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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Measles virus can remain in the air for at least a couple of hours, infecting anyone who is susceptible, and( )causing deadly outbreaks.问题1选项A.particularlyB.positivelyC.potentiallyD.proficiently【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. particularly 特别地;独有地 B. positively 肯定地;明确地C. p

2、otentially 可能地;潜在地 D. proficiently 精通地;熟练地【答案】C【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】麻疹病毒可以在空气中存活至少几个小时,感染任何易感人群,并引发致命疫情。根据句意可知因为这种病毒在空气能存活的时间比较长,而且在空气中不容易被人发现,所以C选项“可能地;潜在地”符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】麻疹病毒可以在空气中至少存活几个小时,感染任何易感人群,并可能导致致命疫情爆发。2. 单选题问题1选项A.To take a couple of days off.B.To take some sleeping pills.C.To f

3、ollow the mans advice.D.To stop complaining.【答案】C【解析】13. W: Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? Should I stay home from work?M: Thats not necessary. Just remember to stay calm. Dont worry so much about things at work. Just do as I said, and youll sleep well.Q: What is the woma

4、n expected to do?【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个女士需要做什么?由文中“Just do as I said, and youll sleep well.(照我说的话去做,你可以睡个好觉)”,可知C选项“To follow the mans advice(遵从男士的建议;医嘱)”符合原文。A选项“休息几天”;B选项“吃几片安眠药”;D选项“停止抱怨”不符合原文。3. 单选题13.问题1选项A.Whooping cough, smallpox and measles.B.Whooping cough, chickenpox and measles.C.Whoop

5、ing cough, smallpox and German measles.D.Whooping cough, chickenpox and German measles.【答案】B【解析】M: Id like to ask you about your past medical history. Can you tell me if you had any childhood diseases?W:When I was small, I had measles(麻疹), chickenpox(水痘) and whooping cough (百日咳). But I dont think I

6、ever had German measles(风疹).Q: What diseases did the woman have when she was small?【解析】细节题。女士小时候得过麻疹、水痘和百日咳。但没得过风疹。4. 单选题12.问题1选项A.Play tennis.B.Take out the trash.C.Play computer games.D.Go to court for a lawsuit.【答案】A【解析】W: How about the game of tennis?M: Ok, loserll take out the trash for a month

7、.W: Its a deal.M: See you in the court.Q: What are the speakers going to do next?【解析】细节题。女士提议说待会去打网球,最后男士说:See you in the court(球场上见)。5. 单选题7.问题1选项A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.【答案】B【解析】W: Now Daddy Im wearing this on your chest. Its called stethocope. It might be a little cold, Ill warm it up. Feel t

8、he end, OK? First of all Ill listen to your front and then your back.M: She has gone that a lot of times.Q: How many people have been involved in the situation?【解析】推断题。父亲说:She has gone that a lot of times,由此推测,本段对话中除了父女俩还有第三人的存在。6. 单选题2.问题1选项A.To take the medicine for a longer time.B.To discontinue

9、the medication.C.To come to see her again.D.To switch to other medications.【答案】C【解析】M: How long should I take them? W: The prescription is for 30 days. If youre still feeling depressed after 30 days. Id like you to come back in. Q: What does the woman advice the man to do if his problem continues? 【

10、解析】细节题。女士说药量是30天,如果服药后患者还不好,建议回来复诊。7. 单选题 Gianluca Vialli, manager of Chelsea Football Club, expressed it explicitly enough: “The foot is the tool of the trade of the footballer.” You might therefore expect footballers to take particularly good care of their feet. But results presented at a recent c

11、onference of dermatologists in Amsterdam suggest otherwise. Professional footballers seem as likely to suffer from fungal infections of the foot as other people. One study, called Achilles Project, looked at 76, 475 pairs of feet belonging to people from 18 European countries. It found that 26% of t

12、he sample had Tinea pedis, better known as athletes foot, while 30% had Onychomycosis, an infection that causes toenails to become thickened, discolored and distorted. The results showed that East European countries have consistently higher rates of infection. On average, 30% of Britons, Germans and

13、 Belgians had some form of fungal infection, compared with 85% of Russians, and less than 10% of Spaniards. Furthermore, adults under the age of 40 who took regular exercise had a 40% greater risk of fungal infection than those who did not. Leisure centers and swimming pools were identified as poten

14、tial health hazards to the very people who visit them to stay fit. Communal showers and changing rooms are perfect breedinggrounds for the highly infectious fungi that spread foot and nail infection: up to 1,500 fungally-infected skin fragments per square meters have been found in some leisure facil

15、ities. Sweaty socks and warm, damp sports shoes provide equally hospitable environments. All of which goes some way to explaining the footballers. No doubt all that time spent in showers and changing-rooms is partly responsible. But Dr. Caputo, a dermatologist, also found another factor: footballers are often reluctant, for superstitious reasons, to discard their old boots. He found that players get attached to particular boots


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