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1、题组层级快练3 Unit 3 Travel journal. 阅读理解For years, Hamzeh AlMaaytah supported a community of book lovers in Jordan, keeping his bookstore in Ammans old center open around the clock, encouraging customers to stay for a long time over rare treasures and often allowing them to set the price for a purchase.H

2、is supporters recently had a chance to repay him when the local landmark was threatened with closure, following a sudden illness that put him out of action for several months as bills were piling up. By April, 330 people from more than 20 countries had contributed $18,000 in a crowdfunding (众筹) camp

3、aign launched by two friends.The money allows AlMaaytah to repair his small space and expand to a storefront next to it, where he hopes to set up a literary salon, a display of rare books and a reading corner. Up to now, much of the stores activity has taken place outdoors, with books laid out under

4、 a sheet on the sidewalk.Despite the recent financial scare, the 36yearold shopkeeper is sticking to his “pay as you please” business model, applied to most books. Customers can also pay a small amount of fee to borrow books or read rare editions in the store.“Its risky. But its also an adventure,”

5、said AlMaaytah. “You would be surprised what putting your trust in people can do. It doesnt just make more room for generosity. They also want to come back for more. More books, more conversations.”AlMaaytah recently renamed his branch“Mahall alMaa,” loosely translated as “Source of Water”, to refle

6、ct his belief that bookslike waterare a necessity and should be accessible to all.Such access has been a problem in Jordan, which lacks governmentfunded community libraries, forcing readers to buy expensive books or go to university libraries, said Sara Qudah, the culture editor of the AlRai newspap

7、er.1. What did AlMaaytah advise people to do according to Paragraph 1? A. To work hard for good pay.B. To keep valuable jewelry.C. To enjoy some rare books.D. To go to look for treasures.2. What did people do to repay AlMaaytah? A. People donated some money to him.B. People paid almost all his bills

8、.C. People decorated his bookstore for him.D. People launched crowdfunding campaigns.3. Why has much of the stores activity been held outdoors? A. Because there is a reading corner outdoors.B. Because all the books are put outdoors now.C. Because the store tries to attract customers.D. Because the s

9、tore is small and being repaired.4. Whats AlMaaytahs attitude to books? A. People want to be put your trust in wherever they live.B. Books are a necessity and should be accessible to all.C. More room should be made for people to show generosity.D. People want to read more books and make more convers

10、ations.答案与解析【文章大意】阿勒迈塔通过他经营的一家书店鼓励人们读书。他的支持者利用众筹的捐款来回报他的贡献。1. 答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段可知阿勒迈塔在约旦建立了一个读书爱好者的圈子,他在安曼老城中心经营着一家24小时营业的书店。他鼓励顾客在稀有书籍前驻足阅读。故可知阿勒迈塔建议人们读稀有书籍,C项正确。2. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段“By April, 330 people from more than 20 countries had contributed $18,000 in a crowdfunding(众筹) campaign launched by tw

11、o friends.”可知为了回报他,人们给他捐款,故A项正确。3. 答案D解析推理判断题。根据第三段可知这笔资金让阿勒迈塔得以翻修狭小、拥挤的书店,并将书店空间向沿街店面延伸,他希望在此设立文学沙龙、书本展示区和阅读角。到目前为止,书店的大部分活动都在室外进行,图书都摆在人行道上的遮阳棚下。由此可推断出书店的大部分活动都在室外进行的原因是书店狭小拥挤,故D项正确。4. 答案B解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“his belief that bookslike waterare a necessity and should be accessible to all.”可知B项正确。. 七选五(2

12、017甘肃甘谷县检测)How to Get to Know SomeoneGetting to know someone takes time, but there are things you can do to get the communication flowing.Be confident.Be confident, be yourself, and accept who you are. Dont pretend to like things you dont like, and dont say things you really dont believe. _1_Ask que

13、stions.Ask them questions about their background, what they do, what they like, and what they dislike. This will give you a better idea as to who the person is on the inside._2_ Doing this will show the person that youre interested in their words, and they will be more likely to be more open. Find c

14、ommon interests and expand your conversation around those.Tell other people about your ideas and experiences. _3_ This will show the person that youre open to discuss personal thoughts, and hopefully inspire them to feel or behave in the same way towards you as you have felt or behaved towards them.

15、Be trustworthy.Be a trustworthy person they can confide(信赖) in without worrying about whether youll judge them or spill their secrets. _4_ So keep shared information between yourselves.Be patient.Be patient and take your time getting to know someone. _5_Keep their interest. Tell them the most intere

16、sting things about yourself and your family and your likes and dislikes.A. Share your feelings with each other.B. Nothing pushes a person away like a lack of trust.C. Listen attentively.D. Keep conversations active by listening and responding physically.E. Being honest will allow the other person to feel more relaxed around you.F. M


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