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1、有关大学生英文自我介绍汇总九篇 大学生英文自我介绍 篇1 od mornig,my name is ac, hich is ndee a reat hoortohave the opprtunity tonterview, would li to nswr you may increseand I hope I caneco a g peformnce oday, th fi rsterfor herestigios e Univerty Septemer. Nw will belyitrduce mself, I am 21yearsold, orn in Heilongiangrovnce

2、,notheas of hia, I currnty seior tdets in Bijing are aily tw ui.my pcagegieer.an I cive m bachlo der, I graduaed jue.in the ps fouars, I pe mf imeo ear,I havben rough CET 6, ot alleate. Ihaa sic kowldg o e ackagingand pubictinn ththey andpractce. Inddion, als tok part in ome of the pacaing xhibti he

3、ld i Beijing, whi is ouadvantag hee to learn, I hae taken oii aeroflarge facores ndcompanes Thogh these avepoound uerstandig of thdomti packgin inust. Compared toeloped ntris, uch as us, unrtunely, ltouh we hae made remrkbleprogresssince 1978, Chinas pacaging indut isstil undrdeelped, chao an instbi

4、ly,hichthesta n thisrgar The ward. u ha fullconfideceina gtefuue, f olywe can aitainthe conoicgrowthpacestll. Ihink yu migt biterestd nte rasons for ih in acodanceth h law,what ism plan drgrauate su ie, I ha to tel yuhat life-long rt of lal pusuit f te go, I hn Ihave aajor pacaina n t ge up If I c o

5、tnumy mastersderee, wl cmbine aw withm ducatio redecessor. I will okrd i thetheseield, pant,traemk, opights, an n tatbss av m yearso eseah dermet f & P, my hacer I ao escribe, ut I owtat I amvey opimisic ad secoidecomemes preet taylone,radig,listeningto music,bt Id notlone, lk t cht ih myflo studnts

6、,almost al he taking, m favorite Pastime s alball, py ads r surf the Web. Univriy throuh life,leredhow tobalanceeaing nd enertainme.Bthe ay,Iam actrof ouamazingd cb hve afew lorious memoyon sage.his is my pr. 大学生英文自我介绍篇2good oning , ladesan gentleen. itis my rat honor ohave his oppotunittoitroduce y

7、self. ani hpe culd mae a oodefrmancetday, eventuallybecoea memerof you shol net eintrodue myef plase. m gdute stntfrmmaming verst . my name , ys ol. , bon inmaomn. guangdg provinc . y majoris elish, anill gadate ts un in thepast yars,i spen ost of my te on englih stying an prcse.i have good mmnd of

8、both spoken and witen ngih d past cet-4wtheas. sille in ue of office , e. my grdate schol raing comied wihmycad acher shuld ualify me fothis prculr job. althgh perp imno the et amng thedidaes, ut wit strong kowledge backgroun and fullehuiasmfor eucain, i amsue il atisf u el.asa colege sudent, i conc

9、nratd tudyi mdrn teching techologihveacquied eog ssential and udamental knlede oenlish tahing in the pathee years. in setmber XX, witgra ntere,i ha en oin stdent cadr o almost eah emestr anfmed good tem-ork sirtsit also kindy provid mrucial guidance to nayze intereroal relaionshp. my teacheran clsma

10、tes ecribeme s a reiabe nd cndate prson. oter than mymajostud, iha aster a geat skils in comter praion. on mnt as cadetteacher inhmrch of XX, not only did obtan nough fit han eperiene i m field ut als grduay relizd tha te caree iav hosn sard andsiiant.thereore, i mdeterin to bcomadilgnt,hrdwokin, an

11、d rspnsle educto. last but oteas,will e fuly ommittda i amonfintto or efiintly nd meticously nde resrasapett ea member i ce e opptunity toseakith nir anaeent furthr regarding my ulificaios fo the postion.ankyou f yr ttnio! 大学生英文自我介绍篇3 a tirdyar maste jor in auaton Shaghai io Tong Univrsity, P.R.Cia.

12、 Wittreendous iteest nInstrial Enginer, I am writn o apyfr accptnce into ur PhD gaduate am.Educaonbackround In 15,I entered the anjing Univerityof cien & Techoloy (NUST) -idelycosed oneth Chnasbstngneeing chos.uring he folwing undergradut sudy, my cadeic ecrds keptdistiuihed among who dptment.I was ranted Fi ClaPzeevery sese,自荐信, 199, I got te prvlege to ente the grdue progrmwavdofthe as


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