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1、2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Your Paradise used to be a fine magazine, but now that it the taste of a completely different reading public it( )has gone down in quality.问题1选项A.deflects fromB.flirts withC.caters toD.hinges on【答案】C【解析】动词短语词义辨析题。A选项deflect from“从偏斜”;B选项flirt with “同调情;不认真考虑”

2、;C选项cater to“迎合口味;为服务”;D选项hinge on“取决于;以为转移”。根据句意你们的天堂杂志本应该是一本优秀的期刊,但是现在却来满足完全不同的公众阅读口味,从而导致明显下降的质量。可知这里表示迎合公众阅读的口味,C选项正确。2. 单选题All the public facilities require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than, ( )through taxes alo

3、ne.问题1选项A.raisedB.is raisedC.to raiseD.raising【答案】B【解析】从句中的省略。分析句子意思 如果我们想要所有的公共设施更好地我们服务,就需要不断投入新的设备和进行改善,所以单独由税收所筹集的钱是远远不够的和结构可知,如果将此处还原成完整的句子应为 requiring more money than it is raised through taxed alone,从句中省略了主语 it, B选项正确。3. 单选题Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Micros

4、oft and Dell. However, I know(1)personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a year, I was(2)hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day in investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of(3)my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of trav

5、eling around the world. But these dreams(4)to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I(5),Texas cellular pone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 per cent(6)a one year period. On the(7)day, it plunged by more than $15 a share. There was a rumor the company was(8)sales figures. That was when I learned h

6、ow quickly Wall street(9)companies that, in one way or another, misrepresent the(10).In a(11), I sold all my stocks in the company, paying(12)margin debt with cash advances from my(13)card. Because I owned so many shares, I(14)a small fortune, half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage comp

7、any. One month, I am a(15), the next, a loser. This one big loss was my first lesson in the market.My father was a stockbroker, as way my grandfather(16)him (In fact, he founded one of Chicagos earliest brokerage firms.) But like so many things in life, we dont learn anything, until we(17)for oursel

8、ves. The only way to really understand the inner(18)of the stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks are doing(19)and you feel like a winner, you learn very little. Its when all your stocks are losing and everyone is questioning your stock picking(20)that you find ou

9、t if you have what it takes to invest in the market.问题1选项A.atB.inC.fromD.by问题2选项A.makingB.spendingC.sellingD.buying问题3选项A.losingB.retiringC.gettingD.quitting问题4选项A.turnedB.cameC.wentD.seemed问题5选项A.ownedB.owedC.rentedD.sold问题6选项A.overB.byC.fromD.with问题7选项A.busyB.slowC.worstD.fast问题8选项A.cheatingB.exag



12、,宾语是how difficult this really is,所以“personal experience”是动作实施的途径,作方式状语。其中,固定表达“know from/through.从中明白”符合语境和句意许多人投资股市,希望找到下一个微软和戴尔。然而,从我的个人经历中,我知道这有多么困难。,所以C选项正确。(2)固定搭配。根据宾语 “hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars 几百,有时是几千美元”和介词in可知,B选项构成固定搭配“spend时间/金钱+in+doing sth.花时间/金钱做某事”正确。(3)固定搭配。根据宾语“my

13、 job我的工作”可知,D选项构成“quit ones job辞职”符合语境和句意在一年多的时间里,我每天都要花费数百甚至数千美元来投资股市。这似乎很容易,我梦想在年底辞掉工作,在巴黎买一套小公寓,环游世界。(4)词组。根据转折连词but确定这一句是说梦想破灭,B选项“come to an end”表示“结束;终止”,正确。(5)词义辨析。根据上下文可知,作者的一支名为“Texas cellular pone wholesaler”的股票大跌,因此,此处表示“拥有”之意,A选项正确。(6)固定搭配。句意但当我持有的一只股票- Texas cellular pone wholesale)-在一年

14、时间里下跌逾75%时,这些梦想突然戏剧性地终结了。over a one year period表示“在短短一年之间”,A选项正确。(7)词义辨析。根据空格后下一句“it plunged by more than $15 a share.股票日跌幅高达15美金。”可知,C选项 “最坏的一天符合语境,正确。(8)词义辨析。cheating欺骗;exaggerating夸大,夸张;announcing宣告,发表;beating敲打,击打;根据关键词“rumor谣言”以及后文“misrepresent误传”可知,B选项“夸大”修饰宾语“销售数字”符合语境,正确。(9)词义辨析。punish惩罚;defeat击败,战胜;tell告诉,讲述 ;show展示,演示;根据定语从句中动词“misrepresent误传;不如实地说明”可知,A项“惩罚(这类



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