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1、七年级英语(下册)教学案Module 7 Unit 1 I was born in a small village.编者:王卉晴【学习目标】1.学会使用下列单词和短语: born, strict, friendly, primary, town, village, US , nice, good, difficult, primary school, be born in. 2.初步了解并掌握含有动词be(was/were)的一般过去时态的句子。3. 灵活运用下列句型询问他人过去的生活 . Who was your first teacher/friend.? What was/were yo

2、ur. like? Where were you born? I was born in. .Was she strict ? Yes,she is./No, she isnt. 4.听懂对话,正确获取相关信息。【重难点】1.一般过去时态及was/were的正确使用。2. What was/were sb like ?的用法【预习检测】1.写出下列单词:(1)出生_ (2)友好的_ (3)严格的_ (4)小学_ (5)城镇_ (6)村庄_(7)乖的_ (8)有好的,亲切的_ (9)难对付的_2.短语连线:(1)出生于 A. the name of the village(2)这个村庄的名字 B

3、. a small village(3)一个小村庄 C. be born in(4)你的第一个学校的名字 D. my first teacher(5)我的启蒙老师 E. be quite difficult(6)在课堂上 F. in class(7)相当难对付 G. the name of your first school【课堂学习】1. 听录音完成part1和part2.2. 听part3的录音,回答下列问题:(1) Where was Lingling born?_(2) Where was Tony born?_(3) Who was Tonys first teacher?_3. 再

4、听录音,用红笔勾出重点句型。4. 朗读对话后,角色表演;完成活动三和四的练习。5. 小组合作找出知识点、语法及疑难点,小组合作尝试解决。6. 要求学生跟读录音,完成part5,注意句子的重音。7. 两人一组,就part6的问题展开对话,然后老师要求每组派代表到前面来展示。【精讲点拨】1. 一般过去时:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常见的时间状语有:this morning, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/month, 时间段+ago, in 2000等.本模块主要是含有be动词的过去时态的句子,其中was是am

5、/is的过去式,were是are的过去式。如: I am a teacher now. 现在我是一名老师。 I was a student last year. 去年我是一名学生。 They are in Beijing now. 现在他们在北京。 They were in Shanghai yesterday. 昨天他们在上海。2. I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province. 我出生于陕/山西省一小村庄。(1)be born in/on 表示出生于,常用过去时态,后常接时间状语或地点状语。(在某天用on,在某年/某月用in;地点前用in

6、)如:I was born in Liaocheng on June15, 2004. 我2004年六月十五日出生于聊城。 (2)in a small village in Shanxi Province 英语中地点有大有小,若同时出现时,排列顺序:先小后大,与汉语恰好相反。如:我出生在山东省冠县。应译为:I was born in Guanxian in Shandong Province.2. friendly,形容词友好的,既可以作表语也可以作定语。常用短语:对某人友好常用be friendly to sb,如:Our teacher is friendly to us. 我们的老师对我

7、们很友好。friendly 在句中做表语。 My friend Mary is a friendly girl.我的朋友玛丽是一个友好的女孩。friendly 在句中做定语。 4.strict, 形容词严格的,严厉的,既可以作表语也可以作定语。对某人严格用be strict with sb ,对某事严格用be strict in sth .如:My father is strict with me. 我爸爸对我很严格。My teacher is strict in his work. 我的老师对他的工作很严格。5.What be sb like ? 是询问某人的性格,用friendly, ni

8、ce, kind, good, difficult等词来回答,而What do/does sb like? 是询问某人的外貌特征,用tall, short, fat, thin,young,old等词来回答。如:What is your mother like? 你妈妈性格怎么样? She is very kind . 她很和蔼。 What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎么样?She is very tall and beautiful. 她又高又漂亮。【变式训练】.选择题:1. _ were you born?I was born in a small

9、village.A. What B. How C. When D. Where2. Were you born in China?Yes, I _.A. were B. is C. was D. am3. Was he a teacher?No, he _.A. werent B. wasnt C. isnt D. was4. Mr. Black is very strict _ his students.A. with B. in C.for D. to5. What was your uncle like?He was very kind and _.A. friend B. friend

10、ly C. strict D. happy.用was/were填空。(1)Where _ you born? I _ born in England. (2)_ Lingling born in China? Yes, she _.(3)Who _ your first teacher?(4)Who _ your first friends?(5)They _ born in China, too.(6)It _ hot yesterday.III.按要求做题。(1)I was born in Beijing.(对划线部分提问). _ _ you born?(2)What was your t

11、eachers name?(改同义句)What was _name_ your teacher?(3)Mary was my first friend.(对划线部分提问). _ was_first friend?(4)My first friend was very difficult.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your first friend _?【课堂小结】亲爱的同学们,这节课你学到了什么?请和你的同伴用问答的形式总结本课的词汇和句型。【达标测试】.单项选择:1. I was born _ June15th, 2000_a small village.A. in; on B. at;

12、in C. in; at D. on; in2. Was Tom good at school? _.A. Yes, he did B. Yes, he was C. No, he didnt D. No, he werent3.Our teacher is strict _ us and _ her work. A. to; with B. with ;in C. in ;with D. with ;on.4.Our Chinese teacher is like one of our_, and he is _ to his students. A. friendly; friendly B.friends; friend C.friend; friendly D. friends ;friendly .用所给词的适当形式填空.(1)She _(be not)born in 2000.(2)Mary is _(friend) to his classmates.(3)My son was _(bear) in Liaocheng.(4)Who were your first _(friend)?(5)What _(be) the name of your first school?(6) Wha


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