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1、七年级英语上册Unit4HavingFunTopic2WouldyouliketogoforapicnicSectionB教案仁爱版The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:sing, song, have to, fun, fly, kite, fly a kite, afraid, time, carry, speak to, ask, back, call back, evening2.

2、 (1)Learn the invitation:Would you like to sing some songs with me? Im sorry I cant. I have to cook.Would you like to cook with us? Yes, Id love to.Steve, how about flying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time.(2)Talk about making telephone calls: Hello! May I speak to Maria? Oh

3、, sorry, She isnt in now.Whos this?This is Sally.Could you ask her to call me back this evening? Sure. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/小黑板/课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1. (抽查2-3组同学,展示上节课布置的家庭作业制定野炊计划。让同学们讨论他们的计划是否合理并提出建议。)2. (复习Would you like ? 用它对食品进行提问,由此导入本课生词。)T:From

4、Section A, who knows what Kangkang, Jane, Maria want to do?Ss:They want to have a picnic.T:Yes. How clever you are! Now Ill ask you another question. What would they like to have for the picnic?(老师手举一张汉堡包的图片。)Ss:They would like to have hamburgers.(老师手举一张鸡肉的图片。)Ss:They would like to have chicken.(这次老

5、师变换一张唱歌的图片,学生可能有点惊讶,老师趁机提问。)T:Would they like to sing some songs?Ss:Yes, (学生可能回答:Yes, they would.)(板书)sing song (然后老师把话题转向学生,吸引学生的注意力。)T:Would you like to sing some songs with me?Ss:Yes, Id like to.(学生可能回答:Yes, I would.)(教师给出正确答案。)T:You can answer“Yes, Id love to./Yes, Id like to./Yes, Id like that.

6、” if you agree. If you dont agree, you could answer“Im sorry, I cant / Id like that, but Im afraid ”(老师出示放风筝图片。)T:Would you like to fly a kite with me? It is fun.(做点头动作。)Ss:Yes, Id like to.(板书)flykitefly a kite fun (老师出示提水图片,导入How about ? 句型。)T:How about carrying water?(这时学生可能不会回答,老师可解释“How about ca

7、rrying water?”means“Would you like to carry water?”同时做摇头动作,这时学生就会做出否定回答。)Ss: Im sorry I cant.(教师可补充 I have no time. I have to cook.)(板书)have tocarry time (导言:今天是星期天,Jane, Kangkang, Michael, Wang Junfeng, Maria, Steve和Bobby他们现在在做什么呢?看1a图片。导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (听1a录音,回答问题。)(听第一遍

8、,老师问第一个问题。)What would Jane like to do? T:Who can answer this question? Please hand up.S1:She would like to sing songs.(听第二遍,老师问第二个问题。)T:What would other kids like to do?S2:Kangkang, Michael and Wang Junfeng would like to cook.S3:Maria would like to fly a kite.S4:Steve would like to carry water.S5:Bo

9、bby would like to fly a kite, too.2. (老师根据学生的回答,板书本节对话的关键词,为下一步“巩固”环节作准备。)Janesing songs Kangkangcook MichaelcookWang Junfengcook Mariafly a kiteStevecarry water Bobbyfly a kite3. (老师板书项目语言。)Would you like to sing songs with me?Yes, Id like to.Yes, Id love to.Yes, Id like that.How about flying a kit

10、e with me?Id like that.Im sorry I cant.Id like that, but Im afraid(要求学生将黑板上的句子读三遍。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)1. (学生只看黑板上的关键词和项目语言,不看课文,七人一组表演对话。小组之间展开竞赛,看哪组表演得好,并给予掌声鼓励。完成1a和1b。)2. (根据上面的对话内容,用所给词的适当形式填空,完成1c。)(1)(学生独立完成1c。)(2)(教师核对答案,同时需要注意一下动词第三人称单数用法及变化规则。)(3)(完成后,学生再读一遍。)Step 4 Practice

11、 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (教师挂出写有问题的小黑板,播放课件2a,画面上电话铃声在响,一位女士正拿起电话,定格画面。)T:Now listen to the tape and answer these questions.(教师手指小黑板。) Who is the call from? Who is the call to? Who is at home? Is Maria at home?(1)(教师播放课件学生认真看课件并注意电话留言关键环节。)(2)(学生回答小黑板上的问题。)(3)(教师利用情景教授新单词。)speak to, ask, back, evening(4)(学

12、生再听录音,跟读并模仿语音语调。)(5)(教师讲解目标语言,让学生领会含义。)(6)(学生两人一组表演此对话。完成2a。)2. (独立完成2b横线上的内容,并使用简洁、流畅的语言完成电话信息。)3. (教师放录音3,让学生跟读,提醒并教会学生连读。)(教师在黑板上另写几个句子,让学生操练。)(1) It is a car.(2) Help yourselves.(3) Can I take your order?(4) There is a bus over there.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:9分钟)1. (晚上八点钟,Sally家的电话铃声响了)T:Boy

13、s and girls, now its 8:00 in the evening. The telephone at Sallys home is ringing. Suppose you are Sally. Your partner, Maria, calls you back and you tell her about the picnic. Pair work.(1)(学生两人一组准备对话。)(2)(教师叫一两组同学到台上表演。)Example:(Ring)Sally:Hello!Maria:Hello! May I speak to Sally?Sally:This is Sall

14、y. Whos this?Maria:Hi, Sally. This is Maria.Sally:Maria. Dont forget to bring a kite for our picnic.Maria:Dont worry. I wont forget it.Sally:OK. Goodbye.Maria:Bye.2. (康康在广西农村结交了一位小朋友,他常常在各方面给予这位小朋友帮助。让学生扮演康康,给那位小朋友打电话。小朋友名叫杨松,在进结小学读书。接电话的是校长。三人一组进行电话会话练习。)T: Kangkang makes a friend in the countrysid

15、e in Guangxi. He is a little boy. His name is Yang Song. Kangkang often helps him. Now you are Kangkang. You give Yang Song a call. And the headmaster answers the phone. Work in groups of three. Then act it out.Example:(Ring )Headmaster:Hello. This is Jinjie Primary School.Kangkang:Hello! May I speak to Yang Song?Headmaster:Just a moment, please.Yang Song:Hello!Ka


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