAM. EEPROM. EPROM35、( )is an electronic payment system developed by Dr.David Chaum, who is widely regarded as an inventor of digital cash. DigiCash. E-cash. A and B. A or B36、By adding( ) to your

13、programs, you can make computers more interesing and much more fun for the user( ). multimedia. music. text. picture37、( ) is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines. Printer. Mouse. Modern. Keyboard38、Software engineering is some certain ( ). methods. managements. programs. p

14、roducts39、One megabyte equals approximately. 10000 bytes. 1024 bytes. 1000000 bytes. 65535 bytes40、An output of each phase must be ( ) carefully before being passed on. modified. checked. sent back. executed41、( ) is a device that enables the computer to handel sounds. sound card. network card. video card. monitor42、Chrome is the product of ( ). Intel. Adobe. Microsoft. Google



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