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1、 2011年兰州市中考英语试题一、听力部分(共20分) 第一节,单词辨音:听下面五个单词,听完每个单词,你将有五秒钟的时间,从所给的每组单词中,选出一个你所听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个单词只读一遍。(每题1分,共计5分)( ) 1. (A) nice(B) rice(C) write( ) 2. (A) parent(B) present(C) peasant( ) 3. (A) own(B) low(C) show( ) 4.(A) call(B) fall(C) ball( )5.(A) lesson(B) listen(C) little第二节,情景反应:听下面五个句子,听

2、完每个句子后你将有五秒钟的时间,从所给的每组A、B、C三个选项中选择一个最佳选项完成对话,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子只读一遍。(每题1分,共计5分)( )6. (A) Im sorry to hear that. (B) Im not sure.(C) Im very happy.( )7.(A) It is June 20th. (B) It is Monday.(C) It is Sunday.( ) 8. (A) Yes, I like English. (B) I like maths best.(C) I like English better.( ) 9. (A) That

3、s right. (B) Not at all.(C) Never mind.( ) 10. (A) Here you are. (B) Here are you.(C) Give you. 第三节,听句子回答问题:听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,听完问题后,你将有五秒钟的时间,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内,每段对话和问题均读两遍。(每题1分,共计5分)( ) 11. (A) It will be rainy.(B) It will be sunny. ( ) 12. (A) Ten years ago.(B) Ever since last year

4、. ( ) 13. (A) They have a part(B) They have a rest. y.( ) 14. (A) In the school(B) In the factory ( ) 15. (A) A doctor(B) A teacher第四节,听短文回答问题:听下面一段短文,短文后面有五个问题,听完每个问题后你将有五秒钟的时间,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其序号填入题前括号内,短文和问题均读两遍。(每题1分,共计5分)( ) 16.(A) Sunday(B)Friday(C) Saturday( ) 17.(A) In a shop(B)In a ho

5、spital(C) In a school( ) 18.(A) Three(B)Four(C) Five( ) 19.(A) Mr Green(B)Mabel(C) Mrs Green( )20.(A) Happy(B)Angry(C) Tired二、单词辨音(每小题1分,共计10分) 1从下列每组单词中,找出划线部分发音与众不同的,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 21.(A) plane(B) cake(C) have(D) take( ) 22.(A) coughed(B) needed(C) wanted(D) posted( ) 23.(A) loudspeaker(B) shout(

6、C) sound(D) trouble( ) 24.(A) either(B) further(C) father(D) south( )25.(A) lie(B) tie(C) scientist(D) die2找出下列单词中划线部分读音与所给音标读音相同的词。将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 26. i (A)hear(B) wear(C) early(D) there( ) 27.ziz (A)horses(B) glasses(C) buses(D) houses( ) 28. C: (A)want(B) water(C) watch(D) what( ) 29. tFn (A)stat

7、ion(B) invention(C) operation(D) question( )30. k (A)choose(B) chick(C) Christmas(D) chalk三、情景会话(此题只限不测试听力的考生使用,每小题1分,共计10分) 1在下列对话中,选出最佳问题或答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( )31. Please give my best wishes to your grandma. , I will.(A) Sorry(B) Not at all (C) Thank you CD)I dont think( )32. ? She has gone to the bo

8、okshop.(A) Where has Ann been(B) Where was Ann(C) Where did Ann go (D) Where is Ann( )33. Is the boy by the window your brother? .(A) It maybe him (B) It may be him(C) It would be him(D) It need be him( ) 34. Would you like to come here? .(A) Yes, Id like to (B) Yes, Id love(C) Yes, Id love to(D) Ye

9、s, I would( )35 ? Its about ten minutes by bike.(A) How long is your home(B) How often is your home(C) How soon is your home(D) How far is your home( )36. Can I get you some food? .(A) Yes, I can(B) No problem(C) No, thanks. I can help myself(D) Yes, Im afraid not2根据对话内容,用方框中的四个句子填空,将其序号填在题号前的横线上。 (

10、A) Where shall we meet?(B) What about a quarter past two?(C) What are you going to do tomorrow?(D) Lets make it a little earlier.Lily: Hi, Tom! (37)Tom: Ive no idea, Lily! What do you think?Lily: Shall we go to the park?Tom: Good idea! When shall me meet?Lily: (38)Tom: (39) Theres a zoo in it. We ca

11、n go and have a look at the animals.Lily: Great. Lets make it half past one.Torn. OK. (40)Lily: Outside the park gate.四、选择填空(每小题1分,共计30分) ( ) 41. Have you read the book? The right sound for read is .(A) ri:d (B) red(C) rCd(D) rid( ) 42. Last term Mary spent a lot of time me with my lessons.(A) help

12、(B) helps(C) to help(D) helping( ) 43. Mr Green is a teacher and teaches maths.(A) us (B) our (C) we(D) ours( )44. He has two basketballs. One is new, is old.(A) other (B) others(C) the other(D) the others( ) 45. Mother wants to them an interesting story.(A) tell(B) talk(C) say(D) speak( )46. I wond

13、er .(A) where does he live(B) where he live (C) He lives where (D) where he lives( )47. is the population of China?(A) How much (B) How man (C) How long(D) What( ) 48. Though Tom missed many lessons, he tried hard fall behind.(A) not (B) not to(C) to(D) to not( ) 49. The teacher and writer doing morning exercises this time yesterday.(A) is(B) was(C) are(D) were( ) 50. What shall we do if it tomorrow?(A) rain (B) rains (C) to rain(D) will rain( )51. Boys, dont touch the machine, or you may hurt .(A) you (B) your (C) yourself (D) yourselves( ) 52. Linda often her


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