高中英语 语法复习 北师大版选修6

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《高中英语 语法复习 北师大版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 语法复习 北师大版选修6(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Teaching plan学生分析高二(3)班为文科重点班,学生在整体上占有相对的优势,但是由于女生较多,而男生的英语基础薄弱,学生的思维不太活跃,课堂气氛较为沉闷。一. 教材分析1. 本节课的内容是Module6的语法项目,复习过去完成时和过去完成进行时这两种时态。2. 这两种时态分别出现在Unit16和Unit17中Lesson1的 Grammar 讲解中。3. 时态是高中学生必须掌握的语法内容,但由于学生的英语基础掌握的不扎实, 他们容易混淆现在分词和过去分词的构成。此外,这两种时态之间又存在着异同点。由于语法点多且杂,大多数学生对语法存在着畏难的心理。因此应采取有效的方法进行语法教学,

2、让学生能够在现实的环境中运用。Teaching Aims:1. To review the basic form of Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.2. To make the difference of Past Participle and Present Participle.3. To grasp how to choose the right tense for a certain situation.4. To practice using the two tenses to make sentences.Teaching Im

3、portant Points:1. Help the students to recall the basic form of the two tenses.2. To grasp the different uses of the two tenses.Teaching Difficulties:1. To make a difference of the two tenses.2. How to use the two tenses.Teaching Aids: Multi-mediaTeaching Methods: Inductive Method Task-based Method

4、students-centered MethodTeaching ProceduresStep1 Lead in1. To introduce the two tenses by asking students questions.2. Help the students to speak out the two tenses in English after reading these sentences.Who had bought a new mobile phone?Who had cleaned the blackboard?Last class, who had been stan

5、ding here in Class3?How many students had been sitting on the chairs in Class3?Step2 Revision1. Ask the students to find out the structure of the two tenses in the question sentences.2. Lead the students to remember the basic form of the two tenses.3. Help the students to remember how to form the Pa

6、st Participle and the Present Participle.Step3 Practice1. Ask the students to fill in the blanks by given pictures.2. Ask the students to fill in the blanks by given words and make a summary of the differences.3. Give them some strategies before they do the following exercises.(1)China the 29th Olym

7、pic Games. (hold)(2)The torch for 17days at the top of Birds Nest. (burn)(3)Hong Kong _ to China before Macao came back to China. (return)(4)The passengers for a long time to get on the train. (wait)1.I the office,so it was very tidy.(clean)2.She the office,so we had to wait outside.(clean)summary:1

8、.两种时态都是以 的时间为前提的。2.过去完成时表示动作已经 , 强调 。而过去完成进行时强调动作在过去的某段时间内 。2. Ask the students to fill in the blanks by given words.1. The patient _ (die) when the doctor arrived.2. The baby_ (cry) for several hours when his mother came.3. By yesterday morning, he_ (call) me ten times.4. Now the students _ (do) th

9、eir homework.5. He failed in the exam. Because he_ (play) the computer all night.6. We _ (paint) the house before we moved in.7. So far we _ (learn) a lot of words.8. _ he _ (talk) on the phone?Step4 Summary1. Ask the students to realize the differences of the two tenses by filling in the table.Tens

10、e Uses Time Adverbial Past PerfectTo talk about an or in the past which happened other past eventsBefore By UntilWhenPast Perfect Continuous. activities in the past that happened other eventsThe actions that happened before a particular point in the past An action that was still and had not been . several hoursall nightseveral days注:动词为延续性动词如talk,study,sit 等Step5 Extension (Homework)Ask the students to make sentences about the two tenses by themselves.


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