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1、六年级英语模拟测试卷(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)题号卷面分听力部分(40分)笔试部分(57分)总分3分得分温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,本次考试设置了卷面分3分,请你规范书写,并保持卷面整洁、清晰、美观,否则是要扣分的,相信你一定能行。听力部分(40分).请仔细听,找出你所听到的单词或短语,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(10分)( ) 1. A. season B. head C. mouth( ) 2. A.holiday B. yesterday C. tomoroow ( ) 3. A.always B. umbrella C. sometimes( ) 4. A.put o

2、n B.take off C. put up ( ) 5. A.santa B. snowman C. skate. 请仔细听,判断你所听到的句子与所给句子是否一致,一致的打“ ”不一致的打“”,每小题读两遍。(10分)( )1、Whats your favourite season ?( ) 2、I want to go out to play .( ) 3、In summer ,the weather is warmer .( ) 4、Ilike to make snowmen .( ) 5、When is Christmas ? . 请仔细听,每个小题你将听到一个问句,将正确答语填在题前

3、括号内,每小题读两遍。(10分)( )1、A、She is putting on her scarf . B、 She is put on her scarf .( )2、A、Because I like the new leaves .B、I like to swim in the sea .( ) 3、A、I went to the gym . B、I am ging to walk to the park . ( ) 4、A、I am from China . B、Its winter .( )5、A、A、I like spring . B、I can skate on the ice

4、. 请仔细听,你将听到一篇短文,将正确答语填在题前括号内,读三遍。(10分)( )1、Whats the weather today?A、sunny. B、snowy.( )2、Who teaches Li Ming to learn skate?A、Danny . B、Jenny . ( ) 3、Can Li Ming stand up on the ice ?A、Yes ,I can . B、Yes ,he can . ( ) 4、Can Li Ming skate ?A、No , he cant . B、Yes , he can .( )5、Who falls down ?A、Danny

5、 . B、Li Ming .笔试部分(57分).从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.Today is _ day.2. He is _ now.3. In spring, Trees have new _. 4. Yesterday Jenny _ some gifts.5. We are going to _ a snowman .选择最佳答案,将序号填在提前括号内。(10分)1. My favourite _ is summer.A. day B. spring C. season 2.There _ ice and snow in

6、winter.A. am B.are C.is 3. Its hot .T am _ my coat now .A. taking off B. take off C. takes off 4. I can stand _ the ice .A. for B. in C.on5. -Why do you like summer? -_I can swim in the sea.A. What B. Because C. When. 从方框中选择恰当的答语。(12分)A: Hi, Jenny!A. Where and when will we meet tomorrow?B. Hello, St

7、even!C. I want to buy a sweater.D. I want to go to the store.E. See you tomorrow!F. What do you want to buy?B: _A: What will you do tomorrow?B: _A: Lets go together._ B: I need a pair of runners, and you? A: _B: _A: Lets meet at the store at 7:00am.B: OK._A: See you!. 按要求完成句子.(10分)1. 1. again I hot

8、am .(连词成句) 2. I am going to make a snowman .(仿照例句写句子) 3.LiMing ,teach , is , Danny, to skate, to going( . ) (连词成句) 4. snowmen, to ,I, make, like.(连词成句) .5、This is a child . (改为复数) .阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Hello, my name is Jenny. My favourite season is summer. Because I like swimming and I can go to the be

9、ach on summer holiday. Last summer, I went to BeiDaiHe with my mum and dad. I swam very well. I had a swimming game with my dad, and I won the game. My dad bought me a beautiful swimsuit. It is pink and blue. I like it very much.( )1.Jennys favourite is .A. fall B. summer C. spring ( )2.What does sh

10、e like in summer ?A. play soccer B. eat food C. swimming ( )3.What did she go last summer ? A. BeiJing B. BeiDaiHe C. TianJing( )4.Who bought her a swimsuit ?A. Her mother B. Her father C. Her brother ( )5.Does she like her swimsuit ? A. Like B. No C. Yes , she like it very much 、你最喜欢什么季节?为什么?试着用英语表达出来。(5分)



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