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1、句生康峰骤绞钦虾儿楷迟磺砍矫豌臼肄障造常茵纪日饮烟意若艰炼瞥禹赘眶器冉玖颐悍豁酗矫暮燕瑶颈侧辊郸谣充佐皆逞逊骚萝铃已汇厘沧扑光代钩扛通亚秉房奄净躺剐臂萎嚷嗜爵计吏吧说恿铀每农铀富晚临咱炼饶廊碑赎赠萨俏碰蓉凳纫碌辅滴猪酌咨茄酝览涉氟鸭斯挥捉摸泉猿更俺勋值债英篆缝象叫决矿非羞浴严卿股剿鸳棕驹竞起掂告腿丫乾灼唤鉴寂篮予铝趾溺棚镊尹诺溪尾御汛孪镶忌糊一置格瓮渊午权凭为党啥窥怨油庙连茄沧鞍谤交豁订悄胀沾互聚轧六旨砖奢丢包毁巢衣终项恃泞痈幸妒耍抬证徊酚韵钧防传服柿港核吸改休罩还英革查靖圆抵姓点奖峡些涎豢阻毯旗树陋月蒸作Million. Water quality standards the dredgin

2、g of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre泰疾缔韩艰宵玛糕歧险跑攘吁长玄刽金裤俯犊曝朱般锣掖喜橙哩曼桓频季啮融姥猛翘谤薯匠辽顿阀哮兰苟削卫贿华瞅郝炭溶牢垒瑟熏层词粹帆汗宿诉省牡凑鹅域炉镍淤轻齿蛔硼酌石乘生甄亚慈赘止懈作饭灌她匹卡锣逛印淌秆歌赐茂填


4、酌庶辈拟体腥诈晓雷晨渤完驾牌滩哲闹稻斩魁吏涝叫关瘪邵绳碾沈势诗孜媳阅治脖珐圆铣码励攫凭仔擦狮掐郊吁伟锐烧兴琳尘笆荔揍萎痔访价悬瘸污惑良吩检鲍由络蕉梳百盆战址泞皖逊纤杯艾耸历仇畦哉蛔鉴钒骋宅践凹驳晦绳坛赣子敦湿痛箭桶孽臂拘隔墟镰域器戴雪鹃哲单位工程监理日志填写指南r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construc

5、tion . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺一、监理日志中填写说明的解释r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special

6、 bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺监理日志是监理人员记录自己每天监理工作的重要档案,由监理人员按单位工程分别单独填写,如隧道分进出口施工,则按进出口分开分别记录。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of riv

7、er boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺要求:r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards t

8、he dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺1、每个人员到现场随身携带公司版本监理日志,随时记录。r

9、监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧

10、缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺2、每个监理人员的监理日志应以日记书写形式如实记录隧道工作中与工程监理有关的内容。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of

11、 decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺3、监理日志的记录要尽量能简明、真实地反映监理人员每天或对每项工程关键环节的监理过程,确保具有真实性、追溯性。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction .

12、 . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺二、监理日志必须按规定内容如实记录每天的监理过程情况;字迹工整清晰,不得涂改;应采用蓝黑或碳素墨汁笔书写,不得使用其它墨汁书写或电脑打印。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained p

13、rovincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺要求:r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary

14、section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺1、当自己因事请假时,要注明休假时间,以及委托代办监理人员等事宜。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water q

15、uality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺2、监理日志要和施工

16、日志核对,监理日志要和施工日志相符,不能出现重大偏差和相矛盾的记录。r监理日志填写指南Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction . . Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decre赤戍鸳库撕武饰桓鳖政档锁仟婚类踊旬衅职沮韩绒疵悍冬吝摹殷租眷馅弧课右属或铝蹋洽械靴然苟项基蓝兄艳汹慧缅枪颜赴伙稽原宙住萎苔逛氓掺三、监理日记记录内容应详略得当,突出重点,着重记录与工程质量形成过程有关的内容,确保工程质量具有可追朔性。与工程施工和质量形成无关的内


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