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1、2022-2023年考博英语-宁夏大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题The meeting was( ) over by the mayor of the city.问题1选项A.presumedB.proposedC.presentedD.presided【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项presumed“假定,推测”;B选项proposed“建议,打算”;C选项presented“提出,呈递”;D选项presided“主持,担任会议主席”。句意:会议由该市市长( )。本句表示“会议由市长主持”,因此D选项符合题意。2. 单选题The soldier was( )of runnin

2、g away when the enemy attacked.问题1选项A.scoldedB.chargedC.accusedD.punished【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项scolded“责骂;叱骂”,B选项charged“指责;控诉”,C选项accused“控告;指控”,D选项punished“惩罚”;be accused of“被指控;被控告犯有”,其他的选项是没有这个搭配的,因此C选项符合题意。句意为:这名士兵被指控在敌人进攻时逃跑。3. 单选题Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspape

3、rs there have such a large circulation. The “Daily Mirror” and the “Daily Express” both sell about four million copies every day. British families generally buy a newspaper every morning and frequently take two or three on Sundays.Apart from the national papers, there is, however, another branch of

4、the British press which sells almost as many copies. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and country area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own financially and many of them are very profitable.These papers are written almost entirely for readers intereste

5、d in local eventsbirths, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sportsbut the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve. Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches

6、in the neighborhood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news. If there is no room for it in this weeks edition, an item can sometimes be held over until the following week.The editor must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising. He is usually anxious

7、to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason. But if the newspaper is well written and the news items have been carefully chosen to attract local readers, the businessmen are grateful for the opportunity to keep their products in the public eye.Local newspapers do not often comment on

8、problems of national importance and editors rarely hold with taking sides on political questions. But they can often be of service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to provide better shopping facilities, impro

9、ve transport in the area and preserve local monuments and places of interest.These papers often sound rather dull and it seems surprising that they all make profit. But for many people in small towns and villages the death of someone known to them or the installation of traffic lights at a busy stre

10、et corner nearby can sometimes be more important than a disaster in a foreign country.1.Local newspapers have( )2.Which of the following is true?3.In the writers opinion, the editor must remember that no paper can possibly succeed without( ).4.A local newspaper can serve the community by( ).5.Why is

11、 it that local papers all make a profit?问题1选项A.a circulation as large as that of national newspapers.B.a daily circulation of 13 million.C.a slightly smaller circulation than national newspapers.D.an even larger circulation.问题2选项A.Every town and country area has at least one paper of its own.B.Nearl

12、y all town and country areas have their own papers.C.There is a newspaper, national or local, in each town and country area.D.A lot of remote town and country areas do not have their own papers.问题3选项A.advertisementsB.interesting reportsC.a great deal of national newsD.an excellent sales manager问题4选项

13、A.expressing public feeling on local issuesB.preserving local monuments and places of interestC.voicing its view on political questionsD.providing more important national news问题5选项A.They are as well organized as the national papers.B.They are staffed with people who know their districts well.C.They

14、have had sufficient support from their clients.D.Their main emphasis on local events meets the needs of the community they serve.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.事实细节题。根据题干定位到第二段Apart from the national papers, there is, however, another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies

15、. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million.(然而,除了全国性的报纸外,英国报业的另一个分支几乎卖了同样多的份。地方报纸每周的发行量为1300万份。)可以得知C选项“发行量比全国性报纸略小”正确。A选项“发行量与全国性报纸一样大”与原文不符;B选项“每日发行量为1300万份”,定位到第二段Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million.(地方报纸每周的发行量为1300万份。)是周发行量,而不是日发行量;D选项“发行量更大”与原文不符。2.判断推理题。B选项“几乎所有的城镇和农村地区都有自己的报纸”,定位到第二段Almost every town and country area has one.(几乎每个城镇和农村地区都有一个。)因此B选项正确。A选项“每个城镇和农村地区都至少有一份自己的报纸”与原文不符,并没有说至少要有一份;C选项“在每个城镇和乡村地区都有一份全国性或地方性的报纸”,这个也与原文有出入;D选项“许多偏远的城镇和农村地区没有自己的报纸。”错误。3.判断推理题。根据题干关键词定位到倒数第三段The editor must neve


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