2013届高考英语维“升”素12 前沿科学(完型填空)

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1、高考维“升”素12前沿科学(时间:25分钟 分值:46分)维A 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)(2012江苏卷)The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost nonexistent.In the world of digital technology,email,social networking and online video games,information is meant to be _1_.Solitude can be hard to discover _2_ it has been given u

2、p.In this respect,new technologies have _3_ our culture.The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) _4_ as weve known it.People have become so _5_ in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted _6_ theyd rather not be.Today we can talk,text,email,chat and blog (

3、写博客),not only from our _7_,but from our mobile phones as well.Most developed nations have become _8_ on digital technology simply because theyve grown accustomed to it,and at this point not _9_ it would make them an outsider._10_,many jobs and careers require people to be _11_.From this point of vie

4、w,technology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a _12_ to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who _13_ wants it.Computers can be shut _14_ and mobile phones can be turned

5、 off.The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many _15_,as well as disadvantages.Travelers have ended up _16_ on mountains,and mobile phones have saved countless lives.They can also make people feel _17_ and forced to answer unwanted calls or _18_ to unwanted texts.Attitudes towards our connectedn

6、ess as a society _19_ across generations.Some find todays technology a gift.Others consider it a curse.Regardless of anyones view on the subject,its hard to imagine what life would be like _20_ daily advancements in technology.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了在这个科技迅猛发展的时代,随着各种各样电子产品和通讯工具的出现,人与人之间的联系已经越来越依靠这些高科技

7、产品,独处似乎已经成为不可能的事情。不管你喜不喜欢,如果没有科技的进步,很难想象未来的生活会是什么样子。1A.updated Breceived Cshared Dcollected答案C本段第一句话句意:在这个数字世界,独处几乎是不存在的。所以本句表达的意思是有了电子邮件、社会网络等这些通讯工具,信息意味着被互相分享(share)。update更新;receive得到收到;collect 收集。2A.though Buntil Conce Dbefore答案C一旦你放弃了独处,那么就很难再找回来。此处用连词once引导条件状语从句,符合语境。though尽管,引导让步状语从句; until直

8、到,引导时间状语从句;before在之前,引导时间状语从句。3A.respected Bshaped Cignored Dpreserved答案B新技术应是塑造(shape)而不是尊重(respect)、忽视(ignore)或保护(preserve)我们的文化。 4A.edge Bstage Cend Dbalance答案C既然想与他人有联系,那自然就会结束独处的境地。bring sth to an end使结束,为固定表达。5A.sensitive Bintelligent Cconsiderate Dreachable答案D在这个网络相连的世界,找到一个人是如此容易。此处用reachabl

9、e(可获得的,可达到的)来表达人很容易被找到。sensitive敏感的;intelligent聪明的,有才智的;considerate体贴的,体谅的。6A.even if Bonly if Cas if Dif only答案A由空格前的one can often be contacted(一个人经常会被联系到)与空格后的theyd rather not be可知,空格处表示“即使”(even if)。7A.media Bcomputers Cdatabases Dmonitors答案B我们能交谈、发短信、发电子邮件、聊天和写博客,除了后面提到的能用手机做到之外,当然就是电脑(computer)

10、了。8A.bent Bhard Ckeen Ddependent答案D既然大多数发达国家习惯了这种数字技术,所以人们就变得依赖它们。become dependent on为固定搭配,意为“变得依赖/依靠”。9A.finding Busing Cprotecting Dchanging答案B在这种情况下,不使用(using)数字技术则使他们显得像旁观者、局外人。本处为动名词短语作主语。10A.Also BInstead COtherwise DSomehow答案A除了上文提到的人们已经习惯了数字技术外,许多工作和职业也(also)需要人们互相联系。11A.connected Btrained C

11、recommended Dinterested答案A许多工作和职业也需要人们互相联系(to be connected)。其他选项用在此处的话句意不通顺。12A.pleasure Bbenefit Cburden Ddisappointment答案C下文提到的是那些不想被联系到的人,所以能够被reachable对他们来说自然就是一种负担(burden)。13A.slightly Bhardly Cmerely Dreally答案Dsolitude is still possible(独处仍然是可能的)自然是对那些真正(really)想要独处的人来说的,而不是slightly(稍微地),hardl

12、y(几乎不),merely(仅仅)。14A.out Bdown Cup Din答案B想要独处,就把电脑关掉,手机也可被关掉。shut out不让进入;shut down关闭;shut up住口,监禁;shut in把关在房内。15A.aspects Bweaknesses Cadvantages Dexceptions答案C由空格后的关键词as well as disadvantages可知,应填advantages(有利条件)。16A.hidden Blost Crelaxed Ddeserted答案B游客们在山中迷路(lost),正是手机救了他们的命。如果说是游客们藏(hidden)在或被

13、抛弃(deserted)在山中,则不合常理。17A.trapped Bexcited Cconfused Damused答案A本段提到“被联系上”既有有利条件又有不利条件,上句“手机救了很多人的命”是有利条件,此处指不利条件,当人们被逼无奈回电话或回复信息时,他们会感到陷入困境。trapped陷入困境的,受到限制的。18A.turn Bsubmit Cobject Dreply答案D由17题解析可知此处表示“回复信息”。reply to为固定搭配,意为“回复”。19A.vary Barise Cspread Dexist答案A根据后面的Some.Others.可知人们对待“被联系”的态度不同。

14、vary变化。 20A.beyond Bwithin Cdespite Dwithout答案D此处表示尽管人们的态度不同,但是很难想象没有(without)科技进步的生活会是什么样子。维B1 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)高考曾用材料:2012安徽卷E篇选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:It is 7 oclock in the morning.You check yourself in the mirror,adjust your collar,and consider the busy day ahead.But at least you know that the stress wont

15、 damage your health,for this is no ordinary set of clothes you are wearing.Set within the fabric are numerous sensors,constantly monitoring your vital signs.If danger signs are detected,the garment is programmed to contact your doctorand send a text message telling you to take it easy.Garments that can measure a wearers body temperature or trace his or her he



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