Unit 8 Why don‘t you get a scarf Section B

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《Unit 8 Why don‘t you get a scarf Section B》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 Why don‘t you get a scarf Section B(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Why dont you get a scarf Section B 学习目标巩固提建议的表达方式,并学会表达对不同宠物的看法。疑难点拨1. tooto 通常可译为太而不能、太无法。 句型: tooadj./adv.to do这个句型是too.to的最基本的常用句型。 The boy is too young to go to school.这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。 自学导航I can write 1.一个六岁的孩子 2、太而不能 3、照料、照顾 4 life with a pig 5、最不寻常的宠物 6.最受欢迎的宠物 7.入睡 8、赠送、捐赠 9、容易照顾 10.一点也不好

2、 11、需要做某事 12、做一顿饭 13、对感兴趣 14.我想对于一个六岁的孩子来说,狗是比较合适的宠物。 15、狗太难照顾了。 16不过,和猪一起生活并不总是完美的。 17. 每个人都喜欢礼物。 18.这充足使她幸福。 探究1.Fill in the chartNameThe most popular petsThe most unusual petsReport: In my group,I think .are the most .pets.Because . And I think .are the most.pets.Because.2.Writing3bLook at the pi

3、cture.Get ss to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hamsters.(you can choose other animals such as dogs ,cats .)Advantages: Disadvantages: 3.Ss should finish the chart according to 2.(Self check)CountryWhat to give as gifts检测一 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。 1. Look at the s there . It is making a net.

4、2.Have ever heard of the story named “Farmers and S ”? It tells us not to be too good to bad persons. 3. M are very afraid of cats. 4. The man isnt f enough to me. So I dont like him. 二 单项选择1.Mr Brown has two_daughters.They are twins. A.twelve year old B.twelve years old C.twelve-year-old D.twelve-y

5、ear-old2.Its _hot for you_work on. A.very;to B.too;to C.very ;cant D.to;cant3.My mother gave a bike_my sister yesterday. A.to B.for C.with D.in4.You should _others. A.friendly with B.be friendly to C.friend to D.be friends to5.Its too_outside.I cant fall asleep. A.noise B.noises C.noisy D.noisily6.

6、a meal is enough. A. Make B. Makeing C. making7.Liu Ying lives with her grandparents in the countryside because _of her parents work in the city. A.both B.either C. neither D.one8.Jenny,Please_your young sister carefully. OK, Mom. A.take after B.take care of C.take from D. Take off9.Janes mother_lot

7、s of money on womens wear every year. A.spends B.takes C.costs 10.They _three days visiting the Great Wall. A.cost B.took C.spent D.paid11.Tom is a _boy. A.5-year-old B.5 years old C.6-years-old D.6th-year-old12. I dont have_to buy an apartment ,because Im not_. A.enough money;enough rich B.enough m

8、oney;rich enough C.enough money;poor enough D.enough money;enough poor.13.We arent planning to go to Australia,but to Japan_. A.too B.either C.instead D.as well14I dont like milk,give me some apple juice_.A.instead B.back C.away D.soon15.I am_ in all_places. A.interested;interested B.interesting;int

9、eresting C.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested16.Mr Green is helpful and kind,so many people want to _him. A.hear of B.give away C.make friends with D.take care of17.The ice is too thin_so heavy a car. A.to hold B.holding C.holds D.hold18.Jane suggested that we_there at 7:00am. A.arrived

10、 B.to arrive C.arriving D.arrive 19 He likes to play tennis rather than_.A.watch TV B.watching TV C.to watch TV D.watches TV20.The most popular girl in our school Lana. A. name B.named C.names三 完成对话 A: Its my brothers birthday soon. What should I him? B: a sweater?A: No, thats not interesting . I wa

11、nt to give him a surprise. B: a tennis racket? A: Its too . I cant pay for it.B: Oh, I know! I that your brother liked listening to pop music.Why dont you get him CD? A: That good. I will buy him a CD. go shopping with me? B: Sure, lets goReading一、重点词组:1、像一样好 2、鼓励某人做某事 3、取得进步 4、来自全中国 5.同意某人 6、找出、查出 8、与交朋友 二、重点句子:1、一些歌手能够把英文歌曲唱得和英语为母语的人一样好。 2、这种比赛鼓励中国人说英语。 3、它提供了许多方法使北京人对英语产生兴趣。 4、除了唱英语歌曲外,还有许多学英语的有趣办法。 5、也许你甚至能交到以英语为母语的朋友。



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