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1、面试英文自我介绍七篇当来到一个生疏环境中,我们时常会须要作自我介绍,用自我介绍往往可以让他人有肯定的.了解。写起自我介绍来就毫无头绪?以下是我收集整理的面试英文自我介绍7篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。面试英文自我介绍篇1 omornig I am gl to behe for thisnteiew. First le me nroduceself. Myame s *, 2. I comefrom *,the cptl f*Province graduated fomthe * depatent *niversity in Juy ,0xx.In te past twoyeasI

2、 haveen prearigo the otgrdutemiati whle I heeen eacig*in O*idle Schol nd Is ha-teacher of clas i jir rade twoNow all my hard work has ot eultsice Ihaa chance to b ntervew y yu . I m opn-mind ,quk n toughtandvery fond of itryIn mypae ime,hbroa inresema other younstrs.I like radi book, epeialy thos ao

3、ut *.Frequenl Iexchang with oher peole by maki cmentsn th forum n lneIn adito ,uin myclege yers,Ia nce Net-bartencanSo, hav acmpratively god comman f networ pplication.amble ooperate th compterwl.I m skllfu i searchin forinrmationi Ite.am a fooball fan f eas.Ialianta m fvoiteAnyway, feel grat pityfo

4、r r counysam. I alwas elieethtoneil ey gbeind unlss h eep n larnin Ocoue, i Iam givn hance o stuy * n this fmos Univrsity,I wil star no effor to mastr a goo command of advace*.面试英文自我介绍 篇2 od min, name is LG, tis real a greahonor havethiopprtuny faiterve, wold lk to nser hatever youmayie, and hope I

5、ca make a good peformce today. I9;m confden hat cn succee. NwIil ntroce myselfbiefly, am 20 yers od, borni andong prvinc ,east of china,and I currently asenorstdet at PCof Informatnd Enginerng Cnrl. ymor is Infraton dSinal rcessn,andIwill reve y maer deree er my graduationi jue n t st ea,I spend mo

6、of m tmeonstdy andreerch, Ihae pased CET6 andave acqurd basic knowedge boh i theo and irctc. rouh collee lie, leaho t balnce btweenstudydenteamen. y thea,I hasted as clss isio cretary for w yasandivenhe tile of an excellent class lader. I haafew glous memory n tage.t ismy pride ometimes rerto st aln

7、,radi, litning to lasic music,bu I m not lonly, I ikto cat wihyclasmt, amosttalk vrthng ,I hlotsf inerest,sucas fil,trves,dwti ,sport nd . My fvorit pstie is ig basebal, aso, I ike boggng o the eretif yae nrsd inmy blo,you an visi my website: , it wll be my honr thnk I#3;m a gd team plyernd I#39;mar

8、so grat honesty other. AoI m abl wrk undrgrat pressue. That#39;s al Thnk yo for ing m thehnce.面试英文自我介绍 篇 l, vryody. I aNing a chn fro ejn, I mworkig foran agent f a elctric cmpany nBeiing. Itis abou fiv monthssince I ame to th Unied tates, and Imiss myfamily vey mch. Itll be evral mnths before ty cm

9、e her, and I hope t cntin toava ejyale snge lie tl then. Taks面试英文自我介绍 篇4 d ftenon,veryone。 ia verga to b e o yrineiew。 I hp i canmake a gooderfrmanetoay。 I onfidentthat Ican succeed。 ow iill irouce mysbriefly。Iam22 yasold,bor in ChonQing roveine nd a enir(大四学生) sdent iXX(某学校)。 M majr isXX(专业名称), In

10、teps3ears, Ispens of mtmeon stuy。 I hve asse CET/4 /6。 I amoenmned, quly thghs and skillu in serching for nfomatio n iternt。 anoperae coputewll 。n y aretie, hae broiteests 。ch as reading ,sufn the itenet ,enjoyn msic,writin som arilso my bog and ev chtiwithfoeignfrendsonie if possb 。 Iw beliee worki

11、nghard c bring us more otuit 。 Iaa ha orkin peson epeciy doe thing ch i interested in。 witmy s o nish it no mattrow ifficu it i。 ok, at s al,ak you fr ourattentin。面试英文自我介绍篇5 y nam is* Sinc grduatd om na Huagpu Forign anuageCllege in 2xx,I ha don te eaing e nd hlfan year,and hadworked in fregntrae bi

12、es.Ut i Feb,2xx, eturned to te South Cetral Uiversity f suyigmoe knwed andcfimigoective. Durng the pa twoearsstudin,I adbeen maoing the Appiction glih o the base of Trang Enlis,inclung the dvnc Eli(one),dvance(to),Ecnomy Ad Trdegis,Buies EnglishCorspondence,Selected Readings I glsh And mrican Liratues,Cise And nglish ranlato Coure,Interprt Ad istening,Japane,AdvanceEnglis Writinget.ddtin, I ot e unergrauat d


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