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1、 高 三 年级 英语 学科学案学习时间第 周 第 节 2014年10月14日学案编号学习内容非谓语动词 Non-finite Verb主 笔 人胡小敏一级审核人二级审核人学 习 目 标学 习 目 标学 习 重 难 点学 习 方 法情 感 领 悟grasp the usage of non-finite verbHow to master the skills and use them freely.DiscussionPresentation.To learn to cooperate. To inspire students positive energy近三年高考中非谓语的考题:20122

2、013201471题with 的复合结构74题过去分词作宾补71题不定式作目的状语72题过去分词作状语75题非谓语动词作主语78题比较句式和非谓语动词非谓语动词的考点1、非谓语动词作主语和表语 2、非谓语动词作宾语3、非谓语动词作定语 4、非谓语动词作状语5、非谓语动词作宾补 6、非谓语动词的时态和语态7、谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别一、记忆篇 (Memory is the mother of all wisdom.)1、动名词的复合结构:就是在动名词前加上它的逻辑主语。2、非谓语的否定式:在非谓语动词前加not.His not coming to my birthday party made

3、me a little anxious. 3、某些动词或动词短语后接固定的结构: V. + to do (want, afford, manage, decide etc.) V./ V. 短语 + doing (avoid, appreciate, delay, feel like etc. ) V./ V. 短语 + doing / to do 但意义不同 (forget,regret, mean, go onetc. ) V./ V. 短语 + sb. + to do (beg, encourage, expect, depend on etc.) allow, advise, perm

4、it, forbid +sb to do / doing need/ want/ require +to be done/ doing4、某些表达固定的词/ 短语/ 句型: (given, suppose, supposing, providing generally speaking, judging from, to be honest)做没有用/没好处: It is no use/ no good + doing sth. 5、“有do 无to”的前提是在介词but, besides,except, other than之前有实义动词do 的各种形式。 6、 常见的接不含to的不定式的句

5、式: (had better would ratherthan Why (not) do ? may well docannot (help / choose) but do may/might as well do ) / 7、have/ make/ get/ leave/ keep/ catch/see等的搭配Kids stories1) _ (find没有找到) a partner, Kimi burst into tears. But it is no use _ over spilt milk (cry覆水难收). He _(may不妨,还是的好) finish the task h

6、imself.2) Shitou is so naughty that he cant help _ (爬) up to imitate Koala. Unfortunately, he _ (had 摔断了胳膊) the other day, making his father worried.3) To avoid _ (run用完) money, Cindy dont know whether she can afford _ (buy买) something more. _ (老实说), she is good at calculating, _ (consider考虑) that s

7、he is so little.4) Kids are advised _ (sit坐) well, but something needs _(do需要做) to enrich the journey. And Tiantians song encouraged other kids_(brave勇敢).5) Angela and her father could do nothing _ (wait除了等), which made them feel at a loss.二、易错易混篇 (Experience grows out of mistakes.)Filling the blank

8、s: Positive energyThis TV show “Where are you going, Papa?”, 1 us to pay more attention to parenting and family education, transferred a kind of positive energy, which is believed 2 fundamental to make our world a nicer home. Examples 3 by us Chinese are never rare or worthless to 4 . In 2012, when

9、people seemed 5 too much time on TV, Moyan was reported 6 The Nobel Prize in Literature. His 7 literature made us realize our ignorance and expect his next book 8 soon. 9 her students at the cost of her two legs, the most beautiful teacher Zhanglilis normal life is believed 10 for being disabled. Ho

10、wever, with many dreams 11 , she faced her life bravely.12 making contributions to our world, they have inspired positive energy from our inner heart.1. A. leading B. having led 2. A. that is B. to be3. A. having set B. set4. A. to be learnt from B. to learn from5. A. to be wasting B. to waste6. A.

11、to win B. to have won7. A. absorbed in B. being absorbed in8. A. to be published B. to publish9. A. saving B. having saved10. A. to have been ruined B. to be ruined11. A. to realize B. to be realized12. A. Being devoted to B. Devoted to特别关注:1. 形容词化的过去分词短语: 作主语或定语时,直接省略be 作主语时,改be为being选择题:沉溺于网络游戏,恐怕

12、他期末考试不能通过。A:Absorbed in B:Being absorbed in _ his online games, Im afraid, may lead to his failure in this final exam. _ his online games, Im afraid, he may fail in this final exam. 2. 动词不定式的各种形式:不定式主动语态被动语态一般式进行式完成式完成进行式改错:The decision made at the meeting tomorrow will influence the future of our c

13、ompany. 明天会议上做的决定将会影响公司的未来 。3. 动词不定式的主动表被动: (1)不定式作定语与被修饰名词构成动宾关系时You will have lots of difficulties _if you want to make greater progress. (overcome) 如果你想取得更大的进步,那么你还需要克服许多困难。 (2)with 的复合结构中有很多工作要做_要放电影(show)_4. 在名词后作定语时不能用having done 不定式表示动作尚未发生; V-ing表示动作正在进行,同时表示主动意义; 过去分词表示动作已经发生,同时表示被动意义。 The room is empty except for a bookshelf _ (立在) in the corner. (stand) The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras _(返回到)our shop forquality problems. (return) (2014北京) Last night, there were millions of people _ the



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