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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题( )of over 5% are attractive if the dollar really is going to stabilize.问题1选项A.ManufacturesB.YieldsC.CreatingD.Receiving【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项Manufactures“产品”;B选项Yields“生产量,收益”;C选项Creating “创造”;D选项Receiving“接受”。句意:如果美元真的要稳定下来,超过5%的_率是有吸引力的。根据逻辑,前半句讲到要稳定下来,那么之后说的应该也

2、是“收益率”,因此B选项符合题意。2. 单选题With a new Congress drawing near, Democrats and Republicans are busily designing competing economic stimulus packages. The Republicans are sure to offer tax cuts, the Democrats-among other thingsfinancial relief for the states. There is one measure, however, that would provide

3、 not only an immediate boost to the economy but also immediate relief to those most in need: a carefully crafted extension of the federal unemployment insurance program. The Senate approved such an extension before it adjourned in November. The House of Representatives refused to go along. It was am

4、ong the greatest failures of the 107th Congress.One consequence is that jobless benefits for an estimated 780,000 Americans will abruptly stop. Tomorrow, even though most recipients have not yet exhausted their benefits. President Bush failed to show any leadership on this matter during the November

5、 Congress. Later, he finally asked Congress to extend the program for these workers and to make the benefits effective from Dec. 28.Thats not enough. The way unemployment insurance typically works is that states provide laid-off workers with 26 weeks of benefits, followed by 13 weeks of federal aid.

6、 Under Mr. Bushs scheme, federal benefits would be extended only for those who were already receiving them on Dec. 28. The extension would not cover the jobless workers who will exhaust their regular state-funded benefits after Dec.28an estimated 95,000 every weekbut will receive no federal help unl

7、ess the program is re-authorized. By the end of March, 1.2 million workers could fall into this category.The Senate saw this problem coming, and under the leadership of Hillary Rodham Clinton for New York and Don Nickles of Oklahoma, passed a bill that would not only have covered people already enro

8、lled in the federal program but provided 13 weeks of assistance for those losing their state benefits in the new year. The House, for largely trivial reasons, refused to go along.Bill Frist, the new Senate majority leader, says he is looking for ways to put a kinder, gentler face on the Republican P

9、arty. Passing the Clinton-Nickles bill would be a good way to begin. The House should then follow suit. One of the Houses complaints last year was that, at $5 billion, the Clinton-Nickles bill was too expensive. Thats ridiculous, considering the costs of the tax cuts that House Republicans have in m

10、ind.The unemployment rate last month stood at 6 percent, the highest since mid-1994. The country could use a $5 billion shot in the arm right about now. So could a lot of increasingly desperate people.6. According to the author, the proposed extension is( ).7. What does the author refer to as one of

11、 the greatest failures of the 107th Congress?8. Who may benefit from the Clinton-Nickles bill?9. Why did the author say the Houses complaint was ridiculous?10. How does the author feel about the Presidents request for the extension and its coverage?问题1选项A.what the coming Congress should reconsiderB.

12、excluded from the economic stimulus packagesC.a relief program carefully designed by the HouseD.put forward by both Republicans and Democrats问题2选项A.The House of Representatives did not agrees with the Senate.B.The unemployment insurance extension was not approved.C.A boost to the economy was not pro

13、vided.D.Relief to those in need was not offered.问题3选项A.Only those enrolled in the federal program.B.The estimated 95,000 unemployed workers.C.Just those exhausting their state-funded benefits.D.Laid-off workers, with or without federal benefits.问题4选项A.The reasons it offers are largely insignificant.

14、B.The Clinton-Nickles bill was too expensive.C.Its tax cuts proposal is even more costly.D.The estimated cost for the bill is just $ 5 billion.问题5选项A.Short of visionB.Late and incompleteC.Lacking in consistencyD.Exhaustive but ineffective【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C【解析】6.判断推理题。文章在第一段后半部分提到了提议的延长项目(

15、the proposed extension)。首先,作者对这一项目持的是肯定态度,that would provide not only an immediate boost to the economy but also immediate relief to those most in need(有一项措施不仅能立即提振经济,还能立即救济那些最需要帮助的人)说明了这一项目的好处,指出这一项目是解决两大问题的措施;然后,作者批评了第107届国会It was among the greatest failures of the107th Congress(这是第107届国会最大的失败之一)。由此可以推知作者的言下之意,就是下一届国会应当重新考虑并采纳这一项目,因此A选项“即将到来的国会应该重新考虑”正确。B选项“被排除在经济刺激计划之外”;C选项“由众议院精心设计的救济计划”以及D选项“由共和党和民主党共同提出”,都是不正确的。7.事实细节题。本题实际上考查的是对第一段最后一句中的主语it所指的理解。该段在提出提议的延长项目(the proposed extension)后指出: The Senate approved such an extension before . refused to go along.(参议院在11月份休会


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