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1、实用精品文献资料分享三年级英语下册第六单元试卷(新版牛津英语)三年级下册英语第六单元练习(听力部分30分)一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。(10 分)()1. A.right B.out C.good ( ) 2. A.whereB.here C.talk ( ) 3. A.te n B.eleve n C.twelve ( ) 4. A.hurry upB.wake up Cook at ( ) 5. A.sister B.six C.seven ( ) 6. A.oneB. three C.out ( ) 7. A.eat B.r un C.time ()8. A.robot B.carC.

2、 bag ( ) 9. A.this B.these C.milk ( )10. A.breakfast B.lunchC.dinner二、听录音,在下列时钟上画出正确的时间。(5分)三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(5分)()1. A. I m sorry. B. Thank you. ( ) 2. A. It s black. B. It s nine o clock.()3. A. It s on the desk. B. It s in the blackboard. ( ) 4. A.I m ten. B. It s ten. ( ) 5. A. OK. B. Yes, please.

3、四、听录音,完成下列对话。(听三遍)(10分)1. It so clock.It s time for . 2. is my? It sthe door. 3. Whatis it? It s o clock. 4. Don t be lateagain. 5. Here syour.(笔试部分70分)一、判断下列画线部分读音是否相同,相同打“,不相同打“X”。(6分)()1. ten twelve()2. blackboard dinn er ( ) 3. bed desk ( ) 4. robot toy ()5. schoolbag sister ( ) 6. the meet二、写出下

4、列数字的左邻右里。(4 分)1.four2. nine3.seven4. ten 三、英汉互译(10分)1.该上课了6. wake up2. 十一点7. hurry up3. 你的包 8. don t be late 9. you re right _ 10. a lovely parrot _ 4.在这里说话5. 吃块蛋糕四、连词成句。(6分)1. time, is, what, it (?)2. for, is, dinn er, it, time (.)3. bag, here s, Bobby, your (,.)五、选择正确的序号填入括号中。(5分)()1. Are you Mike

5、 ?m Helen. A. No, I m not. B. Yes ,1 am. C. No, it isn t. ()2.is it? - It s two o clock. A.What B. What colour C. What time ( ) 3. are you ?-I m nine. A. What about B. How old C. What( ) 4.Hereare.Thank you. A. your B. you C. my()5.a nice cake!. A. How B. What C. What about 六、从方框中选择短语,完成对话,填写序号。(6分)

6、A. Hownice B. What time C. come in D. on the desk E. six o clock F. GreatA:May I? B:Come in, please. A:What sthisB:It s a watch( 手表).A:.is it? B:It sA:It s time for dinner. B:. Let s go.七、按要求改写句子。(11分)1. It isa newschoolbag.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)a newschoolbag? , it . 2. The book is over there.(对画线部分提问) t

7、he book? 3. Openthe wi ndow, please.(改为否定句) open the window, please. 4. Would youlike an ice cream?(作肯定回答) , . 5. It stime to have lunch.( 改为同义句)It s time lunch. 6.Timefor bed.(改为同义句)Time to . 八、根据中文提示,将下列句子 填写完成。(12分) 1. It s time.( 该是上课的时间了。)2.is it?(几点了?) one.(一点整。)3. What?(这些是什么?)4. is ready.(早饭

8、准备好了。)5. is mybag.(那是我的书包。)6.is your brother?(你弟弟几岁了?)九、阅读短文,判断句子.(或X) (5分)(A) Tim: What time is it, Maria? Maria: It s seven o clock. Tom: Oh, it s time for school( 学校).Maria: Yes, hurry up! Tom: Where s my schoolbag? Maria: Is it in your desk? Tom: No, it isn t. Maria: Look! It s on your bed. Tom:

9、 Yes. Thank you. Maria: Where s my pencil case, Tom? Tom: Look! It s behind the door. Maria: OK. Let s go. ( ) 1. It is six o clock. () 2. It s time for breakfast. ( ) 3. Tom s schoolbag is in the desk. ( ) 4. Maria s schoolbag is on the bed. ( ) 5. Maria s pen cil case is beh ind the door. (B) Mike

10、: Good mor ning, MrGreen. Mr Green: Goodmorning, Mike. It s ten o clock. It s time for an Art lesson(美术课).Mike: Yes. I can t find myblack crayon. Mr Green: Where is it? Is it in your bag? Mike:No, it isn t. Mr Green: Is it in your desk? Mike: No, it isn t there. Mr Green: Look, it s here, on the teacher s desk (讲 台).Mike: Oh, yes. Thank you, Mr Green. Mr Green: Not at all.()1. It is i n the after noon.( ) 2. It s time for an En glishless on.( ) 3. Mike can t find his red cray on. ( ) 4. Mike scrayon is not in his bag. ( ) 5. Mr Green finds Mike s crayon.



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