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1、三年级英语(上册)单元达标题听力原文2. - Goodbye, Li Ping.-Goodbye, Xiao Hong.3. - What s your n ame?-I m Amy.4. - Hello, I m Xiaoyong-Hello, Xiao yong.5. Hello.-Hello, Ms. Smartm Lingling.三、听音,给下列图片排序。1. Good after noon, boys.2. Hi, I Limgling.3. Bye-bye, Ms. Smart.4. Hi, I m Daming.5. Hello, teacher.6. Good morning

2、, girls.四、听音,选出你听到的句子,将其序号填入题前括号中。1. How old are you ?2. What s your name ?3. Hi, Lili.4. Good morning, boys and girls.5. Good after noon,Mr. Li.6. I m fine.五、听音,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Good after noon!2. Hi, Lili. How are you ?3. Goodbye!4. How are you ?5. How are you , Sam ?6. Hello, I m Ms Smart.7. What s

3、youname ?M11. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)1.1 m 2. how 3. after noon 4. goodbye 5. fine2. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号写在题前的括号中。(8分)1.1 m fine.2. How are you? 3. I rDaming.4. Hi, IXrhaowei. 5. Good morning, Sam. 6.Bye-bye,Sam.7. Hi, Daming. 8. I mLingling.三、 听音,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号中。(10分)1.Hello,l m Lingling. 2.Goodbye. 3.Hel

4、lo,l m Amy.4. How are you?5.Goodbye,xiao yong.四、判断下列图片与所听内容是否相同,相同的画笑脸,不同的画哭脸。(12分)1.Hello,I m Amy.2.Hi, I m Daming. 3.Hello,I m Lingling.4.Hi,I m Lingling.5.How are you,Daming? 6.Goodbye,Daming.M21.听音,选出你听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。1. you 2. I m 3.boys 4. fine 5. hello 6.Mr.二、听音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符的画,否则画:。1. Go

5、od afternoo n, IMr Li. mM35、Good after noon.6. Good mor nin g,boys.、听音,选出你所听到单词,将序号写在题前括号中。听音,选出你听到的句子,并把把序号填在括号内。6分)3、 Now,it s red.1. goodbye 2. fine 3. girl 4. point 5. chair1、Good morning,Ms Li. 2、It s a yellow cap.二、听录音,根据所听内容在相应的图片上画圈。4、I m a pan da. 5、Stand up,please.6、Point to the wi ndow.1.

6、dog 2. chair 3. door 4.w in dow 5. bird三、听音,给下列图片涂上相应的颜色。(6 分)三、听录音,选出你听到的句子,将序号写在题前的括号里。1、Its a black cat.2、It s a yellow dog.3、It s cegn cap.1.Po int to the door.2. Stand up,boys.4、Its aDlue chair.5、It s an orange window. 6.It s a red door.3. How are you?4.Good after noon ,boys and girls.五、听音,判断下列

7、句子与所听句子是否一致,一致的画不致的画四、听音,排序。1、It san orange cat.2、Good after noon,I m a1.w in dow2.chair3.blackboard4.door5.desk3、Pointto the blue desk.4、Stand up,please.五、判断下列图片与所听到的内容是否相同,相同的画y;不相同的画“x”5、Howare you, Sam?6、Now, it sDlack.1.Sta nd up.2.Point to the door.八、听音,按录音中的先后顺序,给下列句子重新排序。(6分)3.Poi nt to the

8、wi ndow.4.Po int to the chair.1、Howare you?2、Fine, thank you.5. Point to the bird.3、Goodmorning, I m cat.4、What s yourn ame?M45、Myname is Panpan.6、It sa blackdog.一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内。(10 分)M5(6分)5. Fine, tha nk you.panda.听音,选出你所听到的单词,1、 panda2、what3、boy4、bird将其序号填入题前括号中。5、gree n 听音,判断下列图片正(门误(F)(

9、6 分)1、morning2、window 3、many4、down5、an1、Sit down.2、Point to the door.二、听音,为你所听到的句子的中文排序。3、It s a panda.4、How are you? Fine ,thank you.1.nine2.eight 3.four 4.six5.te n三、听音,补全物品的数量,画上同样的图1 Three, four, five 2、 Hou many boys?3、Eleven boys?4、How many dogs?5、How many yellow caps?四、听音,找出与你所听内容一致的图片打“vf1 e

10、ight 2、ten 3、four 4、seven5、five五、听音,圈出你所听到的数字,并且涂上所要求的颜色。1、colour 7 green2、colour 9 orange3、colour 6 blue4、colour 1 red5、colour 4 yellow六、听音,圈出你所听到的电话号码。1 58694132、45371293、54132194、85917385、2348715期中测试题一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。1 dog 2、fine 3、stand 4、cap 5、How old are you?二、听录音,选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的选项。1 girl 2、pan

11、da 3、green4、chair 5、five三、听录音,判断下列图片正(T)误(F)。1、How are you? Fine, thank you. 2、Hello, Darning.3、Stand up, please.4 Point to the blackboard. 5、This is a pencil.6、This is a pa nda and that is a dog. 7、five girls a nd three boys.8、Good after noon, boys a nd girls.9、 Goodbye. 10 seve n fin gers.四、听录音,把你

12、听到的数量圈起来。1 four pa ndas. 2、two cats a nd on e cap. 3 three boys a nd two girls.4、one pen and four pencils. 5、nine dogs.五、听录音,补全数字。1 、 82155493、 、 42518735、六、听录音,标号涂色。1 Colour the desk red. 2、Colour the window yellow.3、Colour the chameleon black. 4、Colour the bird orange. 5、Colour the chair gree n.M6

13、一 听音,为下列单词排序。1 twelve eleven seven2 pen ten pencil3 here present happy4 hello how old5 nine fine five二、听音,选出句中含有的单词。(8分)1 It s a red pen.2 Happy birthday!3 Hello,l m Mingm4 Here s your cake.(12 分)三、听音,在蛋糕上画出正确的数量的蜡烛I.How old are you? Im nine.2 How old are you? Im eleven.3 How old are you? Im four.4

14、How old are you? Im seven.5 How old are you? Im twelve.6 How old are you? Im eight.四、听音,根据你所听内容给下列图片排序1.1m twelve.2.1 m two.3. I m six.4. I m eleven.5. I m three.五、听录音,选出合适的答语。(10分)1 How are you?2 What s that?.3 Here s your cake.4 How old are you?5 Happy Birthday.六、听音,给下列句子排序。(10分)(3) 1 Here s your present.(4) 2 What s this? A pencil?(5) 3 It s a blue pen .(2)4 Happy Birthday ,Sam.


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