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1、单项选择1The _ girl sat on the floor,_.Afrightening;crying Bfrightening;to cryCfrightened;crying Dfrightened;to cry解析:句意:“那个被吓坏的小女孩坐在地上哭。”frightened adj.被吓坏的,frightening adj.使人害怕的,crying是现在分词作伴随状语,故答案是C。答案:C2Do you mind my taking this seat?_.AYes,sit down please BNo,of course notCYes,take it please DNo,

2、you cant take it解析:本题考查情景交际。问句意思是“我坐这个座,你不会介意吧?”A项和C项都用了“Yes”来回答,意思是介意对方做的事,但后又用了sit down please与take it please,显 然就不对了,既然是介意,为何还让人坐下呢?D项先用“No”来回答,意即不介意,但后又用了you cant take it,也是自相矛盾。因此只有B项是正确答案:“不介意,当然不介意了。”答案:B3The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.Abrin

3、ging up Breferring to Clooking for Dtrying on解析:此题考查动词短语的辨析。refer to参考;查阅。句意为:董事长在商业会议上没有看讲稿就讲了近一个小时。bring up“抚养”,look for“找”,try on“试穿”都不符合句意。答案:B4After he retired from office,Rogers _ painting for a while,but soon lost interest.Atook up Bsaved up Ckept up Ddrew up解析:本题考查短语动词的辨析。take up开始做某事;save u

4、p储蓄;keep up保持;维持;draw up(车等)停止;拉起。句意:在他退休以后,罗格斯开始画了一段时间的画,但不久就失去了兴趣。答案:A5The office was quite _;they couldnt find anyone in it.Aabandoning Babandoned Cdeserting Ddeserted解析:句意:“这办公室被遗弃不成样子,他们在里面找不到一个人。”从词义相同看,B、D均合适;但abandon强调丢弃某人、某种计划等活动,而desert侧重某地,D最佳。答案:D6_ role she played in the film!No wonder

5、she has won an Oscar.AHow interesting BHow an interestingCWhat interesting DWhat an interesting解析:句意:她在电影中扮演了多么有趣的角色!难怪她获得了奥斯卡奖。本题考查的是感叹句。role是可数名词单数。what后接名词,how后接形容词或副词引导感叹句。答案:D7Im terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty._.ASorry BNever mind CDont mention it DThats all right解析:句意:“我真地十分

6、抱歉,把你的桌布弄脏了。”“没关系。”考查交际用语,在回复别人的道歉时,用“Never mind.”“没关系。”,在回答别人的“道谢”时,用“Dont mention it.”,“Thats all right.”“不用谢,别客气”等等。答案:B8You learn _ how to milk a cow in the agriculture classes.You actually get to work and feel like you are doing something.Ajust more than a lot Bmore than a lot justCa lot more t

7、han just Dmore than just a lot解析:more than用a lot修饰,表示“多得多”,此句意为:你学到的东西比你仅仅在农业课上学怎样挤牛奶要多得多。答案:C9“Doc.” is short _ “doctor”Aof B for Cin Dwith解析:be short后面可搭配介词of或for。be short of意为“需要;缺少”;be short for意为“是的缩写”。答案:B10It was not a serious illness,and she soon _ it.Agot over Bgot on with Cgot around Dgot

8、out of解析:句意:她得的不是很严重的病,很快就痊愈了。动词get的词组辨析:A.get over康复;B.get on with相处,进展;C.get around传播、流传,如:The news soon got around/about.;D.get out of sth.逃避,如:I dont want to go,but I dont know how to get out of it.根据句意not a serious illness,故选A.got over。答案:A11After the _ increased,farmers _ more and more _.Aprod

9、uction;produced;products Bproducts;produced;productionCproductions;products;produced Dproduce;production;products解析:production“产量”;produce为动词“生产”;product“产品”。句意为“产量提高后,农民生产越来越多的产品”。答案:A12I havent heard from Henry for a long time.What do you suppose _ to him?Awas happening Bto happen Chas happened Dh

10、ad happened解析:do you suppose在此处为插入语,不影响谓语的变化。句意为“我好久没收到亨利的信了。你认为他会发生什么事?”答案:C13Will you give this message to Mr. White,please?Sorry,I cant.He _.Adoesnt any more work here Bdoesnt any longer work hereCdoesnt work any more here Ddoesnt work here any longer解析:指动作不持续了用not .any longer。句意为“你能捎信给怀特先生吗?对不起,

11、他不再在这里工作了。”答案:D14_ be given the prize?AWho do you suggest BWho do you suggest that shouldCDo you suggest who should DDo you suggest whom should解析:do you suggest在句中用作插入语,特殊疑问词应放在句首,后跟陈述语序可排除C、D。而B项多了that。答案:A15Stand here at the top of the tower and you can get a good _.Asight Bscene Cview Dlook解析:本题考

12、查名词词义辨析。view除了表示“观点,看法;风光,景色;视野,眼界”等意思之外,还可以表示“看,眺望”的意义。如:If you stand here youll get a better view of the city.如果你站在这儿,你可以更清楚地看到这个城市。答案:C12010浙江卷 After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away with B. get on withC. get through D. get acros

13、s【解析】 C考查动词词组辨析。句意:之后,他知道他能度过(get through)任何危机,只要他能尽自己最大的能力。A项意为“携带而逃”;B项意为“与友好相处,继续干”;D项意为“使被理解”,均不符合语境,故排除。2He had a wonderful childhood, _ with his mother to all corners of the world.A. travel B. to travelC. traveled D. traveling【解析】 D考查非谓语动词。句意:他有着美好的童年,跟母亲到过世界各地。He与travel为主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状语。32010北

14、京卷 Im calling to enquire about the position_ in yesterdays China Daily.A. advertised B. to be advertisedC. advertising D. having advertised【解析】 A考查分词作定语。中心词the position 和 advertise 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,用被动语态;the position已经被登广告,故用过去分词。4I only know it is a _ distance away from here, but I dont know _ the distance exactly is. Agreat; how far Bgreat; whatCfar; how far Dfar; what【解析】 B考查distance的用法和宾语从句。表示“距离远”,distance前面的形容词不可用far而是用great,good,long;对di


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