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1、2016年春季学期九年级英语科检测卷(考试时间:90分钟;满分100分)题 号一二三四五六总 分得 分一 单项选择题(每小题1分,共25分)。( )1. A: I like to sing _ the music.B: Really? But I like music that I can dance _.A:along ; to B. along; withC. along with ; to D. with; with( )2. A:Did you brother_ get up late?B: Yes. But now he _getting up early.A. use to ; i

2、s used to B. use to ;used toC. used to ;is used to D. used to ;used to ( )3.Its good manners_ when people meet for the first time in China. A. to shake a hand B. to kiss each otherC. to bow D. to shake hands( )4.There_ plenty of good dictionaries in the bookstore. You can choose the one you like.A.

3、was B. wereC. is D. are( )5.We wont allow _in the cinema ,but you are allowed_ in the restroom.A. smoking; smoking B. smoke; to smokeC. smoking; to smoke D. smoke; smoking( )6.A:I think the girl under the tree must be Alice.B: No ,Its_ be her. she is in the gym now.A. cant B. mustntC. may D. may not

4、( )7.A: Where is my pen?B: Oh, sorry, I have taken yours _mistake.A. by B. to C. with D. in( )8.People light the lanterns and watch them_ the sky with their best wishes.A. turn into B. send outC. rise into D. put into ( )9. Rice _ in the south of China.A. grows B. growC. is growing D. is grown( )10.

5、A:Your skirt feels so soft.B:Yes,it _silk.A. is made from B. is made of C. makes form D. makes of ( )11.Jerry used to be very shy, but now she is not shy_.A. no more B. no longerC. anymore D. any long( )12.Lisa is _and she has an_ sister.A.11-year-old;8-year-old B.11years old;8-year-oldC.11 years ol

6、d;8 years old D.11-year-old;8years old( )13.I wonder_ there is a bank_ the store.A. if; cross B. if; betweenC. whether; beside D. how; near( )14.A: Excuse me. Could you tell me_ get to the nearest post office?B: Sorry,I am new here.A. how can I B. how I could C. how to D. what I can ( )15.Its good f

7、or us to read English _every morning. But dont read_. A. aloud; aloud B. loud; aloudC. aloud; loudly D. loudly; aloud( )16._useful the iPhone5 is !but I cant afford it .A. how B. what C. what an D. what a( )17.My dad tells me not to_ too late in the evening. He says it is dangerous.A. come over B. g

8、row upC. stay out D. get up( )18.A:Could you buy us_ drinks?B:Sorry, I dont have _money.A. any; any B. any ;some C.some;some D. some;any( )19、A: I hope youll have a good time here B: _ . AWhy not BSo do I CI think so DThanks a lot( )20、_of them likes to read about Chinese history.A. Every B. BothC.E

9、ach D. All( )21、A:Most of us think Class Five will win the basketball game.B: Maybe you are right, But I still _my point.A. go on B. take up C. stick to D. keep on( )22、There are _ students in our collage.A. six hundred B. six hundreds C. six hundreds of D. six hundred of( )23、A: Whats wrong with yo

10、ur TV set? B :The picture_come out Adoesnt Bwont Chasnt Dcant( )24、Soccer is one of _ in the world .A. the popular game B. the popular games C. the most popular game D. the most popular games( )25、A: Mum, Im very thirsty .Id like to drink _ fruit juice . B; All right .It is in the fridge. Help _.A.

11、many more , yourselves B. much more , yourselfC. more many , yourself D. more much , yourselves二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)。One day, two boys were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of 26 . They thought the old woman must be very _27 So they went up to her and

12、said, Are you going to the town?_28 you are , we will help you carry your basket. Thank you, _29 the old woman. You are very kind. Then she told them that she was going to the market of the town to_30 the pears which grew on the only tree in her little garden. We are going to the town , too, said the boys. Let us carry the basket. And then they took hold of it, one each side. They walked_31 with the heavy basket, but happily.The other day, I saw a little girl_32 a banana peel and throw it into the dustbin(垃圾桶)“I wish_33 would throw that on the sidewalk (人行道) , she said. Someone may step



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