Three Historic Changes Twentieth Century in China

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1、Three Historic Changes Twentieth Century in China Introduction: the twentieth century, which lasted for centuries. Overall, the world history of twentieth-century, during the one hundred years, the macro themes of revolution and transition from war to peace and development, the transition from the n

2、ational democratic revolution and the rapid development of the next world war, peace background. We can say that the history of the world has undergone profound changes. At this background, the Chinese revolution and construction with the theme, after three changes. Chinese three historic changes, c

3、an be said of the three turning points in Chinese history, determines the direction of Chinas development. Three inflection points in Chinese history, corresponding to the three historical events - the Revolution, the establishment of new China was founded and socialist reform and opening up, turn g

4、enerates a three standing forefront of the times and history greats - Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping.Revolution and China s first historic changesSen to get rid of Krupp , restoration of China, the Republic of China was founded , the average land ownership for the political Program, Three Pe

5、oples Principles ( nationalism, democracy and livelihood ) as a guide to the Chinese Alliance for the organization, starting with the Wuchang Uprising of the Revolution , End ruled China for several thousand years of monarchy , the establishment of a democratic republic , which is changing the face

6、of a major event in Chinese history Ma Yuan : . Revolution : Twentieth Century China s first historic changes , Peoples Daily Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen , whose political program , guiding ideology , although more rough, although the alliance of political parties that form relatively young , but

7、its historical achievements and to five thousand years of Chinese history and the impact of the unprecedented : an end to the regime , the democratic republic of several thousand years of imperial ideas become universal consensus of the people . Because of this, after the Republic of China, even som

8、eone replies monarchy, but can not withstand the torrent republican , but short-lived. 2 , equality concept deeply rooted . Equality , the French scholar in 1840 to complete his two-volume book Democracy in America and had the words: the progressive development of social conditions of equality , is

9、were inevitable , God dictates , want to stop democracy is to resist God himself , only to meet the social situation of each nation that God gave them arranged . Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen get rid of the bad habits of thousands of years hierarchical autocracy under : cut off the braids , changing

10、 costumes ; abolition of worship, such as greeting etiquette , substituting bow , a handshake ; cancel adults , sir such names , substituting sir, Jun and so on. 3, the Chinese peoples struggle for national independence and national prosperity is more successful attempt.Mao Zedong and Chinas second

11、historic changesReference of data : Sun Yat-sen led the restructured League - the Kuomintang , in1924 achieved the first time cooperation with the Communist Party of China , proposed a United Russia, were to assist the agricultural workers three revolutionary policy, Three Peoples Principles new int

12、erpretation , forming a new Three Peoples Principles .Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong , the new democratic revolution led by the Chinese conductAnd socialist transformation , is China s second historic changes. After the death of Sun Yat-sen , the Chinese Communists inherited his wishes, with t

13、he joint efforts of all the people loyal to his cause , continue to struggle. After 20 years of arduous struggle , the Chinese people finally won a victory of the new democratic revolution , the establishment of the People masters of the Peoples Republic since completed numerous people with lofty id

14、eals of modern Chinese people and the dream of national independence and peoples liberation mission history , opened the nation s development and progress of the new era . Hu Jintao : In the Revolution Centennial Conference speech on .After the founding of the PRC , carried out land reform , the lan

15、d to the peasants .In 1951, the Chinese Communist Party leadership began a new Chinese agriculture, handicrafts and commerce and industry socialist transformation - Peace -style socialist revolution .Completion of socialist transformation , marking the establishment of the socialist system in China

16、overall , announced the worlds population, accounts for 1 /4 of China into a socialist society. Socialist transformation process, especially in the first five-year plan ahead of schedule , changing the economic structure , laid the initial foundation of socialist industrialization.Conclusion : Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen and Maos new China was founded , the evolution of the theme of the Chinese



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