Comparison of the Animal Culture between China and the Western

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《Comparison of the Animal Culture between China and the Western》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Comparison of the Animal Culture between China and the Western(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。


2、过过具体实例来来探讨动物隐隐喻在东西方方文化中的差差异,进而论论述了东西方方文化的迥异异,正是这种种差异性才使使得人类的各各种文化如此此丰富多彩。关键词:动物;象征意义;中国文化;西方文化;文化差异AbstracctBefore the aappearrance of eaarly hhumanss, aniimals had bbeen bbloomiing annd livving oon Earrth.Human bbeingss in aanciennt timmes haave too relyy on tthe necesssitiess whicch werre besstowe

3、dd by nnaturee to llive. Thereefore, huntting has bbecomee the most imporrtant ways to maake a livinng. Theyy do eeverytthing possiible tto impprove the ttools to huunt foor morre aniimals. Sincce theen, huumans and aanimalls havve thee mostt direect annd cloose reelatioonshipp. Withh the devellopme

4、nnt of humann civiilizattion, a lott of aanimalls woords wwere ccreateed by mankiind. Animaal cullture also wouldd be rrecordded byy humaans.Both inn prodductioon andd lifee or iin thee spirrit off the cultuure, aanimalls cann not be seeparatted frrom huuman llife. Differeent naationss givee animmal

5、s aa diffferentt symbbolic meaniing. Even if thhe samme aniimals in diiffereent coountriies may bbe havve thee diffferentt meaniing. FFor innstancce, DDragonn forr the Chineese peeople is a ssymboll of ppower and ddignitty. Howeever, in thhe Wesst it is a symbool of evil and ccruel. Starrting from t

6、he ddifferrencess of aniimals cultture bbetweeen Chiina annd thee Westt, we approoach tthe meetaphoor of animaals in diiffereent cuulturee fromm Chinna andd the West throuugh cooncrette exaampless, andd thenn disccuss tthe cuulturee diffferencces off Chinna andd the Westerrn worrld. Key Worrds: aani

7、mall; symmbolicc signnificaance; Chineese cuulturee; Wesstern cultuure; cculturre diffferennceContentts摘要iAbstracctiiContenttsiii1Introoductiion12 The Symbool of Fictiional Animaals22.1 Thee Draggon22.1.1 “Loong” in Chhina22.1.2 The DDragonn in WWest32.2 Thhe Phooenix42.2.1 The PPhoeniix in Chinaa42

8、.2.2 The PPhoeniix in West53 The Symbool of Real Animaals63.1 Thhe Dogg63.1.1 Dogs in Chhina63.1.2 Dogs in Weest73.2 Thhe Kinng of the AAnimall Worlld83.2.1 Tigerr is KKing oof Beaasts iin Chiina93.2.2 Lion is Kiing off Beassts inn Westt104 Diffferencces beetweenn Chinnese aand Weesternn Culttures12

9、5 Concclusioon14Referennces16Acknowlledgemments171 IntrodductioonThe wesstern cultuure sttartedd latee comparred wiith thhe Oriient. Althoough bbetweeen theeir innternaal, suuch ass, Soutthern and NNortheern Euurope, Westtern EEuropee and Easteern Euurope, therre aree alsoo diffferencces. HHoweveer

10、thee diffferencces beetweenn Easttern aand Weesternn culttures emboddy thee esseence oof thee diffferencce. Annimalss in hhuman life play a varriety of rooles aand allso pllay a very imporrtant role whichh giviing moore waarningg and comfoort inn spirrituall lifee of hhumanss. Aniimals have diffeere

11、nt symboolic mmeaninng in diffeerent cultuure baackgroound. Symboolic mmeaninng is a dirrect pproducct of humann sociiety. As Caarl Juung saaid “Symbbolismm refeers too the numbeer of termss nammes annd symmbols. Not oonly ccontaiins teextuall meanning, cultuural cconnottationns, annd eveen somme we

12、 do noot knoow thee meanning oof thee origgin. .” This thesiis foccused on annalysiis thee diffferentt meanning oof ficction and rrealitty aniimals in Chhina aand Weesternn worlld.2 Thee Symboll of FFictioonal AAnimallsFrom tiime immmemorrial, in diiffereent hiistoriical bbackgrround and rreligiious

13、 bbelieff, lotts of artisstic iimage of fictioon werre creeated to coonsolee the heartt in hhuman civillizatiion 2.1 Thhe DragonnDragon is a mythiical aanimall Wherever inn Chinna or the WWest, the ddragonn thatt alwaays emmit firebaall frrom thhe mouuth annd flyy in tthe skky ownn the powerr of GGo

14、d bestowwed2.1.1 “Loong” in ChinaIn Chinnese cculturre, the dragoon wass regaarded as saacred animaal.The imaage off Chinnese ddragonn is ddifferrent ffrom tthe Weest. We calll it “Loongg” Chinaa has discooveredd the earliiest ddragonn-shapped paatternn fromm 80000 yearrs agoo, thee Chahhai Siite of

15、f Xionnglonggwa cuulturee. the dragoon pattterns lenggth iss abouut 19.7 metters, piledd up aand pllaced with reddiish-brrown sstoness, thee disccoveryy of tthe drragon that Chineese peeople worshhip thhe draagonss histtory ddates back to 80000 yeears aago, Withh regaard too the origiin of the ddragonn, peoplle finnally achieeved aa conssensuss afterr a loong peeriod of sttudy aand reesearcch. The dragoon is a synnthesiis of a varriety of


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