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1、定语从句专项练习题与答案详解1. Amagneticfild mae epreseted in _ mannr_ a eecric fed. A. sh as B th same C suh hat D. the ae hih. Wve all heard fhomas Edisn, _iveted the elctrligt ad ny othrthigs.A. teman wh . tt C.whic D a w 3. He tke about he lsats a thechol_ e a viitd. A. wo B.tht C.whi D.about ich . You hvesen

2、 thegil _sitr is a Chinesetche. A. hm of hom C. whs D.of whi 5.We should dll_ is eul to pple. A. / . hat C. it Dwhich 6. We cam to pae _ theyad eer aid aisit eor whic B. n hich C.n which D t which . hose _ ihdong itput upyur hnds. . h ve B ho has . whichae D.have 8. Te man _ sa frinof mne. A. ht y j

3、ust lkdto . womyoujut taltohim. wh youust take him . whihyou jt akedto 9. Iwnt tothe school _ my fter once orked A that B. hh C. wre D owhih 0. Ishal ne fort those yars _ lived i te ounry wih the farmers, _has get fft n ylie. A t; whih B.wen; which C. wic; hat D w; ho11. he weaher tuned ut tbeve go,

4、 _was mor thane ould xpec Awht B. ich C. tha D. it 1. Carl sidthe work ould b donby Ocer, _prsonal obt vey mch. B. that C wh . which 1. Dorh wa alway seakingihly o her role inthe lay, _,ofcous, mad t otrs unpp.A. wh Bwhich C. this D wha4._iknwn t al, Chi wllbe _pwerfu couny in 0 or30 atime.A ht;avan

5、c B. Ths; adanced C.; vanc D.t; dvaing 1._is entiondabov, h nmer o the students in snior schoos is increasing A. Whic As Tht D It 16._isnwn teveyboy,the moon trav ound the ethce erymnth AIt B. As C. hat D. Wha 7.It as an xiingmomet forthesfootal fan ti year, _or he first time i ersther em won theWor

6、 Cp. .h B. while C. hich when 18 Have y seethefilm Tianic, _ leadin ators worldaou? A its B. it C.ws . whih 19. Wewil be own aroud t t: scools,musums, ad somer paes, _other vsitrs sdm go.A wat B. hich whe D whe 20Te mous bktballsar, _riedt mak mback,atacteda lotof attnti A. whre B.wen C. hih .ho 21.

7、In theofficeI nvereem t avetie unti ate 5:30 p.m., _mayeole have g hoeA hose tie . hat Con wic D.by whicti2. Rent I ugan ancient Chines vas, _ s vey easob. A. whchrice B. heprie of whi C. t rce .te pice of whose 23. I all never fretthose years _I ivd necountry with thefrmers, _ geat effc on y lie. A

8、. tat;which B. wen; whch C whih; ht Dwhen; ho4. ft lni risfor ift years, e eturned totesall town _ he gew up as a ild.A. which B.were C.that . when 2. The il rouh the ours back o me _ wsaken good creof n tha fa-ay villag. . util Btat C. hen D. where 26 Hs got himselfintoa dageus situation _he isikel

9、 to osecntrol e thplan. wre B which . whie . y7.-Did u remembegive y te moe ou odhe? -es. gavit oher_ sawerA. while Bh mmet C. uden D. on 28 Is tis he rason _ at thmeetinfor his cresns in hi wr? A.e epid B wh h explaned C. how he aind D. whye exland9. sal membe the day _ et first A. at B.which C. hr

10、e . wen30. Can ou lnd m e dictionar_ the hr day? ut hato tlked B.at you taked . whc yu taled .tatoutle aou 31.hok _ int ithe libray. wat need B. eed .that I edi D. whi neet 32. It was ainng, _ wa a pi.wht B.wih C. that .it3He studied hard t sol when he as oug,_ ontribues to his suces inlaterieA.as B therefore C. which D. s that 34.Thesize of h udience,_


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