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1、高中语法大全一、考点聚焦 1、名词性从句中连接词的运用名词性从句中的连接词有连词that / whether / as if,连接代词what / who/ which / whose / whatever / whoever / whomever / whichever,连接副词where / when / why / how / wherever / whenever。(1)that的用法。主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中用that但不能省略。如:That they are good at English is known to us all.The problem is that we

2、dont have enough money.She expressed the hope that they would come to China one day.宾语从句中的连接词that有时可省有时又不可省,在以下几种情况中that不能省略:(A)当that从句和主句谓语动词之间有插入词语或者从句主语之间有插入语时,that不可省略;(B)当that 从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,that不能省;(C)当that作介词宾语时,that不可省掉。如:He judged that,because he was a child, he did not understand wine Ev

3、eryone knew what happened and that she was worried. The reason lies in that she works harder than the others do.that从句作主语和宾语时,可以用it 来替换成以下几种结构表达。(A)It is clear/certain/likely/true/surprising that (B)It is a pity/shame/good idea/no wonder that .(C)It is said/reported/ believed/known/thought/suggested

4、 that (D)It seems/happens that。如:It happened that I went out last night.It is said that China will win in the World Cup.that和what的区别。that 引导名词性从句时,在主从句中不以当任何句子成分,也没有任何含义;而what引导名词性从句时,在主从句中都要充当一定的句子成分,what可以分解成定语从句中的先行词 + 关系代词即常说的先行词 + that。如:Its shame that he has made such a mistake. Do what he say

5、s.同位语从句与定语从句中that的区别。同位语从句中的连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不担当任何句子成分;而定语从句中的关系代词that在句中做宾语或主语,宾语与先行词有修饰关系。如果句子是同位语从句,就应用连词that而不能用which.同位语从句一般放在表具体含义的名词后解释名词的含义或内容,如以下名词:news、fact、suggestion、truth、plan、belief、doubt、possibility、idea等,而定语从句只是对先行词的限定和修饰。如:They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China

6、again.(同位语从句)The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit China again.(定语从句) (2)whether和if的用法。whether和if在宾语从句中可以互换,但是作介词宾语时连接词一般用whether。如:It all depends on whether they will come back.后面直接跟or not 时用whether。如:I didnt know whether or not he had arrived in Wuhan.主语从句表语从句中只能用whether。如:Whethe

7、r the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.The question is whether they have so much money.whether可以引导同位语从句,用以说明前面的名词的内容,if不能。如:We ought to discuss carefully the question whether we can do it or not.whether常与or连用表示一种选择,if不能这样用;whether也可与动词不定式连用但if不能。如:The question of whether they are mal

8、e or female is not impor-tant.I have not decided whether to go or not.间接引语位于句首时或者是间接引语提前时用whether不用if。如:Thank you, but whether Ill be free Im not sure at the moment.whether可引导一个让步状语从句表示“不管”、“无论”,而if不能。如:Whether he comes or not, we will begin our party on time.(3)疑问词 + ever和no matter + 疑问词的区别。疑问词 + e

9、ver可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的部分。如:Whoever breaks the rule must be punished.You can choose whatever you like in the shop.疑问词 + ever还可引导让步状语从句。如:Whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished,Whatever you do, you must do it well.no matter + 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。如:No matter what you do, you must do it well.No matter

10、who breaks the rule, he must be punished.(4)when和where引导的同位语从句与定语从句的区别。when 和where前面的名词若是表示时间、地点的名词,则when和where引导的是定语从句,否则则为同位语从句。如:They put forward the question where they could get the money.This is the place where the accident happened.2、名词性从句中主句和从句的时态一致(1)宾语从句中主句和从句的时态保持一致,但如果从句中表示提示的是客观现象,虽然主句是

11、过去时态,从句仍用一般现在时。如:Hello,I didnt know you were in London. How long have you been here?The teacher told us that light travels at a very high speed.(2)主语从句作主语相当于单数第三人称作主语,谓语动词用单数,如果由and 连接两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用复数;由两个或多个连接词引导一个主语从句,谓语动词用单数。如:When the meeting will begin has not been decided yet.When they

12、will start and where they go have not been decided yet.When and where the meeting will begin has not been decided.3、名词性从句的词序名词性从句在句中要用陈述句语序。如:He asked me what was the matter with me.Weve heard the news that well move into the new house.Whatever you say will interest us all.二、精典名题导解选择填空1. A computer

13、can only do _ you have instructed it to do.(NMET 2001)A.how B.after C.what D.when解析:答案为C。本题考查的是名词性从句作宾语的用法。此句的引导词既作连词又在宾语从句中充当一成分,故what最合适。2. I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.Is that _ you had a few days off ? (NMET 99)A.why B.when C.what D.where解析:答案为A。此题考查的是从句的用法。根据题意“我上周开车去珠海看航空展去了。”下

14、面一句接着问:“那就是你为什么离开的原因吗?”故用why引导表语从句表示原因。3. I hate _ when peope talk with their mouths full.(NMET 98)A.it B.that C.these D.them解析:答案为A。本题考查的是形式宾语的用法。题意为“我讨厌人们谈话时嘴里塞满东西”。该空白处没有任何含义,而且已经用了when连接该宾语从句,所以此处只填一个形式宾语it。语法复习十:动词的语气虚拟语气一、语气的定义和种类l、语气:语气是动词的一种形式,它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。2、语气的种类:(1)陈述语气: 表示动作或状态是现实

15、的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。如:We are not ready. 我们没准备好。What a fine day it is!多好的天气啊!(2)祈使语气: 表示说话人的建议、请求、邀请、命令等。如: Open the door, please。请打开门。(3)虚拟语气: 表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等。如: If I were you, I should study English. 如果我是你,我就学英语了。May you succeed! 祝您成功!二、虚拟语气在条件从句中的用法 条件句有两类,一类是真实条件句,一类是虚拟条件句。如果假设的情况是有可能发生的,就是真实条件何。在这种真实条件句中的谓语用陈述语气。如: If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。如果假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的,或将来不大可能发生的,则是虚拟条件句。如:



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