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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新目标英语七年级下册重点句型短语(精)新目标英语七年级下册重点句型短语(精)新目标英语七年级下册重点句型、短语一览表(7-12Unit 7 What does he look like?、Useful expression_rs:1. look like 看上去像;长得如何2. have short/curly/long/straight hair 留着短发/卷发/长

2、发/直发3. be of medium height 是属于中等身高4. be of medium build 是属于中等身材5. in Class Five 在五班6. have big eyes 有一双大眼睛7. wear a red dress 穿着一条红裙子8. wear white shoes 穿着白鞋子9. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队的队长10. have short straight hair 留着短短的直发11. be very popular 非常受欢迎12. be thin and be of medium height 长

3、得瘦瘦的,中等身高13. have short curly blonde hair 留着短短的金色卷发14. be (very good-looking 非常漂亮15. a little bit 有点儿16. be a little bit quiet 有点儿文静17. tell jokes 讲笑话18. be a little bit heavy 有点儿重;有点儿笨拙19. have beautiful long black hair 有着美丽的黑色长发20. never do sth. 决不做某事;从不做某事21. stop talking 停止说话22. stop doing sth.

4、停止做某事23. have curly brown hair 留着棕色卷发34. play chess 下象棋35. this person 这个人36. wear glasses 戴着眼镜37. have a beard 留着大胡子38. remember sb. 记得某人39. the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair戴着滑稽的眼镜还留着常常的卷发的流行歌手40. have a new look 有个新形象41. not any more 不再42. Ruth(人名 from New York 来自纽约的鲁思43. go s

5、hopping 购物*44. last month 上个月、Sentences:1. What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长什么样?She is of medium build, and she has long hair.她是属于中等身材,并留着长头发。2. Do you remember ? 你记得吗?3. I dont think hes so great. 我不认为他是那么的棒。4. Nobody knows me. 没人认识我。*5. Here come the movie actors. 电影明星过来了。Unit 8 Id like some

6、noodles.、Useful expression_rs:1. Id like = I would like 我想要2. what kind of 哪种3. beef and tomato noodles 牛肉西红柿面4. what size bowl of 多大碗的5. hed like = he would like 他想要6. a small/medium/large bowl of 一份儿小碗的 / 中号的 / 大碗的7. orange juice 橙汁8. green tea 绿茶9. at the House of Dumplings 饺子馆10. have some great

7、 specials 有些很棒的特色餐11. lunch special 特色午餐12. get dumplings 吃饺子13. ice cream 冰淇淋14. a small orange juice 一小杯桔子汁儿、Sentences:1. Id like some noodles . 我想要点面条。2. What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条?3. What size bowl of noodles would you like? 你想要多大碗的面条?4. What kind of noodles do you have? 你这儿有哪种

8、面条?5. What size do you have? 你这儿有多大份儿的?6. I like and 我喜欢和7. I dont like or 我不喜欢和8. Special 1 has beef and onions. 一号特色餐有牛肉和洋葱。9. Special 2 is just/only RMB 8 for 15. 二号特色餐是要8到15元。10. Orange juice is only 2 RMB. 橙汁只需两元。11. Come and get your dumplings today! 今天来吃饺子吧!12. What kind of dessert would you

9、like? 你想要那种甜食?13. We have 2 great new specials. 我们这儿有两款很棒的新套餐。14. What size of dessert would you like? 你想要多大份儿的甜点?15. Id like a vacation. 我想要个假期。*16. Anything else? 还有什么吗?*17. Would you like any drinks? 你想喝点儿什么吗?Unit 9 How was your weekend?、Useful expression_rs:1. clean ones room 打扫某人的房间2. go to the

10、 beach/pool/mountains 去海滩/泳池/山里3. go to sp. 去某地(玩或做事4. last weekend/week/month 上个周末/星期/月5. on Saturday morning/evening/night/afternoon在星期六的上午/晚上/夜里/下午6. visit sb. 拜访/看望某人7. do some homework/sports 做作业/运动8. study for the science/math test 为理科/数学考试学习(复习9. stay at home 留在家里10. have a party 举行派对11. do s

11、ome reading 阅书;进行阅读12. practice English 练习英语13. play the guitar 弹吉他14. study geography 学地理15. spend the weekend 度过周末16. middle school 中学17. at No.3 Middle School 在第三中学18. for most kids 对于大多数孩子来说19. have a (really busy weekend 有个(相当忙的周末20. cook dinner for me 为我做晚餐21. read a book about history 读一本关于历史

12、的书22. talk show 访谈节目23. see an interesting talk show 看一场有趣的脱口秀节目24. write a new song 写首新歌25. enjoy ones weekend 享受(喜欢某人的周末26. go for a walk (with sb. (和某人一起去散步27. sit down 坐下28. watch sb. do sth. 看某人做某事(的全过程29. wasnt = was not 不是(过去时30. have no dog and no family 没有狗也没有家人31. not want to do anything 不

13、想做任何事32. look tired 看起来很累33. play soccer on my computer 在电脑上提足球34. watch an exercise video 看一盘体操录像带35. listen to the baseball game 听棒球赛*36. have lots of things to do 有许多是要做、Sentences:1. What did you do? 你做了什么?I played tennis. 我打过网球。2. What about your friend? 你的朋友怎么样? What about ? 怎么样?3. How was your

14、 weekend? 你的周末怎样?It was great/OK. 很棒/很不错。It wasnt very good. 不大好。4. We asked sb. what he did last weekend.我们问某人他上周周末干了什么事。5. Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?你认为每个人都喜欢他们的周末吗?6. It was time to go home. 是时候回家了。It is / was time to do sth. 是该做某事了。Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?、Useful e

15、xpression_rs:1. go to New York City 去纽约市2. summer camp 夏令营3. go to summer camp 去参加夏令营4. visit museums 参观博物馆5. visit sp. 参观(走访某地6. go on ones vacation 进行某人的假期7. go to Central Park 去中心公园8. study for exams 为考试学习(复习didnt = did not 不;没(否定词助动词的过去时9. think of 思考;考虑10. a bus trip 一次(长途汽车旅行11. be awful 很讨厌的;糟糕的12. all day 整天13. go to a beautiful beach 去漂亮的



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