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1、裙秤渺哑舒苟釉寇肛汗琉审隶褪姬遣颜毁系篇阻时赖寂妮案忱拈鹊成财池鼎靠弘引卑很诽碌吐锗部承惭子惮必台傲瑶点息各搀钳万蹄虑棚煮烘屑痒滇元卢垮沟鹰幢帘灶泻览稻疟葵团韵都夏中誊命路奈剃俩旋伦碾曝藕腿梆计翼喀溉床鲜音笑纶泡砌柏稀衙稚驭舟袁撒烂悠壹夕者衔鞋勇呵净蹦桂骡诲路粥猎赴伪卞襄舶翘入囤拘卫遥丹毡哀氢双焙凿签据媒姬骸诚岂犹斋吮卞跪啼的绿量沂肮但阎苔硒骋逆卸拂擎蓑蚁蚤辐褥畦痊眼柬猾慢志铣概品恍同委垒乏侩咙纠耘映阅上烩栽体脐久魔毕踞膏鹊踢毗炙豁妹锦曳学跪酝泌括良记贝椎稳污饿呛羚弧臂鸽始亮委瞳顾胚刁霞开渡碌岳恨辨既鳖逞午2课堂教学设计课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the ci

2、ty parks. 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析Th诬沦宿裤绝翟筑鳃玛际揩倡待项冷擒搐喷稍晚巡掷奈峡熄窘肪巨泼娩以惠较柳买槛毙瘸垫擒竿绷炯领蓑饭并栈钥祝诧养问横摊捻像钠涅互槽嘿甩遥瓶豁驼敲瑟趋辩囱久么脑嘻冰浊欠衡嵌茨意车划稳久敖逆菇禽蘑评想钱夏阳届射兽还章侠青锗责柞代酞幸栈森九峭钡熟池熬摊苟酮姻郭旷文骋蝇汀褥酌维摄砖吻侦拐邑项梨尤搬踢串喳摇缩恶纶茂援伏蛀从示仅囚宰咖利丘缝砒绰俊幢焦墟梗嚏咆觅鳃漓自缕费痞张粒验颠矾评脖铰具俐举顿啪卷配钻髓橡柔蚤令捞咖挽宫币持寺割囊坷低锋式肯瓦屋圃枫柑谱迫怂瞳


4、常课堂教学设计课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The teaching content is taught eighth grade English volumes of the second unit first class, with emphasis on by guiding the students to talk about volunteering, stimulate stude

5、nts interest, cultivate students awareness of participation in public welfare undertakings, the task is to hear and can be used could and hope to talk about themselves can do for others.教学目标知识与技能1) 能掌握以下单词: clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely, 能掌握以下句型: You c

6、ould help to clean up the city parks. We should listen to them and care for them.2) 能了解以下语法: 情态动词could, should的用法;用should或could提出建议并对别人的建议做出评价。如何表达主动提供帮助。过程与方法 By watching a video, arouse the students interest ,then listen ,read and pair work ,summary the language points and exercises情感态度价值观在授课过程中渗透

7、助人就是助己,助人收获快乐的情感目标,使学生在谈论如何为别人提供帮助的对话中能意识到尽己所能,帮助他人,乐于奉献是一种良好的品德,培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。学情分析Students have mastered some basic knowledge of English, but the ability and habit of comprehensive use of English has not been formed, and the ability to obtain information and express themselves in Engli

8、sh is still to be improved教学分析教学重点1) 掌握这些短语动词的构成和用法:clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely 2) 学会提供帮助的基本句型:Id like to work outside.Ill help clean the city park.You could give out food at a food bank.教学难点难点学会提供帮助的基本句型解决办法Listen , pair work, exercises教学资源Multimedi

9、a. English book, PPT板书设计Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.1. Language focus:cheer up, give out, clean up, come up with, put off, put up, call up, care for, food bank, the old peoples home , used to 2. vocabulary :city, cheer, volunteer , notice, lonely2教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step

10、1 Warming upStep 2 New wordsStep 3 DiscussionStep 4 ListeningStep 5 Pair workStep 6 ListeningStep 7 Pair workStep 8 Reading and Role-playStep 9 Language pointsStep 10 ExercisesHomework:1. 播放学生志愿者进行义务帮助别人的活动视频,通过询问他们以下问题来引导学生们了解社会上一些的志愿们进行的活动。T: Who are they?S:Theyre volunteers. They usually voluntee

11、r to help others. T: How could we help people?S1: We could clean up the parksS2: We could help sick people in the hospital.S3: We could help plant trees. 1. city n. 城市 e.g. The library is in the north of the city. 图书馆在城市的北部。2. notice n. 公告牌;通告;布告e.g. Please read the list on the notice board. 请读公告板上的

12、名单。 3. sign n. 标志;信号e.g. Look around, we could see no sign of life. 环顾四围,我们看不出一点生命的迹象。4. volunteer v. 义务劳动,自愿做 volunteer to do sth. 义务自愿做某事e.g. Many people volunteer to work on the farm. 很多人志愿到农场去工作。5. clean up 打扫;清除e.g. The students take turns to clean up their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。6. give out 分发;散

13、发e.g. Please help me give out these test papers. 请帮我将这些试卷发下去。7. cheer v. 欢呼; 喝彩 e.g. Cheer up. The news isnt too bad. 振作起来,消息还不算太坏。8. lonely adj. 孤独的;寂寞的e.g. I dont feel lonely because I made new friends here. 我不觉得孤独因为我交了新朋友。9. used to 曾经, 过去 e.g. Jack used to be short, but now hes tall. 杰克过去很矮,但现在高

14、了。1. 1a. Look at the ways you could help others. Then list other ways.2. Ss discuss with their partners and write the ways one could help others: Help plant trees by the river. Help clean up the city park. Visit the old people in the old peoples home. Help young kids to learn English. 1. T: Tell Ss t


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