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1、Be Careful about CloningAfter a series of initial experiments and corrections, the scientists hard work paid off when the twin clone turkeys were hatched with normal feather and claws. This breakthrough possibly enabled people to bring their adored pets back to life. However, it bothered him from ti

2、me to time that their health was in poor condition because they were unable to resist illnesses. This drawback cast him down. Merely 2 weeks later, the clones and their carrier died, which struck frustration into his heart. He retired before he attained his ambition and became a member of an opera c

3、horus to relieve his depression.Shortly afterwards, the media published a conservative argument objecting to cloning owing to moral problems, and suggested the constitution include compulsory regulations to forbid obtaining commercial profits from cloning.When interviewed, the scientist stared at th

4、e decorations on the ceiling, thinking for a while, and then said, “Im not in favour of any arbitrary assumption, but undertaking cloning does differ from the straightforward procedure of making loafs out of flour. Until we accumulate enough exact knowledge, any practice is in vain and is bound to f

5、ail. Altogether, being more careful is reasonable or we may walk into a side road.”谨慎对待克隆在最初的一系列实验和修正之后,科学家的辛苦工作终于取得成功,一对双生的克隆火鸡孵化出来,羽毛和爪子都很正常。这一突破或许能使人们喜爱的宠物死而复生。然而,使他不时地烦恼的是:因为它们无法抵抗疾病,使得它们的健康状况极差。这个缺点让他很沮丧。仅仅过了两个星期,克隆体和母体都死亡了,这使他内心里充满了挫折,他在达到自己的目标前就退休了,并选择加入歌剧合唱团来减轻消沉的感觉。之后不久,媒体就因为道德问题而发表了反对克隆的保守

6、论点,并且建议宪法应该包括强制性的法规禁止通过克隆获得商业利益。当被采访时,科学家盯着天花板上的装饰物思考了一会儿,说:“我不赞成任何任意的假设,但是从事克隆与用面粉制作面包的简单过程确实不大相同。在我们积累了足够准确的知识前,任何实际操作都是徒劳无功的,注定会失败。总而言之,更加谨慎地对待克隆是合理的,否则我们或许会误入歧途。”加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空A Pennsylvania patrol (巡逻) officer rescued a German shepherd (牧羊犬) from a car accident in South Londonberry.Since th

7、e rescue, a photo of patrol officer Nick Ague carrying the _1_ that his fellow police officers posted to Facebook has got nearly 4,500 likes and tons of _2_ comments.“Amazing people still do exist!” one user _3_.The act of heroism began on Aug. 11, when Ague heard on the radio that there had been a

8、car _4_ nearby, and that two dogs involved in the crash had fled from the _5_.“I heard other people say they saw a German shepherd _6_,” Ague told AB. “Based on the location I could _7_ the dog was heading west.”So Ague and a few fellow _8_ set out to find the dog, who they later learned was named M

9、ya. They flagged Mya down, _9_ every time they stopped their patrol cars, she would run from them. They called Myas _10_, and when she arrived on the scene, Mya _11_ stopped running. And then the dog wouldnt move at all.That was when Ague realized something was _12_. He quickly realized that it wasn

10、t that the dog wouldnt move but _13_ not move.“The dog was not moving because the skin on her feet was hanging off _14_ the distance she ran,” Ague explained. “She ran two miles from the crash on hot asphalt (柏油)”“When I realized thats why she couldnt walk,” he said, “the _15_ thing I could think of

11、 doing was to pick her up.”So he _16_ Mya up, who he said weighed around 75 pounds, and _17_ her about 100 yards to her owners car.Myas owner, Megan Smith, said that Myas feet were already healed, and she was now walking _18_.Ague, who has a German shepherd of his own and described himself as “a hug

12、e animal _19_”, said he never thought of doing anything besides _20_ Mya.1A.dogBbabyCcat Dman解析:选A由第一段的“rescued a German shepherd”可推断,此处是说埃格扛着一只“狗(dog)”。2A.interesting BbriefCadmiring Dhelpful解析:选C由下文的“Amazing people still do exist!”可推断,埃格救狗的照片获得了很多“赞赏的(admiring)”评论。3A.cried BarguedCwrote Ddoubted解析

13、:选C由上文的“posted to Facebook”可推断,该评论是脸谱网的一位使用者“写(wrote)”的。4A.engine BparkCdriver Daccident解析:选D由下文的“involved in the crash”可知,附近发生了一起交通“事故(accident)”。5A.room BzooChospital Dscene解析:选D事故中的两只狗从“现场(scene)”逃走了。6A.climbing BrunningCswimming Dsleeping解析:选B由倒数第五段中的“She ran two miles from the crash”可知,有人看到一只德国

14、牧羊犬在“跑(running)”。7A.tell BimagineChope Ddeclare解析:选A从当时的位置来看,巡警可以“确定(tell)”狗朝西跑了。8A.doctors BofficersCoperators Dreporters解析:选B由第一段中的“patrol officer”可知,埃格的同事也是“警察(officers)”。9A.since BunlessCbut Dthough解析:选C巡警们让狗停下来,“但是(but)”每次巡逻车一停下狗就跑开了。10A.owner BsellerCtrainer Dleader解析:选A由下文的“Mya . stopped runn

15、ing”及倒数第三段末的“to her owners car”可推断,巡警们给狗的“主人(owner)”打了电话。11A.really BnearlyCfinally Dsecretly解析:选C主人到了以后,狗“终于(finally)”不跑了。12A.stupid BsimpleCfunny Dwrong解析:选D由上文的“the dog wouldnt move at all”可推断,埃格意识到狗“有毛病了(wrong)”。13A.should BmustCcould Dmight解析:选C由下文的“the skin on her feet was hanging off”可推断,狗的脚受伤了,不“能(could)”动了。14A.in addition to Bdue toCin spite of Dinstead of解析:选B“由于(due to)”狗跑得太远,结果脚受伤了。in addition to “此外”; in spite of“不管;虽然”; instead of“代替”。15A.last Bsame



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