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1、闪光词汇&短语:1. 打发时间:kill time;2. 宝贵的时间: precious/valuable time;3. 血汗钱: hard-earned money;4. 外汇: foreign currency;5. 弘扬: carry forward;6. 农民家庭: peasant(n 农民,小农,乡下人)family;7. 没有硝烟的战争(常指“经济竞争”): whitewar;8. 新手: a green hand;9. 情绪低沉: in a blue mood;10. skill/technique/technology:skill 指通过学习 和实践获得的技能,强调做好某事的

2、能力, 如:master the carpenters skill(掌握作木匠 活的技艺); technique 指从事艺术或应用科 学领域的专业活动所需要的技术,强调做 某项工作的实际方法,常含有涉及的专门 程序步骤的意味,如: new techniques for special effects in films; technology 是技术的 总称,着重于将科学知识系统的应用于工 业农业医疗等领域的方法手段。11. 疏远:alienate. .from.12. 挨饿受冻: starvation and esposure13. 剥夺某人的权利:deprive sb. of sth.14.

3、 性别歧视:sexual discrimination15. 无视: pay no attention to16. 花言巧语: flowery words17. 死刑: death penalty/ capital penalty18. 完美无缺,尽善尽美: leave nothing to be desired19. 某种程度:to some extent 例如:I dont agree with it to some extent, generally for three reasons.20. 异国的,外来的: exotic21. 来临: sets in22. 不同尺度: differe

4、nt scale23. 构成潜在威胁:pose potential risks24. 对. 造成一大威胁: pose a great threat to25. 误入歧途: go astray26. 难 以 分 辨 是 非 : can not distinguish right/good or wrong/evil27. 把当做: refer to sth. as. .28. 考虑,思索: speculate on.29非常重要,必要: not unnecessary, not unimportant30never .until 好于 not.until31.to voice some diff

5、erent opinions 替代 to express some different opinions32.itisofgreat/importance/help/use/signficance 替代itisveryimportant/significant/helpfal/usefol33. 清如水晶:as clear as crystal,软弱无力:as weak as water34. 班门弄斧: to teach fish to swim35. 白费力气:to plough(犁)the sand36. 光明正大: above board37. 有害的: detrimental38.

6、灌输:instill.in39. 着重于: lay emphasis on40. 大量的: a large proportion of41 .骗人的,使人迷惑的: misleading42. 散播暴力: spreading violence43 .学习材料: learning materials44. 受到限制: confined by(if it was confinedby laws)45 .面临,对照: be confronted with46. 空前的: unprecedented47. 谨慎小心的: cautious(be cautious of )48 . 的规范,规定: regu

7、lation on49.消耗,耗尽(n): depletion50 .自然资源: natural resources51.大规模地: on a massive scale52 .值得进一步关注: deserve closer hee53. 在当中(prep): amongst54. 过度的,奢侈的:extravagant55. 以付出代价:at the cost of56. 比对手领先一 步: pursue an edge over their rivals57. 公认地,显然(adv): admittedly58. 非常危险的:breakneck59. 给人以威胁的: intimidatin

8、g60. 恶化( v): deteriorate61. 紫外线: ultraviolet radiation62. 臭氧层: ozone layer63 .可再生资源: renewable energy64. 摆脱困境: drill itself out of this dilemma65 .可持续发展: sustainable development66. 改善( n): betterment67. 不正当致富: filthy rich68. 大灾难(n): apocalypse69. 区分的: divisive70. 令人信服的,有力的: convincing71. 相互的,共有的: mu

9、tual72. 落后的: backward73. 跨文化的: cross-cultural74. 生活水平: standard of living75. 采用(vt): adopt76. 参加: participate in77.共同市场:common market102.倾向于,易于: be prone to78.交流(v): exchange103.相反地: conversely79. 潜在的缺点: potential drawbacks104.沉浸于,埋头于: be steeped in80.主流(n): mainstream105.钱: financial resources81.灭绝

10、的:extinct106.以做结束: end up doing82 .成为受害者: fall victim to107.繁荣,飞速发展(v):boom83.爱国者(n): patriot108.紧张,紧张状态( n): tension84.反作用: adverse effects109.促进相互理解: promote/enhance the85.胜过,超过(v): outweighmutual understanding86.比赛,竞争(v): compete with110.侵犯,冒犯( n): offend87.没多大影响: makes little difference111.不可避免地

11、: inevitably88.倾向(n): propensity112.风景区,名胜: scenic spots89.瞬间地,即刻地: instantaneously113.文化遗产: cultural legacy90. 查明( v): pinpoint114.怨恨,憎恨( n): resentment91. 科学仪器: scientific instrument115.陈规,老套,旧框框( n): stereotype92. 飞跃( v): leap116.荒谬的,不合理的: absurd93.界限,边线: at the boundaries of117.纵览: have a full v

12、iew of94. 最高贵的: noblest118.眼见为实(句子): Seeing is believing.95 .以为代价: at the expense of119.同意:assent to(However, I can hardly96.挣扎: struggle toassent to this idea.)97.用光: running out of120.传闻( n): hearsay98.真实,准确(n): veracity121.片面的: one-sided99 .不证自明的: self-evident122.有助于: contribute to100. 过分简化的: ove

13、rly simplistic123.单调的 :drab101. 合理理财: stretch money124.与相反: contrary to125.全日制的,专职的:on a full time basis149.易受的影响: be exposed to126.奇想(n): vagary150.侵略地,攻势地: aggressively127.补助( v): subsidize151.采取的态度(v): assume128.刺激,动机( n): incentive152.模仿( v): mimic129.区另U (n): discrimination153.重视: give importan

14、ce to130.对负责: be accountable for154.随意地: at random131.负担全部的花费: bear total expenses155.扎根于: be rooted in132.建立在这一事实基础上: built on such156.区另与: tell the difference betweenfact157.道德的: moral133.正在谈论的: in question158.导向( n): guidance134.有问题的: problematic159.审核( v): censor135.依赖于,取决于: rests on160.愤世嫉俗的: c

15、ynical136.减轻负担: ease the burden161.干预,干涉: intervene137.有重大影响,有效果( v): count162.饥荒(n): famine138.被剥夺: be deprived of163.滥用的,破坏性的: abusive139.铭记: bear in mind164.集体的意识,集体的觉悟: collective140.从事,参与: engage inconsciousness141.多样的: diverse165.努力: n endeavor142.为供给资金( v): finance166.见证人: eyewithness143.重压于:


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