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1、牛津初一英语(下)复习卷 Name_一 语音( )1. A. crossed B. jumped C. rowed D. noticed( )2. A. that B. through C.south D.thing( )3. A. round B. found C. country D. loudly( )4. A. wide B. rabbit C. decide D. climb( )5. A. heard B. year C. earth D. search( )6. A. food B. wood C. soon D. bamboo( )7. A. English B. bring

2、C. morning D. think( )8. A. walk B. salt C.always D. also二词汇1.He never _(回复) to any of my emails, and I didnt know why.2.How many bones are there in a _(长颈鹿) neck?3.“Please turn to Page _(四十).” the teacher said to the students.4.What the boy said _(使惊奇) us.5.The old library in the village was built

3、in the thirteenth _(世纪).6.Would you like to travel on camels _(穿过) the Sahara Desert (沙哈拉沙漠)?7.The bad weather will last a long _(时期).8.The people there make money by_(饲养) sheep and cows.9.Its good of you to give your _(座位)to someone on the bus, children. 10What will you give your sister as a prense

4、nt on her _(十九) birthday.11.The watch is one of the _(兔子) .12.The door is wide enough for three people to go _ at the same time (通过).13.The boy is very _(care), so he often leaves his books at home.14. How _ you are to make the same mistake again! (care)15.ack didnt know a baby usually _(weigh) four

5、 kg at birth,but now he does.16.Many children like _(Italy) noodles.17.Daniel did _(bad) in his English and his parents were very angry.18.We are talking about all his _(able) to be a teacher.19.The engineer says that itll take at _(little) two years to build this tall building.20.The hotel is so ne

6、ar the street. Im afraid it may be very _(noise) at night.21.The little sheep cant eat the _(leaf) from the city.22.The 12-year-old girl do everything _(she) without others help.23.Tom is clever, but sometimes he does his homework _ (care).三句型转换1. You mustnt play with your dogs in the street , boys

7、and girls. (同义句) Boys and girls, _ _ with your dogs in the street.2. The music sounds very beautiful. (感叹句) _ _ the music _!3. I could ride a bike when I was six years old. (同义句) I _ _ _ ride a bike _ _ _ _.4. The elephant weighs about 2 tons. _ _ _ the elephant _?5. The little girl decided to climb

8、 the mountain alone. The little girl decided to climb the mountain _ _ _./_ _.6. The man is so short that he can not reach the apple on the tree. The man is _ _ _ _ _ the apple on the tree.7. He studied there for three years. _ _ _ he _ there?8. What other places do you want to visit this summer hol

9、iday? _ _ _ you like to visit this summer holiday?四句子翻译1.我每周一次收到父母的来信都很兴奋。I _.2.昨天他们迷路了,所以他们向警察求助。Yesterday they _ _ _, so they_.3.“一切都很好” ,约翰对自己说。“Everything is OK”, John _ _ _.4.格林太太擅长教小孩子拉小提琴。 Mrs Green does _ _ _little children _ _ _ _.5.为什么不尽你最大的力量去帮助需要帮助的人们?Why not _ _ _ _ help the people _ _?

10、6.从那时起三明治变得全世界受欢迎。Sanwiches have become popular _.7.她再也不想周游世界了。She doent want _.8.他决定捡起那只虚弱的猫并把它送到动物中心。 He decided _the weak cat and _ the animal center.9.Alice足够的小可以走进这个门。Alice _ the door.10.你相信从那以后潍坊因为做风筝而著名了吗?Do you believe Weifang has become _?11.我太矮了够不到树上的苹果。I am _.12.记得让你的头发远离火。_ fire.五 单项选择(

11、)1. Can you _ me? -Yes, Im _ you. A. listen to, hearing B. hear, listen to C. hear, listening to D. listen to , hear( )2. Mr Wu, shall we _ a camera _ us? We can take photos there. A. take, with B. bring, to C. carry, on D. take , on( )3. _ usual, they talk to each other _ brothers. A. As, as B. As, like C. Like , as D. Like, like( )4.- Is _ there? -Yes, Im upstairs. Please come and help me. A. anybody B. everybody C.somebody D.nobody( )5. Hearing the doorbell, he stopped _ the dishes. A. to wash B. washing C. to clean D. cleaning( )6. Travelling _ is so modern now.


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