Module 1 Getting to know you测试练习题

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《Module 1 Getting to know you测试练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 1 Getting to know you测试练习题(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 1 How are you?Part 1 Listening (听力部分) (30分)I. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容:(5分)( ) 1.A. helloB. howC. hi( ) 2.A. DollyB. DottyC. door( ) 3.A. sheB. heC. her( ) 4.A. Mr. ZhangB. Mrs ZhangC. Miss Zhang( ) 5.A. Good morning.B. Good evening.C. Goodbye.II. 听录音,选出正确的应答句:(5分)( ) 1.A. Im f

2、ine.B. Im nine.C. Im tall.( ) 2.A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon.C. Good night.( ) 3.A. Hes my teacher.B. Hes tall.C. Hes a teacher.( ) 4.A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I do.( ) 5.A. Youre welcome.B. Thats all right.C. O.K.III. 听录音,根据读音规则,填入单词所缺的字母:(5分)1. m_ _ning2. n_ _3. t_ _ cher4. Mi_ _5. a

3、ftern_ _nIV. 听录音,填入短文中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5分)Hello! Im Kitty. Im _ years old. I live in Shanghai. Look at me. Im _ and _. I can _. I like _ very much. Do you like me?V. 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示:(5分)( ) 1.Sam is a fat dog.( ) 2.Its black.( ) 3.It can swim.( ) 4.I like to play with the dog.( )

4、 5.Its lovely.VI. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案:(5分)( ) 1. Tom is _.A.twoB.fiveC.nine( ) 2. _ is thin.A.TomB.MaryC.May( ) 3. Mary can draw _.A.dogsB.miceC.cats( ) 4. Tom is Marys ) 5. Father is a _.A.farmerB.teacherC.doctorPart 2 Grammar and Vocabulary (语法与词汇) (50分)I. 正确抄写下列句子,注意书写规

5、范:(6分)We have a new teacher, Miss Zhang.II. 写出划线部分单词的同类词:(8分)1. Dolly is a parrot. It can speak, _ and _.2. There is a rubber, two _ and a _ in my pencil case.3. I can see some pandas, _ and _ in the zoo.4. My father likes running and _ football. He also likes _ books. III. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(8分)1. I am a

6、 teacher. _ ( I ) name is Sherry. 2. _ (you) book is on the desk. 3. Peter is a schoolboy. _ (he) is ten years old. 4. I put _ (a) apple on the desk. 5. My mother and I are happy. _ (we) are in the park now! 6. This _ (be) my new teacher. 7. I _ (have) a lovely pet. 8. Dotty is a dog. It can _ (run)

7、 very fast.IV.选择正确的答案,将答案的序号填入括号内:(12分)( ) 1. _ is thin. He is our new teacher.A.MissB.MrC.Mrs( ) 2. Good _, Miss Li. -Good afternoon.A.morningB.afternoonC.evening( ) 3. Hello, boys and girls. This is _ new teacher, Miss Wang.A.weB.sheC.your( ) 4. _ are you?-Im fine. Thank you.A.What B.WhoC.How( ) 5

8、. “Tweet-tweet”, what can you _? ) 6. Hello, I _ ) 7. I like_. Its cool.A.SpringB.autumnC.winter( ) 8. Tom is _. He wants some ) 9. Im Miss Fang. _. A.Im Miss Fang.B.Thank you.C.Hello, Miss Fang.( ) 10. What do you _ doing? I like dr

9、awing.A.likeB.wantC.need( ) 11. I can see with my _. A.eyesB.earsC.hands( ) 12. This is Mr. Wang. _is a doctor.A.HeB.SheC.heV. 按要求改变句子,每格一词:(10分)1. What is your name? (根据问句写答句) _ _ is John.2. I am seven years old. (对划线部分提问) _ _ are you?3. I like red. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you like?4. She is my English te

10、acher. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ English teacher?5. He can make a paper boat. (改为否定句) He _ _ a paper boat.Mr. LiPeterKittyVI. 根据图片内容,完成对话,每空一词:(6分)A: Good afternoon. Im your new teacher, _ _.B: Good afternoon, Mr. Li. Im _.A: Oh, _ are you today?B: Im _. Thank you! A: Whos that girl?B: This is _. Shes my cl

11、assmate(同学).Part 3 Reading and Writing(阅读与写作) (20分)I. 阅读短文,判断下句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用“T”表示,不一致的用“F”表示:(5分)I have a good friend. His name is Jimmy. He has a big brother. Her name is Lisa. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Jimmy also has a dog. Its name is Sam. The Smiths are my neighbors(邻居). We live on

12、 the same street. The Smiths are very nice. I am lucky because the Smiths are such good neighbors.( ) 1.The name of my friend is Tommy. ( ) 2.He has a younger brother. ( ) 3.Sam is the name of a dog. ( ) 4.The Smiths are my good neighbors. ( ) 5.Mr. and Mrs. Smith are my parents. II. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案:(5

13、分)There are some foreign(外国的) students in my class. Peter is American. Hes from US. Amy is British. Shes from UK. Chen and I are Chinese. We are from China. We are form different countries(不同的国家), but we are good friends.( ) 1. Who is American? A.PeterB.Amy C.Chen( ) 2. Who is from UK? A.PeterB.AmyC.Chen and I( ) 3. Are there any foreigner stude


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