2011届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高二册Unit6

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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高2册 Unit 6.单词拼写1I am _(抱希望的) that he will arrive early.2She made many _(购买) at the department store.3The _(确切的) date of the event has escaped me.4It would be _(荒谬的) if it were not so unlikely.5According to the weather _(预报), its going to stay hot for the rest of the week.6The probl

2、em being discussed is of great _(重要)7No one can _(预测) what will happen in the future.8Many companies have already begun _(改革) the way they do business.9To _(保证) safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.10The doctor told his patient to have examinations _(定期地)答案1hopeful2.purchas

3、es3.exact4.absurd5forecast6.importance7.predict8.reforming9ensure10.regularly.完成句子(湖北专用)1The teacher suggested that we _(阻止流感蔓延) in our class.(prevent)2_(患心脏病多年), he takes an aid box with him wherever he goes.(suffer)3The ground is wet. It _(肯定下雨了) last night.(rain)4She _(发觉他们在偷) her apples.(steal)5

4、The plan _(失败) just because people were unwilling to cooperate.(break)6He speaks _(以吓人的方式), and we _(看到他感到害怕)(frighten)7He _(凭圣经发誓) that he would tell the truth before the judge.(swear, Bible)8It is a pity that the musician _(丧失了视力) when he was quite young.(sight)9Why dont you think _(他们采取的行动) to pu

5、t an end to the quarrel sounds good?(action)10Only more than 100 years ago _(人与自然和谐相处)(harmony)答案1prevent the flu(from) spreading2Having suffered from heart trouble for many years3must have rained4caught them stealing5broke down6in a frightening manner; are frightened at him7swore by/on the Bible8lo

6、st his sight9the action they took10did man live in harmony with nature.单项填空1In the reading room, we found her _ at a desk, with her attention _ on a book.A. sitting; fixing B. sit; fixedC. sitting; to be fixed D. seated; fixed2The Beatles, _ any of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool

7、.A. what B. thatC. how D. as3I really find it hard to accept our childrens favorite music or clothing.Lets face it: there may be _ as long as there are teenagers.A. emergencies B. trendsC. paces D. schedules4I only caught a _ of him sitting in the car, so I couldnt tell exactly what he looked like.A

8、. sight B. glimpseC. notice D. sign5Please dial this number if you _ any further information.A. command B. begC. require D. insist6Mr. Li, a famous educator, stated that many _ must be made to the education system.A. developments B. reorganizationsC. transformations D. reforms7On his mothers arrival

9、, the crying boys face _.A. cleared up B. cleaned upC. warmed up D. smiled8Eating properly and exercising _ makes one enjoy a longer and healthier life.A. normally B. generallyC. regularly D. directly9The schools of the future will probably be quite different from _ they are today.A. that B. whatC.

10、which D. ones10Mum often has some candles _ at hand in case power fails at night.A. in use B. in storeC. in charge D. in order11No one can _ how the election will turn out, as there are so many unknown factors.A. protect B. prepareC. prevent D. predict12Mum, you cant leave me alone at home tonight,

11、I am expecting your _.A. partner B. friendC. company D. pair13The traffic was _ by an accident occurring just in the centre of the city, as a result, we were late for work.A. held together B. held outC. held on D. held up14The way he did it was different _we were used to.A. in which B. in whatC. fro

12、m what D. from which15(2010辽宁沈阳期末)_ an EnglishChinese dictionary.A. The students each haveB. The students each hasC. Each the students hasD. Each of the students have答案1D。find sb. seated at a desk“发现某人坐在凳子上”,attention和fix之间属动宾关系。故选D项。2D。句意:正如我们大多数人所记住的那样,the Beatles来自Liverpool。as引导非限制性定语从句,意为“正如”。3B

13、。trend“趋势;时尚”,根据所提供的情景I really find it hard to accept our childrens favorite music or clothing.可判断出答句表示“只要有青少年,就会有时尚。”emergency“突然事件;紧急情况”;pace“步调”;schedule“计划表,日程安排表”。4B。catch a glimpse of“瞥见”。5C。句意:如果你需要更多的信息,请拨这个电话号码。require“需要”。command“命令”;beg“乞求,请求”;insist“坚决要求”。6D。reform“改革”,表示“教育体制要作许多改革。”dev

14、elopment“发展”;reorganization“改组,改编,整编”;transformation“转变,变化;变形”。7A。clear up“(天气)晴朗起来;(脸色)开朗起来”。8C。由题意知“人要经常锻炼,才能身体健康,才能长寿”。9B。what引导一个名词性从句,作介词from的宾语。10B。本题考查短语辨析。句意:妈妈经常在手边存一些蜡烛以防晚上停电。in store“贮藏着,备用”;in use“使用中”;in charge“主管,看管”;in order“整齐,状态良好”。11D。本题考查动词辨析。句意:没有人能预测选举结果会如何,因为有很多未知的因素。predict“预测;推测”;protect“保护”;prepare“准备”;prevent“预防,防止”。12C。本题考查名词辨析。句意为:妈妈,你不能把我一个人留在家里,我希望你能给我做伴。company在本句中意为“陪伴”,不可数名词;partner“合伙人,搭


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