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1、2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题When two people feel the same way about each other, their feelings are mutual.问题1选项A.compatibleB.visibleC.reciprocalD.typical【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。mutual表示“共同的,相互的,彼此的”;A项compatible“兼容的,能共处的,可并立的”,B项visible“明显的,看得见的”,C项reciprocal“互惠的,相互的,倒数的”,D项typical“典型的,特有的”。句意:当

2、两个人对彼此有相同的感觉时,他们的感觉是相互的。根据句意可知,C项的意思符合句子。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 单选题Managers who are permitted to trade on inside information have an _ to acquire or develop value information, which involves risks.问题1选项A.incentiveB.orientationC.argumentD.identity【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项incentive“动机,刺激”,B项orientation“方向,定向,适应”,C项a

3、rgument“论证,论据,争吵”,D项identity“身份,同一性,一致”。由are permitted to trade on inside information“被允许内幕信息交易”和to acquire or develop value information“获取或发展有价值的信息”可知,“动机”符合语境。句意:被允许利用内幕信息进行交易的经理人有获取或开发价值信息的动机,这涉及到风险。因此,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题Very young children with no reading experience may astound their parents with th

4、e first words they read, such as a department store sign announcing Big Sale.问题1选项A.amazeB.pleaseC.conveyD.bother【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。astound表示“使惊骇,使震惊”;A项amaze“使吃惊”,B项please“使喜欢,使高兴,使满意”,C项convey“传达,运输,让与”,D项bother“烦扰,打扰,使不安”。句意:没有阅读经验的幼儿第一次读到的单词可能会让他们的父母感到震惊,比如百货商店的招牌上写着“大减价”。因此,根据句意可知A选项正确。4. 单选题In hi

5、s speech, the president emphasized that the challenge to mans future can never be met by making _ adjustments here and there.问题1选项A.adventurousB.assiduousC.marginalD.moderate【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项adventurous“爱冒险的,大胆的,充满危险的”,B项assiduous“刻苦的,勤勉的”,C项marginal“微不足道的,不重要的,边缘的”,D项moderate“稳健的,温和的,适度的”。根据句子意思“

6、在他的演讲中,总统强调,人类未来的挑战永远不能通过到处的调整来应对”可知,四个选项中只有marginal符合语境。句意:总统在演讲中强调,人类未来所面临的挑战不可能通过到处的微小调整来应对。因此,该题选择C项正确。5. 单选题Snow began to fall at round about the beginning of the New Year and continued on and off for _ ten days.问题1选项A.appropriatelyB.exceedinglyC.approximatelyD.apprehensively【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A项a

7、ppropriately“适当地,合适地,相称地”,B项exceedingly“非常,极其,极度地”,C项approximately“大约,近似地,近于”,D项apprehensively“担心地”。由ten days“10天”可知,“大约地”符合语境。句意:大约在新年伊始就下起了雪,断断续续下了大约十天。因此,该题选择C项正确。6. 单选题Research shows that many voters who havent yet made up their minds are _ towards the Democrats.问题1选项A.tiltingB.skiddingC.transfe

8、rringD.sliding【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项tilt“倾斜,翘起,俯仰(摄影机)”,B项skid“刹住,使减速,滚滑”,C项transfer“转让,转接,移交”,D项slide“滑动,平稳地走,悄悄移动”。根据句子意思“研究表明,许多尚未做出决定的选民都向民主党”可知,tilt符合语境,tilt towards表示“偏向,向倾斜”。句意:研究表明,许多尚未下定决心的选民正倾向于民主党。因此,该题选择A项正确。7. 单选题The film recounts the story of a young beautiful woman who plots a _ revenge o

9、n her unfaithful lover.问题1选项A.miserlyB.dastardlyC.impotentD.dissoluble【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项miserly“吝啬的,贪婪的”,B项dastardly“卑鄙的,懦弱的”,C项impotent“无力的,无效的,虚弱的”,D项dissoluble“可分解的,可溶解的,可解除的”。从句子结构可知,句子缺少一个形容词修饰名词revenge“复仇,报仇”,四个选项中只有“卑鄙的”符合语境。句意:这部电影讲述了一个年轻美丽的女人计划对她不忠的情人进行卑鄙的报复的故事。因此,该题选择B项正确。8. 单选题The first

10、two decades of this century were dominated by the microbe hunters. These hunters had tracked down one after another of the microbes responsible for the most dreaded scourges of many centuries: tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But there remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe could be

11、incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, and beriberi. Then it was discovered that these diseases were caused by the lack of vitamins, a trace substance in the diet. The diseases could be prevented or cured by consuming foods that contained the vitamins. And so in the decades of the l920s and 1930s,

12、 nutrition became a science and the vitamin hunters replaced the microbe hunters.In the 1940s and l950s, biochemists strived to learn why each of the vitamins was essential for health. They discovered that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform the

13、 chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and function. Now, these enzyme hunters occupied center stage.You are aware that the enzyme hunters have been replaced by a new breed of hunters who are tracking genesthe blueprints for each of the enzymesand are discovering the defective genes t

14、hat cause inherited diseasesdiabetes, cystic fibrosis. These gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone genes and introduce them into bacterial cells and plants to create factories for the massive production of hormones and vaccines for medicine and for

15、better crops for agriculture. Biotechnology has become a multibillion-dollar industry.In view of the inexorable progress in science, we can expect that the gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight. When and by whom? Which kind of hunter will dominate the scene in the last decade of our waning century and in the early decades of the next? I wonder whether the hunters who will occupy the spotlight will be neurobiologists who apply the techniques of the enzyme an



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