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1、 (必修二Unit 3).单项填空1Our game of basketball _.We had been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily.Ahas interrupted Bhad interruptedCwas interrupted Dhad been interrupted答案与解析:Cgame与interrupt 构成被动关系,排除A、B项,由后句可知事情发生在过去,用一般过去时。2He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of h

2、is _ was seen at its best when he worked with others.Aadvantage BappearanceCqualification Dcharacter答案与解析:D考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,他的人格魅力在与他人合作时表现得最佳。advantage 优点,长处;appearance 外表,外貌;qualification 资格;character 品质,性格。3After more than ten minutes break,the speaker_the story from where he left off.

3、Akept on Bwent onCmade up Dtook up答案:D4_ he didnt help me with my work.Instead,just _.A In a way; in my wayBOn a way; on the wayCIn the way; on the wayDBy the way; on my way答案与解析:Ain a way“在某种程度上”;in ones way“挡道;挡路”均为固定搭配。5The board are discussing the possible _ they can take of the present economic

4、 situation.Anotice BadvantageCuse Dbest答案与解析:B本题实则考查take advantage of短语的用法。该结构中advantage提至前面充当discuss的宾语,advantage后为定语从句。6We cant _ on having good weather for the outing.Aevaluate BcalculateCpredict Dconclude答案与解析:B题意:我们不要指望旅游时会有好天气。calculate on/upon为固定搭配,意为“指望”。7The tree is so tall.Yes.It _ nearly

5、20 metres.Ameasures Bis measuredCmeasure Dto be measured答案与解析:Ameasure此处意为“量起来”,为不及物动词,后接量的结果,不用于被动语态或进行时态。8What a beautiful day!Yes,its _ that Id like to take a walk.Asuch nice weather Bso a nice weatherCsuch a nice weather Dso nice weather答案与解析:Aweather为不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用,排除B、C两项;so用于修饰形容词或副词,such用于修

6、饰名词,故A项正确。9Milu deer,a species with large horns,which used to be _ in China long ago,is a rare animal nowadays.Aordinary BcommonCpopular Dusual答案与解析:Bcommon强调平凡或时常发生而不特别。ordinary是依照一般标准来判断,侧重“平淡无奇”;popular“流行的”;usual强调符合个人习惯或规章制度。10It was generally believed that the show was not as successful as exp

7、ected,but _,I think it was a great success.Apersonally BdirectlyCpublicly Dsecretly答案与解析:Apersonally“亲自地;就本人而论”,符合题意。11I have been worried about the possible danger of driving on a railway line.Do not be afraid;God will _ us.Aturn over Bwatch overCgo over Dlook over答案与解析:B本题考查动词短语辨析。watch over“照看,看守

8、”,符合题意。12Irene won the first place in the physics competition.So what?I dont like science,_.Aanyway BthereforeCthough Dotherwise答案与解析:Aanyway用做副词时可用于句首、句中或句尾,意为“无论如何;总之”。13Once new difficulties _ in our new job,we should learn to use our brains to solve them.Arise BcauseCraise Darise答案与解析:D题意:一旦在我们新

9、工作中出现新的问题,我们应当开动脑筋想办法解决。arise“出现”为不及物动词,相当于come up。14The problem facing us is so serious that we have to _ it first.Atake interest Bdeal withCmake with Dwork on答案与解析:Bdeal with此处相当于do with,意为“处理”。15The woman moved about outside the operation room,because her son _ on.Awas being operated Bis operated

10、Chad been operated Dwas operated答案与解析:A由主句时态可排除B项;由原因状语从句可推知operate的动作正在进行,故用过去进行时的被动语态。.阅读理解A fouryearold boy has become pen pals with Britains Queen Elizabeth.Tom Stancombe started exchanging letters with the queen after he set free a balloon,carrying his name and address,at a school party and it

11、landed in the grounds of Windsor Castle.The queen spotted the balloon and asked her personal assistant,Angela Kelly,to write a letter on her behalf.She wrote,“The queen was delighted to find that your balloon had traveled all the way to the gardens at Windsor Castle.”Tom,who proudly put the letter o

12、n his wall,wrote back to say that his great,great grandfather,the artist Petrus Johannes Arundzen,had been commissioned (正式委托) to copy Dutch masters on display at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace.Angela at once replied that she would contact the Royal Collection to find out what had happened to

13、the art works.She kept her word and two weeks later wrote to Tom to tell him what had happened to the etchings,explaining they now form part of the print collection in the Print Library.Angela then asked a favor of Tom,writing,“Would you be able to ask your Mummy and Daddy for me if they know anythi

14、ng more about your great,great grandfather.Royal Collection would love to know more about him.”Along with his parents,Tom wrote back to fill in all the gaps about Petrus Johannes Arundzen.Although Toms parents dont think there will be any more letters exchanged between the pair,they were touched that she had taken time to contact them.Toms father said,“I dont expect well get another one,but I think its incredible they bothered replying at all.”1Windsor Castle is_.Aa playing ground Bthe queens home Ca post office D


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