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1、学习必备欢迎下载完成句子:1. 为什么不参加学校运动会呢?the School Sports Meeti ng ?2. 很抱歉,所有的票都已经卖完了。I m sorry that all the tickets.3. 在发言前,深吸一口气,笑一笑,你就不会紧张了。Pleaseand smile before you speak. And you won t feel n ervous.4. 你能给我一些减肥的建议吗?Can youon how to lose weight?5. 我们不知道你的名字,你能在这纸上把它写下来吗?We don tk now your n ame. Can youon

2、 the paper?6. 你去过香港迪斯尼乐园吗?Hong Kong Disn eyla nd?7. 你知道飞机什么时候起飞吗?Do you know whe n the pla ne will?8. 永不言弃,定能梦想成真。You will make your dreamif you n ever give up.9. 同学们应该和睦相处,互相学习。All the stude nts shouldeach other and lear n from each other.10. 在银行贷款的帮助下,如今很多贫困大学生能够完成学业。 the loan from the bank, many

3、poor college students can finish their college study now.11. 大多孩子都听说过白雪公主的故事。Most childre nthe story of Snow White.12. 小明因沉迷于电脑游戏不能自拔,去年他退学了。Xiao Minglast year because he was addicted to computer games.13. 由于大雪,数万旅客滞留在广州火车站。Tens of travelers stayed in Guangzhou Railway Station theheavy rain.14. 他究竟去

4、哪儿了?很多人都在找他。has he gone? Many people are look ing for him.15. 除了戏剧以外,莎士比亚还写了什么?What did Shakerspeare writeplays?16. 我已经很久没有收到她的来信了。Iher for ages.17. 由于台风,昨晚突然停电了。Sudde nly all the lightslast ni ghttypho on.18. 我们相信中国宇航员霍志刚在太空漫步时,他一定度过了一段非常美妙的时光。We believe that the Chin ese astr on aut Huo Zhiga ng m

5、ustwhe n hewalked in space.19. 上网聊天也不愿意和朋友面对面地交谈。Hechat on li nehis friends face to face.20. 每天要花我十分钟走路上学。Itten minu testo school on foot every day.=1ten minu testo school on foot every day.21. 他在国外居住了许多年了。Hefor many years.22. 尽量不要犯同样的错误。 make the same mistake.23. 他一直成绩不好。He gets bad marks.24. 一起踢足球

6、,怎么样? football together?25. 你为什么不听英语歌呢? liste n to En glish son gs?26. 去英语沙龙是个好主意。 go to the En glish Salo n.27. 了解怎样交友对我们来说很重要。It importa nt for us to know how toothers.28. 他跑得如此快以致我赶不上他。He ranI could ncatch up with him.29. 你觉得佛山怎么样? Fosha n?30. 请把这句话翻译成英文。Pleasethis sentenceEn glish.31. 他每周六都会帮妈妈做

7、家务。Hethe housework every Saturday.32. 他昨天没来这个聚会的原因是他要照顾她生病的妈妈。He didn come to this party because he had tohis sick mother.33. 请带他们参观一下你们的学校,好吗?Can youyour school ?34. 我们学校有超过2000学生。There aretwo thousa nd stude nts in our schol.35. 我昨天把我的作业留在家里了。Imy homeworkyesterday.36. 请记得今天把这些相片发送给我。Please remembe

8、r to.37. 我们在北京旅游时拍了很多照片。Wewhe n we travelled in Beiji ng.38. 我们可以坐飞机去上海。We canShan ghai. = We canto Shan ghai.39. 他一直想要成为一名医生。Hebe a doctor.40. 她忙得像蜜蜂一样。She isa bees .41. 他每天都是直到做完作业才睡觉。Hego to bedhe fini shes his homework everyday.42. 爱迪生12岁就建立了自己的实验室。Edis on built his own lab.43. 顺德以花卉、家具和美食闻名全国。S

9、hundeflowers, furn iture and delicious food around China.44. 李先生两年前教我语文。Mr Litwo years ago.45. 我不但喜欢阅读而且喜欢绘画。Ilike readi ngpain ti ng.46. 我们时不时就会去一下佛山。We go to Fosha n.47. 这故事听起来很有趣。This story.48. 当我做完作业后我喜欢听一下音乐。I like liste ning to some music whe n Imy homework.49. 他跑到学校说他有一些重要事情要宣布。He ran to the

10、school and said that he hadto say.50. 我们的地理老师告诉我们月球绕着地球转。Our geography teacher tells us that the Moonthe Earth.51. 比起唱歌,露西更喜欢跳舞。Lucydancing.52. 她叫玛丽,我的同班同学。SheMary, my classmate.53. 李先生去上海出差了,下周一才回来。Mr. LiShan ghai, he l come back n ext Mon day.54. 他们从小就认识。They have knownsince they were childre n.55

11、. 他花了一百元买了一双新鞋。Heone hun dred yua na pair of new shoes.56. 他在上次考试中犯了一些小错误。Hein the last exam.57. 我向大明借了一辆单车,但我答应我不会把它借给别人。Ia bikeDaming, and I promised not toothers.58. 我自从5年前就成为一名医生。I have bee n a doctor5 years.59. 我在这里呆了两天。I have stayed here.60. 离开家里前请记得关灯。turn off the light before you leave here.

12、61. 尽管这位老人是一个人住,但是他并不感到孤独。The old man is, but he doesn feel.62. 到目前为止,我们的国家改变了许多。Our country has cha nged a lot.63. 这小男孩因为太小而不能上学读书。The little boy isyounggo to school.64. 我们晚上经常听到他唱歌。We ofte nat n ight.65. 科学家已经在这地区发现了新的油田。Scien tistsnew oil fields in that area.66. 在这课题上,我没有新的东西要说。I canto say on thi

13、s subject.67. 他把那些东西给他所有的朋友看过了。He hasall his frien ds.68. 我们班没有人会迟到。the stude nts in our class was late for school.69. 这只有趣的玩具狗花了我15元。This funny toy dog15 yua n.=I15 yua nthis funny toy dog.70. 王叔叔,你在佛山工作多长时间了?Uncle Wang,in Fosha n?71. 她总是微笑着对待我们。She alwaysus.72. 我很认真地听,但我什么都没有听到。I, but Inothing.73.

14、 停止说话,认真听老师讲话。and liste n to the teacher carefully.74. 张叔叔让我们停下来休息一下。Uncle Zhang let us.75. 我喜欢周末去看一下奶奶,并且和她说说话。I like visit ing my gra ndma every weeke nd and I also like.76. 我刚才去超市买了很多东西。I went to the supermarket to buy many things.77. 这张桌子是属于他的,不是我的。This deskhim, and it is not mine.78. 你一定要确保你有足够

15、的时间进行复习。You mustyou have eno ugh time to revise for your test.79. 我今天早上起床太晚,所以我今天迟到了。I got uplateI was late for school this morni ng.80. 他跑得如此快以致我赶不上他。He ranI couldn catch up with him.81. 你最令人激动的经历是什么?What was your?82. 你不能把书拿出图书馆里。You can the library.83. 灯突然熄灭了,我们什么也看不见。Suddenly the lightsand we couldn see anything.84. 他年龄太小了,不能自己照顾自己。She is


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