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1、 2012 土木工程学院交通工程专业中英文翻译Road sig专 业: 交 通 工程 英文原文The asics of a Good Roade hav nown hw tobild good rods or alng time. caeooss have found acient Egyptn rdsthat aried bckso the pyramidsin 600 BCE.Latr,e Romnsuian extnsive roaystem,uing hesamericple we usetody.om of theseroads aretill in ervice.If ou fol

2、lothe basic conets of radbiing, ou ll reate a road thwill last. Thetencommandments of a god od re:(1)ewat away fom th road(2)Bild ona fimfoundatio()Use the best matials(4)Copact al laes ropey(5)Desn fo taficlads and volume()sigormenanc(7)Pav only whe red()Buil from h tto (9)Protct you iestmet(0) Ke

3、good records1Gtter awy ro th rod35324 89FC 觼0582 776睶21205 2D5 動/46 8728 蜨sWcat oempsz the imortance of god drinag.Einees stmat tha les 90% o a rads rblmscan be relatd to xces erortor wrinage.Too mch ter iyler a rodsructue c waeat layr, leadig to ire.In tesurfac lyer,water cancause crcsadpotholesIn

4、lwerlaers it unmine upport, causi craks n pothoe.A common signof wterin n asal rd rface isalligator crckig interconnected ate f cracs foringsmll irregularsapedpece that look likealligtoskn.Ecrcking,fost eave,ad pring brupof pvement aso poio misure oblm.Torvt ths proemremee at watr:fws donill ndst fl

5、womeplace isaprobemfiti t foingEffective ranage systs et, rain and dispo of watr. oo thisty use iteretr dtcesan loe,road crown, ndtch and culert stemDvert Interpt dtchs, loated betweenthroa and hghergru alongthe road, kep he water fro acing the raday Thse ditches utlpe s th rywater awy rom the ro.Da

6、n Ceating acownin trods i e alnghe centlne h at the edges eouraewar fo of h road. Typicypavd cron shoud b 4hiherhnthe should fr each fot of width from t ceteri o te edge. For grae uracs tecrownshod be 12ghepr foot of width.r thisflw path to work, the oad surfaeust brelativelyteright.Ro shoulds also

7、mus beslopd way frthe rod tocntnu carrying he flow away.Sperevatons(banig) at the outide f curve will alsohl draintheroad rfae.Dispse Aith ndculvet syste arriswter aay fromthe road structu. Dchesshouldbt es one ot loer an the bottm o the rael ra yr thatdainse oada.Theyusbe keptclen n ms bslod to mve

8、 atr intonatualdang. If atr stays in te ithes it can seep back into the rad strctue and undermine it tret. itches ould also poteced frm erosion bypantnggrass,o intainrockndothr eroon otl asure.Erosio ca dag shuldrs and ditces, og culvrts, ermine rodbed, and contaminate narby srams andlkes.Evaluaur t

9、h nd culvertsyste twi a year to ensure that t ork In thefal,clean out easand ancsthat can bk flow n prin,check ornd eoe ls from plowingd any eant maerial lef from the fall.uild on firm foundaionA road is oly s g as its foundatin. A hghway weasout fromte o down but fals aprt mt bottom. Th adbse ust a

10、ry the entire sruture an te traffic th use it.To make a irm foundtio ou mayned tobilzheadbed with chemicl tabilizers, lge tone alled breakerru, otextie ari. Wen you nto conitions wh yo uspect tht thenave soil s ustale, work i a engneer invstiga the iaton and esign n apprraeslutn3. Use th bet materia

11、lsWith all oad maerils you “pa nw or par.” Inferior materials mayrequre xtensemainenne throuhout te rodsife They ay also foceyu toreae the road rmaturely.used arega isth estteral r th bs curseTe harp gles of thcrused materil telock wn theyre cmpaced. Ths suppots te avmn andtrafficy ransmiting e loaf

12、rom articto artle. y contrast, unded pticles at likealI01 982 概30 88B碋kv2240 5BC 垼bearin, vin nderoads.Anlarparticle e m tablta rouedpaticles.phal adcnc paveme terialsmut be o th highs qualy,dsgned forthe cnditions,btaedr etabhd frs,and teed tensuri mees specfictions4omct aersI genra, th morednsely material s copacted, h strge it i.Cmpation as shrinks o eiminats ope spaes (ods)



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