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1、系统研发生产流程1. Concept development (概念)CITYFLO 650 is a state of the art CBTC moving block solution developed by Bombardier Transportation (BT) for new or existing mass transit and urban metro applications. BT has developed, successfully installed and commissioned multiple systems that are now operating

2、 in revenue service. Applications include Subway Systems, Light Rail systems and Airport People Mover (APM) systems etc. The applied principles remain the same regardless of the car type, running surface, specific line structure, or system size.CITYFLO 650是目前庞巴迪运输(BT )为城市轨道交通新线或既有线, 提供的一套 CBTC 移动闭塞解

3、决方案。庞巴迪运输开发的这套系统已安装 并运行在多条商业运营线路上。应用范围包括地铁、轻轨和机场旅客捷运 系统(apm )等,此系统还不受制于列车类型、地上地下、线路结构或线 路尺寸容量等。2. System definition and application conditions (系统定义和应用条件)CITYFLO 650 is a true moving block CBTC signaling solution capable of being configured to operate in different operating modes that range from ful

4、ly automated Unattended Train Operation (UTO) to manual operation with no ATp protection for degraded operation in fall-back mode .CITYFLO 650 是真正意义上的移动闭塞 CBTC 信号系统,它能根据不 同的运营模式要求进行配置, 包括从全自动无人值守 (UTO) 方式到后备模式 下无 ATp 保护的人工运行模式等。3. Risk analysis (风险分析)Brain storms sessions are held at the beginning o

5、f the project and all the technical and operational risks and mitigations are analyzed and documented in hazard log. The more than 17 systems in revenue service and more than 10 years of real service experiences since BTs first CBTC system put into service in 2003 has made our experiences richest an

6、d risk control most successful. 在项目开始时,会举行头脑风暴,对所有技术、运营风险和缓解措施进行 分析,然后汇编到“隐患分析”文档中。自 2003 年 BT 首条 CBTC 系统投 入运营以来,已超过 17 条线路和 10 多年的经验,因此有着丰富的经验和 成功的风险控制。4. System requirements (系统需求)System requirement from customer specifications are analyzed and captured by using a special tool called DOORs.对客户规格书中

7、的系统需求进行分析,并通过“ DOORs ”工具进行记录和 整理。5. Apportionment of System requirements(系统需求分配)As said in the above, the System Requirements are analyzed/apportioned into categories by using DOORs.如上所述,将通过 DOORs 对系统需求进行分析和归类。6. Design and implementation (设计和执行)All the design and implementations are traced by using

8、 DOORs and ensured all the requirements are captured and implemented accordingly. Design review meetings with all the functional groups and design lianson with other subsystem vendors are held to ensure all the requirements are captured and interfaces are carried out correctly.所有设计和实施将通过 DOORs 进行跟踪,

9、并确保所有的需求能相应执行。 同时,会召集与各功能组的设计审查会,以及和其它供货商的设计联络会, 来确保所有需求均已提取并且其接口能正确执行。7. Manufacture (生产制造)When the final design review is approved by the customer, manufacture of the design is then carried out, those including assembly and factory testing of the various subsystems, such as ATS, CBI, RATP, RATO an

10、d DCS systems. 当最终设计审查会由客户通过后,设计后的生产将执行,这包括各子系统(例如:ATS, CBI, RATP, RATO和DCS等)的组装和工厂测试等。8. Installation (安装)系统The factory test completed subsystems are sent to the filed site for installations. 在工厂测试结束后,将把设备送到现场进行安装。9. System Validation (including safety acceptance and commissioning)证 (包括安全认证和试运行)Up

11、on the completion of installation, testing and commissioning at the filed site starts. This includes a series of predefined and mature test procedures, all the tests must pass with record and this will serve as the inputs to the safety acceptance evaluation by an independent 3rd party safety assesso

12、r. 安装结束后,将进行现场的测试和试运行。 这包括一系列预先定义好的成 熟的测试流程,所有通过的测试均要有记录,这将作为第三方的安全认证 评估员的输入。10. System acceptance 系统验收System acceptance is conducted by the end user, which normally includes PAC (Preliminary Acceptance) and FAC (Final Acceptance). PAC is conducted normally after the system has completed all the req

13、uired system level tests but before the system starts the passenger service. FAC is normally conducted one year after the system started passenger service and fulfils all the required functionality and reliability requirements.系统验收将由业主进行,通常包括初步验收(PAC )和最终验收(FAC )。 PAC 是在系统完成了所有测试并在载客运行前进行, FAC 则是在系统

14、已开 始载客运行后的一年进行,来验证所有的功能和可靠性需求。11. Operation and maintenance(运营和维护)Operation and maintenance is normally carried out by the end user in China. BY carries out O&M for many other customers such as Madrid international airport, Frankfurt International airport and most US customers by a separate O&M cont

15、ract. For a more complex Driverless Train Operation (DTO) systems such as Beijing international airport system, BT carried out a 1 year O&M contract and handed over the system to end user when they get familiar and are capab le of handling the system by themselves with BT support.在中国,运营和维护都是由业主来执行的。

16、海外许多客户例如马德里国际 机场由 BT 来执行运营和维护工作。 法兰克福国际机场和大部分美国客户则 有单独的运行商来运营。而对于复杂的无人驾驶 (DTO) 系统,例如北京国际 机场系统, BT 有一年的运营和维护合同,并在客户熟悉并有能力接管整套 系统时进行转交,同时会提供后续支持。12. Performance monitoring (性能监控)Performance monitoring is carried out continuously by both the end user and BT. A special and powerful tool called CFMS (CityFlo Monitoring System) which records all the system status and events will be used through out of the system life cycle.


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