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1、中国区受控技术文件China Division T-Document要求 Requirement新厂投产要求及程序New Plant Start-up Requirement and Procedure颁布日期 Issue Date: 97-08-04T-11共12页第1页Page 1 of 12Purpose:目的:To ensure that every new bottling/canning plant, and line expansion is capable to produce Company products.阐明新可口可乐装瓶厂和新生产线投产的要求,以确保生产出的产品符合可

2、 口可乐公司的要求。Requirement:要求:1. MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR BOTTLING PLANT START UP 装瓶厂投产的最低要求1) At least one permanent concrete road to main entrance and warehouse is completed.至少已建成一条从大门至仓库的水泥路。2) All construction material and rubbish around building must removed. 必须清除掉建筑物周围所有的建筑材料及垃圾。3) All construction

3、in water treatment room, syrup room, filling room, packaging area, raw materials warehouse, package material warehouse, Concentrate/Beverage Base warehouse and final products warehouse must be completely finished.水处理车间、糖浆间、注入间、包装区域、原材料仓库、包装物料仓库、 浓缩液/主剂库和成品库内的所有工程必须全部完成。4) All above area have been cl

4、eaned and sanitized as following section 2 in this document.必须按照本文件以下第2节的要求对以上区域进行清洁和消毒。5) Whole production area must be completely enclosed.整个生产区域必须完全封闭。6) All personnel in production area are required to wear uniforms and head covers生产区域内所有人员必须穿戴工作服和工作帽。7) At least one set toilets available for pl

5、ant staff daily use. 至少有一套厕所可供工厂员工日常使用。8) Plant has specified persons to be responsible for whole plant cleaning and hygiene.有专门的人员负责整个厂区的清洁与卫生。9) All personnel in plant are required to wear I.D. badges. And specified color can allow to key area such as syrup room, water treatment room and filling r

6、oom etc.中国区受控技术文件China Division T-Document要求 Requirement新厂投产要求及程序New Plant Start-up Requirement and Procedure颁布日期 Issue Date: 97-08-04T-11共12页第2页Page 2 of 12厂内所有人员都必须佩带身份识别卡,并且只有佩戴特定颜色的卡才 能进入关键区域如糖浆间、水处理车间和注入间等。10) All visitors (including installation engineer) are required to wear badges. 厂内所有人员都必须

7、佩带身份识别卡,并且只有佩戴特定颜色的卡才 能进入关键区域如糖浆间、水处理车间和注入间等。11) Restricted areas (e.g. syrup room) are clearly identified and securely controlled.明确标明限制进入区域(如:糖浆间)并采取安全控制措施。* BEFORE CONSIDERING START UP, ABOVE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT MUST MEET.*在计划投产前必须达到以上最低要求。2. Plant on-site and Building Cleaning and Sanitizing Pro

8、cedure 厂内场地和建筑清洗和消毒程序When finishing works of construction is completed, then sanitation of building will be begun soon. Before starting sanitation, restricted access to the process area must be informed to all employees and outside visitors including workers involved in the installation works.建筑施工完成

9、后,应尽快进行厂房消毒,开始消毒前,必须通知所有员工和 外来人员(包括安装施工的工人)。2.1General instruction一般要求a) Cleaning of whole area in the plant building be simultaneously carried out in one day.整个厂房建筑的清扫必须在一天之内集中进行。b) Entrance to the plant building must be limited, and water should be prepared to wash shoes at the entrance.必须限制进入厂房建筑

10、的入口通道,并在入口处备有用于清洗鞋子的 水。c) The air blower of the air conditioner or the ventilator should be turned on prior to cleaning of floor, wall and process facilities because dust in the duct would be scattered in the process area at the first time.在清洁地面、墙壁和生产设备前空调吹风或排风机必须启动,因为管道内 的灰尘会在第一次使用后散落在生产区域内。d) Mach

11、inery and equipment must be cleaned up after the walls and floors be cleaned properly.墙壁和地面清洁完成后必须进行机械和设备的清洁工作。e) Following tools and chemicals must be prepared at sanitation: 必须准备以下用于消毒的工具和化学品:中国区受控技术文件China Division T-Document要求 Requirement新厂投产要求及程序New Plant Start-up Requirement and Procedure颁布日期

12、Issue Date: 97-08-04T-11共12页第3页Page 3 of 12-Detergent.Floor cleaner, detergent safe to use for food process.清洗剂地面清洗剂,清洗剂必须满足食品生产的安全性。-Chlorine. Calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite. 氯次氯酸钙,次氯酸钠。-Brush. Floor brush, pot clean, scrubbing brush, pipe brush, tooth brush.刷子地板刷、pot clean,钢丝板刷、管道刷、牙刷。-

13、Hose, Bucket, ladder 软管、水桶、梯子。2.2 Filling, packaging and syrup rooms 注入间、包装区域和糖浆间a) Take away construction tools.拿走施工用具。b) Clean off dust on machinery and equipment, trashes of cement and sand, and drop of paint.清除掉机械和设备上的灰尘、水泥污迹和沙子和沾上的油漆痕迹。c) Brush with detergent solution. 用清洗剂溶液擦洗。d) Rinse with cl

14、ean water and squeeze out water. 用清水冲洗并将水排掉。e) Spray 200ppm chlorine solution and keep it overnight (Dont spray on the surface of machine).洒上200ppm氯水并保留过夜(不要洒在设备表面).f) Repeat the above procedure at least 3 days. 至少三天重复上述程序。2.3 Water treatment room and CO2 purification room水处理车间和二氧化碳净化间a) Take away c

15、onstruction tools.拿走施工用具。b) Clean off dust on machinery and equipment, trashes of cement and sand, and drop of paint.清除掉机械和设备上的灰尘、水泥污迹和沙子和沾上的油漆痕迹。c) Brush with detergent solution.用清洗剂溶液擦洗。d) Rinse out thoroughly with clean water and squeeze out water. 用清水冲洗并将水排掉。e) Spray 200ppm chlorine solution and keep it overnight.洒上200ppm氯水并保留过夜。中国区受控技术文件China Division T-Document要求 Requirement新厂投产要求及程序New Plant Start-up Requirement and Procedure颁布日期 Issue Date: 97-08-04T-11共12页第4页Page 4 of 122.4 Storage rooms of sugar, crown/closure and Concentrate/Beverage Base 糖、皇冠盖/旋盖和浓缩液主剂仓库a) Take away co



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