浙江专版八年级英语上册 Test for Unit 1 人教新目标版精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Test for Unit 1(时间120分钟,满分120分)题号一二三四五六七总分得分听 力 部 分(25分)一、听力(共15小题,满分25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听力材料:W:Did you see any fish when you were at the beach?M:No,I didnt.But I saw quite a few birds.( B )1.What did the boy see when he was at the beach?AFish.BBirds.

2、CA dog.听力材料:W:I heard you went to the Mount Hua last week.Did you climb to the top?M:No,we didnt.It started to rain in the afternoon,so we went back.( C )2.Why didnt the boy climb to the top?ABecause it was hot. BBecause he was tired.CBecause it was rainy.听力材料:W:How was your trip,Ben?M:It was great.

3、I bought a dress for you and a model plane for Mike.( A )3.What did Ben buy for the girl?AA dress. BA book. CA model plane.听力材料:W:My family went to Shanghai in 2016.It is really a big city.M:Yes,it is.I visited there in 2015.( A )4.When did the man visit Shanghai?AIn 2015. BIn 2014. CIn 2016.听力材料:W:

4、Why didnt you go to Hangzhou by plane?It is fast.M:Yes,it is.But it is also expensive.So I took the train.( B )5.How did the man go to Hangzhou?ABy plane. BBy train. CBy bus.第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段对话,回答第67两小题。听力材料:W:Good morning,Allan.How was your weekend?M:Good morn

5、ing,Lily.It was great.I went to the beach with my parents.W:Did you have a good time?M:Yes,we did.We enjoyed the sunshine and played games.W:Sounds great.( B )6.Who did Allan go to the beach with?AHis friends. BHis parents. CHis brothers.( C )7.What did they do on the beach?AThey had a picnic. BThey

6、 took photos.CThey played games.听下面一段对话,回答第810三小题。听力材料:W:Tom,did you go to London by train or bus?M:Oh,I drove there with two of my friends.W:How long did you stay there?M:We stayed there for three days.W:Did you do anything special?M:It rained on the first day.And we visited London in the rain.It w

7、as cool!( A )8.How did Tom go to London?ABy car. BBy train. CBy bus.( B )9.How many days did Tom stay in London?AFor two days. BFor three days. CFor four days.( C )10.How was the weather on the first day?AIt was cloudy. BIt was sunny. CIt was rainy.第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)听

8、力材料:Molly spent her summer vacation in China with her parents.The family took the plane and arrived in Shanghai first and stayed there for four days.“There are so many tall buildings in Shanghai,”Molly said.Then they took the train to Beijing.They stayed in Beijing for a week and visited some famous

9、 places.They also went to zoos and parks.Their third stop is Xian.They spent three days in the city.Mollys parents enjoyed the food there a lot.Molly loved the history museum best.She learned a lot about Chinese history.At last,they spent four days in Chengdu.They saw lovely pandas and enjoyed delic

10、ious food there.They really had a great vacation.( A )11.How did Mollys family go to Shanghai?ABy plane. BBy train. CBy car.( B )12.What did Molly see in Shanghai?AA lot of visitors. BMany tall buildings.CA lot of parks.( C )13.How long did they stay in Beijing?AThree days. BFour days. CSeven days.(

11、 B )14.What did Molly like best in Xian?AThe food. BThe history museum.CThe zoo.( A )15.What did they do in Chengdu?AThey saw pandas. BThey visited the teahouse.CThey took some photos.笔 试 部 分(95分)二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Our family went to Malaysia for vacation last M

12、ay Day.I arrived _16_Penang on the first day.It was sunny and hot,so we decided _17_to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I tried _18_.I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special_19_yellow noodles,they were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Ge

13、orgetown.There are a lot of new _20_now,but many of the old buildings are still there.In Weld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed _21_around the town.What a _22_a day makes!My

14、father and I decided to go to Penang Hill on the second day.We decided to take the train.We wanted to walk _23_to the top,but then it started _24_a little so we decided to take the train.We waited over an hour _25_the train because there were _26_people.When we got to the top,it was terrible!And _27

15、_the bad weather,we couldnt see _28_below.My father didnt bring _29_,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.The food tasted great because I was _30_ hungry.( B )16.A.at Bin Con Dfor( B )17.A.going Bto go Cgoes Dwent( A )18.A.paragliding Bparaglide Cparaglided Dparaglides( B )19.A.Malaysia BMalaysian CMalaysians DMexico( C )20.A.books Btrees Cbuildings Dflowers( A )21.A.walking Bwalks Cwalked D


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