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1、高一英语“每周一练”系列试题(28)选择题一、单项选择I. 单项选择:1Are you _ of the mistakes you made in your final English test? Aawared Bunforgettable Cawaring Daware2The number of students who entered their names to take part in the school sports meeting was _ 300.AinBup toCsurrounded Dbeside3He is used to _ to his office in s

2、pite of bad weather. Ato walk Bwalking Cwalked Dhas walked 4The student _ forward to going abroad for further study.Areferred to looksBreferred to lookCrefers to lookDreferring to look5_ it was raining at that time, _ there were still a lot of people _ to purchase the goods.AThough; but; waiting for

3、BEven if; still; waitingCAlthough; as; looking forward DEven though; but; hoping 6_realize his dream,he works very hard.ASo as to BSo that CIn order to D In order that7-What is the book mainly about? -Well, it _ a little boy who suffered a lot during the war.Adeals withBdeals about Cmakes up Dtalk a

4、bout8Most of the students here _ English hard.Apractices speakingBpractice speaking Cpractices to speakDpractice to speak9This cartoon film was especially _ children under 12 years old?Awas planned for Bwas intended toCwas intended forDplanned to be for10_ some 200 kilometers from Yangzhou to Nanjin

5、g.AThere isBIt isCIt hasDThere lies11She recommended that everybody _ the small town no later than 12 oclock the next noon.AreachedBreachCshould be reachedDbe reaching12Why was _ you didnt ask your head teacher for help while in trouble?Ait Bit that Cthere Dthat13Yangzhou bear is _ and is sold all o

6、ver the world.Aof high quality Bhigh quality Cgood quality Dof poor quality14Students have turned to _ English hard because the new English teacher keeps _ them to learn it.Astudy; to encourageBstudying; encouragingCstudy; on encouragingDstudying; to encourage15Canada is a(n)_ country.Aspoken Englis

7、hBEnglish spokenCspeaking English DEnglish-speaking二、完形填空Years ago, when my co-worker, Andrea, asked if Id like to come to a clothing exchange, I was interested, “Whats that?” I asked. “A bunch of us who are about the same 1 are getting together to exchange clothes that are in good condition”, she e

8、xplained. “ 2 me in !” I said.That night, I 3 my closet, finding shirts, skirts and pants I hadnt worn in months - or years! I looked at the clothes I had 4 and wondered if anyone would want them. When I arrived at Andreas, I found a group of co-workers-and piles of clothes 5 around the living room.

9、 I also found homemade food and wine to 6 . We chatted for a while, then the exchange began. We drew lots (抽签), each 7 selecting from the piles. Hey! I 8 my shirt and jacket had been chosen by my co-workers. I guess my “tired” clothes did 9 special to new eyes. Then, the floor was 10 to everyone and

10、 a free-for-all 11 as we ran around choosing and 12 things on. And as our choices were 13 , we went back to the dining room to eat and talk. I left that night with 34 as many items as Id brought - including a green silk evening dress I knew my daughter would love to dress up in- and the 15 of an eve

11、ning with a group of really special women.Now our “Exchange Club” has become a tradition -and we 16 everything from kitchen gadgets to houseplants, and 17 Christmas presents! 18 , as weve exchanged the “stuff” of our lives, weve exchanged our 19 office acquaintance for real friendship -and for me, t

12、hats been the most 20 exchange of all.1Aheight Bsize Clength Dshape2AAdd BPut CCount DShow3Alooked through Bsaw through Csorted through Dlived through4Athrown away Bbecome interested in Clost sight of Dgrown tired of 5Aput Bextended Cscattered Dspread 6Aenjoy Beat Cdrink Dtake7Ataking turns Bstandin

13、g in linesCkeeping up Dgetting down8Awatched Bnoticed Crealized Dknew9Aappear Bremain Cdisplay Dlook10Aclosed Bopen Cfree Dwelcome 11Afollowed Bpassed Cbrought Dreturned12Aputting Bcatching Cpicking Dtrying13Apicked Bmade Cdetermined Dsettled 14Amostly Bnearly Cabout Dalmost15Aluck Bexcitement Cmemory Dthought 16Astored Branged CboughtDexchanged17Adissatisfied Bunhappy Cunwanted Duseless18AFirst of all BBest of all CIn all DAt all 19Apolite Bs


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