江苏省徐州市铜山县2017届高三英语一轮复习 Module 5 Unit3 Science and nature(二)教学案

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《江苏省徐州市铜山县2017届高三英语一轮复习 Module 5 Unit3 Science and nature(二)教学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省徐州市铜山县2017届高三英语一轮复习 Module 5 Unit3 Science and nature(二)教学案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、装订线Module 5 Unit3 Science and nature(二)课题 :M5 Unit3 Science and nature (二) 教学目标:学习并熟练运用本单元重要单词的用法教学重难点:如何帮助学生识记并能熟练运用所学重要单词教学过程集体备课部分(学生活动部分)个性备课部分(学生记录)Task1 词汇检测:收割;收获_ 使改变形态 _ 概念;观念 _ fellow_ 突破 _ 多数,大多数 _ 总结;概括_ 饥饿;饥荒_ 普通的 _ accurate_ 短暂的,简洁的_真实的_证实;确认 _ favour_ 收入,收益_ 插入,嵌入_ 利润,收益_ 一系列;一连串_Task

2、2 合作探究】 学生限时完成一篇阅读理解Task3知识梳理 (重要单词) 1. intention n. 意图,意向;打算;目的;意思 intend vt. 想,打算,意图 intended adj. 有意的,故意的【常见搭配】 with_the_intention_of 以为目的或意图 intend_(sb.)_to_do_sth. 打算,意欲(让某人)做某事 be_intended_for/as_n. 为准备的 be_intended_to_do_sth. 想要;意指【练一练】The programme _ _ _ children.(孩子们编排的)He _ _ _ _ _ (打算让他儿子

3、来经营) the company after his retirement.I came with_the_intention_of_staying , but now Ive decided to leave.2. adopt vt. 采纳,采用;领养 adopted adj. 领养的;收养的adoption n. 收养;领养;采用;【常见搭配】 adopt_ones_suggestion 采纳某人的建议 adopt_a_method 采用一种方法 adopt_a_child/_an_orphan 领养小孩/孤儿【练习】She _ _(被收养) when she was four.The c

4、ommittee finally _ _ _(采纳了他的建议)3. consequence n. 结果,后果;重要(性) 【常见搭配】 as a consequence of/ in consequence of as a result of 由于,因为集体备课部分(学生活动部分) 个性备课(学生记录部分)装订线 as a consequence/ in consequence as a result 因此,所以 【即时演练】1) The official was found guilty, and lost his position_ _(因此) 2) _ _ _ _ _(由于抽烟), he

5、 coughs frequently.4. consideration n. 仔细考虑;深思;体谅 consider v. 考虑;认为 considerate adj. _ considerable adj._ considering prep./ conj. 考虑到;就而论 【常见搭配】 take_._into_consideration =take the account of take . seriousl 认真考虑 consider_doing_sth. 考虑做某事 consider_._(to_be)_n/_adj. 认为是【练习】 Considering_(that)_he_did

6、_not_study , he did well on the test. If you take_quality_into_consideration , you will find our price reasonable. He _ _ _ _(被认为)an excellent teacher.5. majority n. 大多数;大部分;多数派【常见搭配】 大多数 in (the) majority 占多数,过半数 _ _ _ _(大多数的学生) were/ was indifferent to the political meeting. In the nursing profess

7、ion, women_ _ _(占大多数)当堂检测: 单项填空1. Agricultural officials this week said strict control measures are in place, _ to prevent the red fire ants spreading across the country.A. intended B. to intend C. to be intended D. intending2. The contribution of new technology to the economic growth can only be re

8、alized when the new technology is widely _. A. appreciated B. Absorbed C. argued D. adopted3. Most female workers in Shanghai suffer from _ connected with the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey. A. curiosity B. Eagerness C. anxiety D. thirst4.Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this_ out of the longexisting discrimination.A. conceptB. responsibility C. identity D. personality课后作业: 复习本节课所学内容,并完成相关练习课堂反思(学生总结) 5


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