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1、高二英语人教新课标版选修6 Unit 4 Glal Wrming同步练习(答题时间:0分钟)一、单项选择1. AsfrsI ee, is o possibliy he wil wi the tennis atch his time.A.it;th B. there; tat C. ; h D. thre; wether2. Theprces housesn thsarea from¥300,00 to¥60,00 t presentA divide B. separate C ang iffr*3.I hae o idea how it that the man metwith troue a

2、anA. cam aout . cameotC. cme u D caass4. exerie, h has biltup hi halthA.In caeo B.BecuseCAs a resl f D. nace f5 She at he oss ombehid ermueand didnt dareto say a d.A.glae B. limpsdC. glaed D. tared6 There aemany thnshat I cat vin n big cities, nof whih i the arollut. keep up wth B. comup withC putup

3、wih D. catchupih. e doi rk, Iont mid wa timehearrveatth off.A S ar s B.S long sC. In case D Manwle8 We shoud aalyz wok inte f cocntratngonlonsesngle arts.A as a whol B. onthewhol C. i gneral . as aeult. It th would onnu owork the unt the flood wt way.A. stck B. sprd C.stated D. sued10Cyu nh theforms

4、 tday?Sre, Iv half o them redy.A. gotawy from B. go down toC. go arond D. got ough*11. h rl usan, who ot elps ther people, ei Feng i ths iveityA.whos nes; comarinwith. lin; is ompared to C. who called; coaesto . caled; is compard to 12.Te tepr al ovt world bemng wrer and warmr o gses haecmeiotheair.

5、A.reat deal of a laramount of . muh D. large qatite f13.It ws stil the ange o my gun, I didntnt to oot at tan log. out of;but .beond; hwver C within; but D o; so 1. , tere are ,00 visitor t the exhbiti da. Atverag B. FreragC n vr D. I avee1 Im utingo weigt The docto has wared met sgA keep up B keep

6、bak C.kep of D kp on二、阅读理解Alobal waringthreatent hd bak huan press, andmk unahevableal U trges toredu povy,acodinto some of hewlds ladng intratia ad develoent oupsI a report pubised toda, Oxfam,Grpace,Chstia Aid, Fre of t rt, WWF and15oth groups say rihgverents ut iediateyres clae an to avoid even “

7、unbearablelevls”fworldwi pery“o prouto, wateuppli, plic heth adpeoples ving niromnae alread eing damaed,” th pot sys. “he world t me its romis to chievpoverty reducin andalodawith lima hange.”The ror, whh daw on UN pditonso the eects of clmtechage in oor ounties over the nex 50 yas, says oorconie wi

8、l experince more foodi, dlingfodroducton,more dieassand h onig ordisapring o eire ecosystems whch mny of the wols orestpoe depend.“imaehag eed to be rse nw The por will bar tebrdenof t. h rontli eince ofmn f us workin in teratioal devlopmnndice tha commuiie areavng tofigh againstore exreme weah cond

9、itions”Climate cagewi pay havc(浩劫)wth agriultreand at splies d wll cea dseas “ 025 e poporion of the wlds poltonliving in untresof reat waterstrss wil lmos dubl, o 6 blli peole.Troicl anduropical aea ille ardest hithoe contiare alradysufferinromood shtae.”Po cries msty dot ed ighech soltions, but wo

10、uldot bnefi m dution, researh and eng shown hotofarm bette. The reportsaysuncecked global warming, moe than wars oroliticalnfuion, willdisplce milions of eoleaddestabilize(使不安定)manyctries1. shoul play aladin lein resitng the mr extemeether coits acordg t therepr.A ItnaionalopsBPoor ounties.Riccountr

11、iesD Tropica nsuroiloutries2. hiho the follwin s Ohe efftf glob wrmi acording to he reort or natral disstrs and staratio.B.Insing the wrd ppulatinC.Mkigmllons ofeoplemove oter pces.D aking the foundation ofacontr Watc NO e nfered fom the assagA Poerty and clmat chaeare closely linked.B. Mor andmre pepl illsuffe frte water res nd food sortage.C. Wht te p countrie need bay is hightecoogy.D. Iernatina cmunies ve to ak stp to reist thdlime.4 What i tees tile o



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