八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Feeling excited Topic 1 You look excited Section C学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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1、Unit5 Topic1 SectionC【预习指导】(提前板书在黑板上 )1.根据拼读规则,自读5-6页单词 ,大声朗读并默写这些单词,然后试着用这些词语造句。 2 .找出1a中表达情感的形容词,和你认为重要的句型及功能句; 3.尽力完成1b,1c,留到课堂上交流。【学习目标】1.继续学习表达情感的单词和句子;2.继续谈论电影。【学习指导】1.对子合作,大声朗读1a,并口译。2.画出1a中表示情感的单词。3.根据1a,完成1b的表格。4.根据1a,完成1c,并试着利用1b的表格和1c复述短文。5.听3的录音,学唱歌曲。【展示方案】1.读,并且口译1a; 2. 展示1b;3.展示1c; 4.朗

2、读1a,比一比;5.复述1a。【知识梳理】 重点短语1.care for = take care of = look after 照顾,照料2.alone和lonely 的区别:alone adj. 独自的,单独的,没有感情色彩,只是陈述一个事实,作表语。如:He was alone at home.alone adv. 独自作状语。如:The old man lived alone. lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的,有感情色彩,作表语或定语。如:The man is lonely. 这个男人很孤独。作表语She is a lonely woman. 她是一个孤独的女人。作定语On Su

3、nday, I was in the big house, but I dont feel .3.because, because ofBecause 因为,用来陈述原因、理由,后接句子。He cant go to school because he is ill.Because of 是介词短语,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:He cant go to school because of his illness/the bad weather.4.cheer up 使.振奋起来,使高兴起来是动副搭配,接代词作宾语,代词放中间;接名词时,可以放中间,还可以放后面。如:We must cheer

4、the little boy up. = We must cheer up the little boy.Cheer us/me up.类似短语有:put away 将收起来 put on 穿上,戴上put up 挂起,张贴 try on 试穿Cheers! 干杯【归纳总结】(学生)收获: 不足: 改进: 【板书设计】【巩固提升】当堂训练I.单项选择。( )1.The little girl plays at home, but he doesnt feel . Everything is OK. Thanks. A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C.lonel

5、y; lonely D. lonely; alone ( )2.We cant go out the heavy rain. A. instead B. because C. instead of D. because of( )3.At first, the interested to listen to the funny story. But later, he bored because of the same story. A. sounded B. became C. seems D. looks( )4.The news them . They all jumped up and

6、 down happily. A. made; excited B. makes; happy C. made; surprised D. makes; too excited( )5. Its very exciting.A. How do you know about the movie?B. What do you think of the movie? C. Whats the movie about?D. What happens in the movie?II.根据汉语提示完成句子。1.-How can we (使振作) the children?-We can sing some

7、 (活泼的歌曲)for them.2. (起先),she taught in a small school in a town.3.Tell the boys to (照顾)their pets. Dont let them run everywhere.4.Small Apple is (最受欢迎的之一)songs on the Internet in last year.5.Dinner (几乎准备好了).Lets go upstairs.III.用合适的句子补全对话。A: You look excited. 1 ?B: 2 ! My father bought a new bike for me.A: 3 ! Let me have a look. Wow, its so great!B: 4 ! A: How about going for a picnic this weekend? B: 5 ! We can ride my new bike.A: Sound great!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【教学反思】(教师) _ _


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