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1、仪表防爆及接地系统施工方案ConstructionScheme forInstrument Explosionproof and Earthing System编制说明: 1在现代工业生产装置中,许多易燃、易爆、易挥发的工艺介质出现在生产流程中,防爆施工对装置的安全运行非常重要;各种工艺参数的检测、显示和控制都实现了自动化、集中化、智能化,特别是集散控制系统(DCS )的广泛应用,对仪表接地系统的要求越来越高。正确完成仪表接地系统,对保证设备及人身安全,保证装置安全运行意义重大。为了高速优质地完成装置防爆及接地施工任务,特编制本方案。: 编制依据 22.1 设计施工图及其它设计文件。2.2现行

2、自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范。2.3现行的电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范。2.4现行自动化仪表工程质量检验评定标准。2.5厂商提供的产品安装使用说明书等技术文件。2.6公司质量保证手册 、质量体系子程序及其支撑性文件。工程概况 3.工程概况应包括:工程名称、地点、规模、特点、范围、主要技术参数、主要实物工程量、工期要求及投资等。4.防爆施工:Explosion-proof Construction:4.1 一般规定:General Regulations:爆炸和火灾危险区域使用的电气、仪表设备的防爆形式及配线方式必须符合设计要求,并满足使用区域的防爆等级规定。The style of expl

3、osion-proof and wiring for electricequipment andinstrument equipment, which used in explosion and fire dangerous areas, must accord with the design requirement and content with explosion proof class stipulation.安装在爆炸和火灾危险区域的仪表、电气设备和材料,必须具有符合现行国家或行业标准中规定的防爆质量技术鉴定文件和防爆产品出厂合格证书。设备、材料的外观应无损伤和裂纹。Concerni

4、ng electric and instrumental equipment and material that is installed in explosion and fire dangerous area, their explosion-proof quality technique appraisal document and explosion-proof manufacture certificate must be compliance with the new standard requirement of country or vocation. There arent

5、damage and crack in appearance of device and material.在爆炸和火灾危险场所使用的防爆电气、仪表设备,应有铭牌和防爆标志,并在铭牌上标明国家授权的部门所发给的防爆合格证编号。For the explosion-proof electric and instrumental equipment that is used in explosion and fire dangerous area, the nameplate and explosion-proof mark should appear on the equipment, the n

6、umber of explosion-proof certificate issued by the department of national accreditation should be provided on nameplate.在爆炸和火灾危险场所安装的正压通风的仪表盘(箱)、接线箱及电气、仪表设备、除本质安全型外,应有“电源未切断不得打开”的标志。The plus pressure ventilation instrument panel (box), junction box, electric equipment and instrument equipment instal

7、led in explosive and fire dangerous area, except the intrinsically safe type, it should has“Do not open when energized” notice.仪表电气线路采用的电缆沟、汇线槽、保护管和仪表连接管路在穿越不同防爆等级的爆炸和火灾区域的分隔间壁时,在分隔间壁外,必须做充填密封。For trench, cable tray, protection pipe used for instrument electric circuit and instrument connection pipi

8、ng, if they cross the separated room in different explosion-proof class explosion and fire area, filling and sealing should be done outside the separated room.4.2 设备安装Erecting Equipment:采用正压通风防爆的仪表盘(箱) ,接线箱,安装后应保证箱内压力维持在不低于设计规定的压力值,当有低压力时 ,其联锁或报井装置动作应准确、可靠。For the explosion-proof instrument panel (b

9、ox), junction box withplus pressure ventilation, after they are installed, the pressure in box andinterlock the pressure. design the than lower no ensured be should alarm unit should act correctly and reliably when the pressure is low.采用正压通风防爆的仪表盘(箱) 、接线箱,其正压力通风管路必须保持畅通,且不宜安装切断阀。The explosion-proof

10、instrument panel (box), junction box adopting plus pressure airiness, its plus pressure airiness piping must remain accessible and should not mount shutting off value.在爆炸和火灾危险场所安装的仪表箱、分线箱、 接线盒及防爆仪表、电气设备引入电缆时,应采用防爆密封填料进行密封;多根电缆穿一根管时,可用密封盒并用适当填充料密封。外壳上多余的孔应做防爆密封。For the instrument box, junction box, w

11、iring box ,explosion-proof instrument and electric equipment which installed in explosion and fire dangerous areas, the entrance of cable should be sealed with explosion-proof seal filling. When one conduit contains multiple cable, the entrance can mount sealing box with propriety filling. Do explos

12、ion-proof sealing to spare holes in shell.防爆仪表箱、分线箱、接线箱的门(盖)应有弹性密封垫圈,或隔防 密封面连接螺栓应均The separated boards should匀紧密,并应有弹簧垫。Covers should have spring sealing washer for explosion-proof instrument box, junction box, and connection box. And connection bolts and nuts of shall be tight equably and havefacea

13、nd separating preventing spring washer.防爆电气、仪表设备的安装应牢固,内部接线必须正确、牢固,并有防松和防拔脱装置。The explosion-proof electric and instrument devices shall be installed firmly. Inside wiring must be correct and firm with looseness-proof and shedding-proof unit.3 电气线路安装Erecting Electrical cable line:穿越不同等级的爆炸和火灾危险区域分隔间壁

14、的电缆沟的密封措施:Sealing way for trench that crosses separated walls belonging to different class of explosion and fire dangerous areas:a.电缆沟内充砂密封,可敷设一层电缆,充填一层砂,砂层厚约100mm 。电缆全部敷设完后,充砂填满电缆沟。 Method of filling fine sand into trench: filling one -layer sand about 100mm depth after install one layer cable. The

15、 trench shall be full of sand after all cable layout.。1mb. 在分界处两侧安装隔板,隔板之间充砂,长度不少于be fixed at both sides of interface, zonebetween boards shall be filled with sand, and the length is no less than 1m.c.在分界处用阻火密封填料充填。Sealing with fire-resistant filling at the interfaces.取的密 汇线槽穿越不同级别的爆炸,火灾危险区域分界处时,可采封措施:Taking airproof measures where cable tray passes through the interface of different class explosion and fire dangerous ar



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