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1、七年级英语第七单元1. 询问价格 1) How much is +单数商品? How much are + 复数商品? Its + 钱 Theyre + 钱 2) Whats the price of + 商品? Its + 钱 2. how many/how much 询问数量how many + 可数名词,how much + 不可数名词3. socks袜子, shoes鞋, pants裤子,trousers裤子等都是成双成对的物品,一般以复数形式出现,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。但它们和a pair of (一双、一副或一对)连用作主语时,谓语动词要与pair在数上一致。4. 英美等西方

2、国家的货币单位像dollar(美元)、cent(美分)、pound(英镑)、penny(便士)、shilling(先令)等有单复数变化。我国的货币单位元(yuan)、角(jiao)、分(fen)单复数一样。 表示货币等度量衡单位的词在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 100 dollars is quite a lot of money for him. 100美元对他来说是相当多的钱。5. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗? 此句是主动提供帮助时的服务用语。它的翻译随着场所的不同而不同。在饭店:你想吃点什么 肯定回答:Yes,please.否定回答:No,thanks.()与C

3、an I help you?同义的常用表达还有:What can I do for you?/ May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you?6. want sth 想要某物 1)我想要个苹果。 want to do sth. 想要做某事 2)他想打篮球 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 3)我想要他帮助我7. Here you are.给你。8. Ill take it.我买了。9.表感谢的用语:Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Ma

4、ny thanks.回答感谢的用语:Thats all right / Thats OK. Not at all. Youre welcome.10.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale!快来买,华兴服装大减价。11.for sale待售 1)房子在待售 on sale 出售;廉价出售 2)毛衣在出售12.We have sweaters at a very good price.我们有价格很便宜的毛衣。 at a very good price 以合理/优惠的价格13.for的用法 1)供用,给的 Is this apple for

5、 me?这个苹果是给我的吗? Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈妈的一封信。 2)作用(表用途) Do you need bags for sports?你需要运动包吗? I need a cup for milk. 我需要一个装牛奶的杯子。 3)就而言,对于来说 For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors.女孩子们可以买到各种颜色的T恤衫。 4)以的价格(表交换、价格) You can buy socks

6、for only 5 dollars each. 你可以买到每双只卖5美元的袜子。 5)for oneself 亲自 Come and see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧。14. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物 buy my mother a sweater = buy a sweater for my mother给我妈妈买了件毛衣 sth若是代词,只能用buy sth. for sb. buy it for him15. have a look at = look at练习题I单项选择( )1. Come yor clothes o

7、ur great sale!A. buy; at B. buying; for C. and buy; at D. lto buy; in( )2. She a big blue backpack. A. want B. wants C. take D. helps( )3. Do you need bags sports? A. at B. for C. in D. on( )4. The shop sweaters, pants, shoes, socks and things like that.A. buy B. sell C. buys D. sells( )5. It s only

8、 5 yuan! You can buy it a good price.A. at B. with C. in D. on( )6. Whats the of the shorts? ¥30.A. number B. price C. color D. year( ) 7. We have sweaters _ all colors _ $ 5 each. A. at; in B. in; at C. in; for D. at; for( ) 8. Can I _ you? I want to buy a pencil case. A. buyB. sell C. help D. like

9、( ) 9. Do you like these blue shoes? Yes, _. A. Ill take it B. Ill take them C. I dont like them D. its 5 dollars( )10. He is a collector. He has _ basketballs. A. twenty three B. twenty-three C. two ten three D. twenty-first( ) 11.Tom is a running star. He likes _ for breakfast. A. eggs, tomato and

10、 milks B. eggs, tomatoes and milk C. egg, tomato and milk D. eggs, tomatos and milk( )12. This is a _ hat. A. small yellow B. yellow small C. blue big D. yellow big( )13. _ shorts 20 dollars? A. Are the B. Are they C. Is theD. Is that( )14- _ is that case ? - Its white AWhat B How much C. Where D. W

11、hat color( ) 15- How about these brown hats? - Oh, I like _. Ait B. they C. this one D. this ones( ) 16. These socks are only 3 dollarsDo you want _? A. it Bthem C. that D. those( )17. - _ is the chicken , please ? - Five yuan a kilo . A. How many B. How much C. How D. How long( )18. Are these your

12、shoes? Yes, _. A. theyre B. they are C. these are D. therere ( )19. -What color is that pen? -Its _ green. Its _ green pen. A. a; a B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a( )20. -Your coat is very beautiful. -_. A. Thanks B. All right C. OK D. Youre welcome.( )21. _she_clothes at the Huaxing Clothes Store? A. Is; buy B. Does;buys C. Do; buys D. Does; buy( )22. The yellow shorts _ 20 yuan. A. are on sale for B. are on sales for. C. are on sale D. is on sale( )23. _milk do you want? A. How B. How many C. How much D. How(


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